Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 3316: Your cousin is great

No matter how fierce Ye Hong was, Teresia always held Ye Hong's clothes tightly in her hand, not allowing him to leave.

Like a little girl who was afraid of being abandoned by her father, she looked very helpless.

If he hadn't seen the brutality of this guy with his own eyes, Yehong might have been softened by her pitiful appearance.

But Yehong, who knew Teresia's true face, just wanted to scold his mother loudly at this moment.

What kind of catastrophe did he suffer? How could he have such a mess?

Ming Yuan opened the door of the room, stretching his waist, and saw that Yehong's room opposite the door was also opened.

"Oh, Brother Ye is so angry...I'll take it!"

When Ming Yuan saw the red-haired beauty following Ye Hong, he almost flashed his waist in surprise.

And his loud voice also awakened the other friends on the same floor.

For a while, many people opened the door curiously.

Immediately afterwards, there were exclamations one after another.

"The Vulcan inspector?!"

"Firepower violent woman?!"


Everyone rubbed their eyes fiercely, wondering if they were awake.

When they saw Teresia softly pulling Yehong's clothes corner, they were even more stunned.

"You guys last night..."

Hu Susu pointed at Yehong and Teresia, and pointed at Yehong's room, with a strange expression on his face.

The others showed similar expressions.

"Good people, who are they?"

Teresia asked Yehong blankly.


Facing this situation, Ye Hong could only utter a sigh of emotion.

He didn't explain too much, just led Teresia with the corner of his clothes, and walked downstairs like a puppy.

After thinking about it, he decided to send Teresia back to the Phoenix family.

Take this unstable bomb first.

After she recovers her memory, it is not too late to ask for clues about the devilish energy.

Along the way, Yehong was thinking about how to explain Teresia's stay with him.

Falling from the sky?

Come out of the soil?

Yehong, who was thinking, heard a loud noise coming from ahead.

"How could a great living person say that he didn't have it, it must be someone in your research center who hid my cousin!"

Ye Hong looked up and found that two groups of people were arguing.

A group of people and horses are dressed in neat red priest robes with the Phoenix family emblem printed on them.

It was a young protoss youth with a handsome face.

The other group of people are members of the Protoss Technology Assembly wearing white long coats.

The leader was an old woman that Ye Hong had seen in photos, and for the first time in reality.

She wears glasses and has a refined temperament.

But deep in a pair of eyes, there is firmness.

She is one of the four giants of the Protoss Technology Association, the boss of Original Energy Technology [Alida].

Facing the loud questions from the young Protoss, Alida replied with a frosty face: "Mr. Jero, as a senior priest of the Phoenix family, you can't come with your mouth open!

First of all, our Protoss Technology Association has no reason to act on Miss Teresia!

Secondly, if you suspect our Protoss Technology Association, then you have to show evidence too?

On the contrary, our Protoss technology people have reason to suspect that the killer who assassinated His Royal Highness was the missing Miss Teresia! "

The young man known as Genor gritted his teeth and shouted: "You fart! Our Phoenix family is loyal to the royal family, how can we assassinate His Royal Highness?!

Also, why don’t you have any reason to do something to my cousin?

If you remember correctly, the group of murderers who bombed the Vulcan statue are the people of your Protoss Technology Assembly, right?

Let me say it again, my cousin Teresia's disappearance at your research center must be your responsibility.

You dig three feet of the ground, and you will also return my cousin!

Otherwise, the anger of the Phoenix family is not something you can bear! "

In the face of Jenor's overbearing power, Alida was also on fire.

Immediately coldly said: "I also emphasize it again, Miss Teresia's disappearance has nothing to do with my Protoss Technology Association!

Humph! Maybe she went to a private meeting with her lover? ! "

Upon hearing this, Jenor showed a rage that was several times more intense than before: "Nonsense! My cousin Bing Qing Yujie, where is the lover?!"

However, at this moment, behind Janor, someone from the Phoenix family pulled his sleeves: "Master Janor, look over there..."

Jenoer looked sullenly, and his whole person was immediately stunned.

Both sides in the confrontation had similar expressions.

What they saw was Ye Hong...

And Teresia, who cleverly pulled Yehong's clothes.


Alida suddenly burst into laughter.

Facing Jenoer's yin and yang strange air: "Who just said that his cousin Bing Qing Yujie, there can be no lover?"

Upon hearing this, Jenor's face suddenly twisted together.

He quickly brought people from the Phoenix family to Yehong aggressively.

Pointing at Ye Hong pretentiously: "You humble commoner, leave my cousin!"

Ye Hong shrugged and sneered: "Are you guys in the Phoenix family who don't have eyes?

Please, see who is inseparable from whom. "

"Stop talking nonsense here!"

Jenor glared at Yehong, and looked at Teresia with concern: "Cousin, where did you go last night?

We are all worried about you!

Don't be with this civilian anymore, come back quickly! "

As he said, he had to reach out to Latracia.

However, Teresia shrank back and hid behind Yehong.

Looking at Jenor with alert look: "You are not a good person, don't come close to me, I want to be with a good person!"

The hand holding Yehong's clothes not only did not loosen, but tightened.

"Now, have you seen it all?" Ye Hong said with an innocent look.

The members of the Phoenix family looked at each other, whispering and talking.

The protoss technology congregation not far away was also in a commotion.

The leader, Alida, looked at the scene with a look of good looks.

Jenor's outstretched hand stiffened in the air.

Teresia's indifferent attitude and the noisy comments of the people behind him bothered him.

"Shut up to Lao Tzu!"

A cold drink made the Phoenix family members quiet.

Then he glared at Ye Hong, gritted his teeth and said: "What the **** did you **** do to my cousin?!"

Jenor took a bite of a pariah, and Ye Hong's eyes slowly cooled.

Looking at the appearance of Jenor jumping his feet, Ye Hong found the jealous fire hidden in his eyes.

With a move in his heart, could it be that Genor has feelings for Teresia that surpass his cousins?

But this is my shit?

Ye Hong was upset with Jenour's arrogant attitude and decided to disgust him.

So he turned around, took Teresia into his arms, smiled at Genor, and said, "Your cousin... is great."

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