Urban Strongest Emperor System

Chapter 56: The Powerful Fan Yi

Fan Chen and Du Zixuan walked over with dull faces, and stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei! Until now, they still don't want to believe everything in front of them! No no no! impossible! This person must not be Bai Xiaofei! It's just that they look alike! Seeing Du Zixuan staring blankly at Bai Xiaofei, Du Teng immediately introduced with a smile, "Mr. Bai, this is the dog, Du Zixuan!" "Son! I'll meet your Uncle Bai soon!" Poof! When Du Zixuan heard the words, he almost died of anger! ! What a fucking surname "Bai"! It's really Bai Xiaofei! Why! ! Who can tell me what's going on! "Ah...uh...that..." Du Zixuan couldn't fart at all, and couldn't help but look back at Fan Chen. Fan Chen's face turned green, and he turned his head and was about to slip away! Shen Bao stared, immediately pulled Fan Chen back, and shouted: "What's the matter with you? Why are you so ignorant of the rules? Are all the elders here? You want to leave without saying hello!" "Master Bao! Uncle Lin! Du Uncle! Uncle Wu! Uncle Cao! Hello! It is only natural for me to say hello to you!" "But...what is this kid? Let me say hello to him? Or even call him 'Uncle Bai'? Is he worthy?" Fan For the sake of saving face, Chen turned her face on and yelled at the top of her voice! You know, two days ago, Bai Xiaofei still let him insult him like a dick! But now he has turned into his "Uncle Bai"! How can he accept this contrast? I can't accept it at all! And he doesn't intend to accept it either! He wants to rebel! ! "Stinky boy! You!!" Master Bao's expression changed immediately. Unexpectedly, Fan Chen didn't give him any face! He knew that Fan Chen was arrogant! Young Master Bai who refused to bow to his peers! However, I have to humble myself when facing Mr. Bai! I dare not speak loudly! I have to act according to Mr. Bai's face! What the hell are you? Are you more powerful than me? How dare you yell at Mr. Bai? The faces of Lin Hao, Du Teng and others also changed drastically! Fan Chen seemed to look down on Mr. Bai at all, so what are those elders who "please" and "compliment" Mr. Bai? Is it a joke? Fan Chen never dreamed that one sentence would offend all the wealthy people in Jinling to death! "Fan Chen! You fucking shut up for me!" Master Bao said angrily. Cao Hai snorted coldly and said, "Fan Chen! What are you without your father? How dare you yell in front of Mr. Bai?" What! You should be grateful! Be content! Do you understand?" Boss Wu also shouted. Lin Hao looked at Fan Chen, as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped person! He was also roaring in his heart! ! Why! Why don't idiots like Fan Chen die! My son is so cute and sensible! Why did he die! God! You are so fucking "blind"! Du Teng gave Du Zixuan a wink, and then pretended to be casual and said: "At the 'small exchange meeting' we just held! Mr. Bai spent nearly 10 billion yuan! He bought a lot of properties in Jinling!" Boom! This news is like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan! Immediately let the audience explode! Everyone's heads are buzzing! Du Zixuan almost knelt down! Damn it! It turns out that Bai Xiaofei is no ordinary billionaire! And the goddamn tens of billions of gods! ! No wonder I bought a 40 million Bugatti Veyron without blinking an eye! They are really rich! "Bai...Uncle Bai! The villain offended me the day before yesterday! Please see it for my sincere apology! Forgive me this time!" Du Zixuan's face was as pale as paper, and he bowed to Bai Xiaofei to apologize! "Son! You...you actually offended Mr. Bai?" Du Teng was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood! Rebellious son ah ah ah ah! ! Bai Xiaofei didn't even look at Du Zixuan, but looked at Fan Chen coldly! hehe! Fan Chen! I'm afraid you never dreamed that today would happen, did you? And it came so fast? Still so exciting! ! Wen Shan in the distance also exploded! As if insane, he murmured to himself: "My God!! Bai Xiaofei is a billionaire god! A total of ten billion!" ! Such an awesome 'golden master', I just let it go!" "I hate it so much!" Director Zhao was so frightened that he sat on the ground with a slap! "Damn! I'm really fucking crazy!" "I actually pimped Mr. Bai's 'suspect girlfriend'!" "I... I really went to the toilet with a lantern..." Ahhh!!" Hao Mengjie was still looking at Bai Xiaofei bewilderedly! Bai Xiaofei's figure seemed to be close at hand! So close to her! But...it seems very vague again! It's so far away from her! Oh... It turns out that tears blurred my eyes,

That's why it became blurred... Why does my heart hurt so much... It seems that there is something that is lost and missed forever! "I'm no longer good enough for him!" Hao Mengjie sat down dejectedly after wiping away her tears. The distance between her and Bai Xiaofei is getting farther and farther! It's like two parallel lines... I'm afraid they will never intersect! On Bai Xiaofei's side, Shen Bao reprimanded Fan Chen after seeing Fan Chen's delay in apologizing! After all, today is a happy day, not to mention that Fan Chen is still from the Fan family, he doesn't want to push Fan Chen into a hurry! So, he respectfully said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, for Fan Chen's 'young and ignorant' sake, forgive him this time!" Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said coldly: "Impossible! If you make a mistake, you will be punished!" "Uh... what do you want?" Shen Bao's heart tightened. "It's very simple! It's the son's fault!" "I'll find Fan Xinghua in person later!" "I'll buy Xinghua Hotel myself!" "I'll see if he dares to say 'no'!" Bai Xiaofei fisted Wei Wei clenched her hands tightly, and said very confidently. What! Acquire Xinghua Hotel! Everyone in the hall was shocked! real or fake! Cao Hai, Boss Wu and the others looked at each other, but they were not too surprised because they already knew about it! "Okay..." Shen Bao smiled wryly. Pointing at Fan Chen's nose, he cursed: "It's all your fault! I'm going to let you suffer now! I hope Brother Fan can hold on!" "Hehe! Who wants to buy my Xinghua Hotel? ?” At this moment, an unruly, cruel and domineering voice resounded clearly through the audience! When everyone looked back, they saw a tall man with a handsome face, resoluteness, and full of masculinity slowly stepping into the hall! It's today's groom officer! Fan Yi! And beside him, Shen Yue was wearing a wedding dress and followed behind! In the back, there are many flower girls, attendants, etc., there are dozens of people! "Brother!! They are all bullying me!" Seeing Fan Yi, Fan Chen burst into tears and ran to Fan Yi! The faces of Shen Bao and others became serious! Although Fan Yi is a junior, he cannot really be treated as a "junior"! because! Fan Xinghua is going to die soon! After that, Fan Yi will be the new head of the Fan family! new! The richest man in Jinling! ! reading net

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