After Bai Xiaofei left, he didn't really go to take a bath, but asked Lan Butler to help him clean up! "Okay, master." Lan Butler replied respectfully. Then, almost in an instant, the blood stains on Bai Xiaofei's body disappeared! And the clothes on his body have also taken on a new look, and he has become a handsome young man again! Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: "Where did Azanlong go?" "He didn't dare to run to the city, but instead ran to the western suburbs, near Mount Taiyi!" Lan Butler replied. "Okay, let's go find him! Give him a surprise!" Bai Xiaofei said with a smirk. "Yes, master! Let's go!" After Lan Butler finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei's figure disappeared instantly! There are many tourists in Taiyi Mountain at this moment! As the deeds of "Little Immortal Taiyi" spread, more and more tourists came here to worship here piously! Some hope to get rich, some hope to get out of the singles, and some hope that their family's illness will get better... But when everyone was worshiping the strange stone in the shape of "2", a middle-aged woman suddenly screamed! "My daughter is missing!" When everyone heard this, they immediately enthusiastically helped to find her! In a remote location near Mount Taiyi, a little girl was chasing a butterfly! "Little Butterfly! Don't run away~" the little girl called out delicately. If she didn't pay attention to her step, she fell to the ground! But she didn't cry or make trouble, instead she patted the dust off her body and got up stubbornly. But as soon as she got up, she was terrified by the scene in front of her! I saw a terrifying head flying over in an instant, swallowing the butterfly in one gulp. It's Azan Long! When Azanlong saw the little girl, he laughed loudly: "My flying head drop is the best in the world!" "Other people's 'heads' are separated from their bodies, and they will definitely die after forty-nine days!" "But I am different! As long as I can devour 'ninety-nine eighty-one' virgins within 'seventy-seven forty-nine' days!" "I won't die!" "Bai Xiaofei! Wait for my endless revenge!" "Quack quack quack !" After Azanlong laughed wildly, he flew towards the little girl! "Ah!!!!" The little girl was so frightened that she immediately covered her eyes with her hands! However, the horror she imagined did not come to her. She opened her fingers a little, and saw a tall figure standing in front of her! Not someone else! It was Bai Xiaofei! I saw that Bai Xiaofei's big hand was holding Azanlong's head tightly, making it impossible for Azanlong to break free! "Wow! Big brother, you are amazing! But what is this? Is it a ghost?" The little girl asked very curiously. "'s not a ghost, it's my football..." Bai Xiaofei said without blushing. The little girl: "..." "But... why does the football have hair? Can it still talk?" The little girl asked again. "It's not the hair, it's the moldy football! As for talking... it has a tape recorder in it!" Bai Xiaofei continued to make up nonsense in order not to cause a psychological shadow on the little girl. The little girl pouted and shouted: "I don't believe it's a football!" "Don't believe it? If you don't believe me, I'll show you the kick!" After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, he kicked Azanlong's head! After a bang! Azanlong's head exploded! Red, white, splashed all over again! Seeing this, the little girl fainted from fright! Bai Xiaofei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said angrily, "I want you to ask! What's your question? Now it's over! Let's see if you have nightmares at night!" After speaking, Bai Xiaofei asked Lan Butler to send the little girl back to her mother side! On Taiyi Mountain, everyone is still anxiously looking for the little girl! Suddenly, a man pointed at the strange stone and exclaimed, "Look! There is a little girl next to the stone!" "Ah! It's my daughter!" After seeing it, the middle-aged woman rushed over madly. After the girl woke up, she kept crying in the arms of the middle-aged woman! Everyone was stunned. When did this little girl appear? Just now, everyone searched for the vicinity of the strange stone for a long time, but there was no one at all! "Could it be that the little fairy Taiyi appeared?" Everyone was surprised and delighted,

Crazy kneeling before the strange stone! After coaxing the little girl, the middle-aged woman kept kowtowing to thank her! After this incident, the number of tourists who came to Taiyi Mountain attracted several times more! But at this time, Bai Xiaofei had already returned to Jinling, called Shang Qiu Kuang and others, and personally dealt with Jinling's people and affairs! That's what deserves to be killed! The prisoner! Not one will be let go! After finishing all this, he began to gather the resources and power of many wealthy families in Jinling! Started to formally build the "Baidi Group"! At the same time, Chen Ming and Huang Xu also returned to the capital, to the headquarters of the "Assassin"! Their headquarters is located in a luxurious mansion! On the surface, it looks like a normal office group, but in fact, they are all members of the organization! After delivering the password and fingerprints at the gate, both Chen Ming and Huang Xu entered the building! But after entering, the two of them just stayed, because there were only a few female members in the office area where there were people coming and going! And they looked sad, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing! "What's wrong?" Chen Ming couldn't help walking over and asking. "Are you still alive?" When several female members saw them, they were inexplicably surprised and even excited. They hugged them tightly and burst into tears! "What happened? Why can't we get in touch with 'Zhang Tou'! We can't even get in touch with the headquarters!" Huang Xu asked. If it wasn't for the inability to communicate and report with the headquarters, they wouldn't even have to come in person! They even lost contact with the senior member "Zhang Tou" who had been in charge of issuing tasks to them in the past! "The organization's network has been hacked! 'Zhang Tou' is dead! The people who went out to carry out the mission this time...all died!" One person said while crying. "What did you say!" Chen and Huang couldn't believe their ears! Colleagues on missions outside! All... all dead? They couldn't believe it at first! Then there is sadness! And in the end, it was fury! "Who did it!" Both of them went crazy, their faces full of hatred! At this moment, the indoor broadcast suddenly announced that everyone gathered in the conference room for a meeting! During the assembly process, the two also met the leader of "Thorn"! Lonely side! After Dugu Fang saw Chen Ming and Huang Xu, he immediately froze! Then, he tightly grabbed the necks of the two of them! Roaring: "This time, it is the 'de-assassination operation' against us by overseas forces! All our members who were performing missions outside died!" "Even including the 'grand master' 'Nie Ming'!" Even Nie Ming is dead! Why are you alright?" "Why!" "Why!" "Why!" Dugu looked crazy and burst into tears! reading net

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