Urban Strongest Emperor System

Chapter 101: Here Comes Pei Na

The two opened the letters and found that a name was mentioned in each of them! "Bai Xiaofei!" "Bai Xiaofei!" "Bai Xiaofei!" The two looked at each other, the boss with their mouths open, unable to speak for a long time. After a long while, Principal Zhu said: "Let's go see Bai Xiaofei with the letter! As for how to choose, let's see him!" "That's the only way!" Zhou Yan nodded dumbfounded. But they didn't know that Bai Xiaofei was in a "dilemma" now! Back to a few days ago! That day Bai Xiaofei hurried back to the villa! As soon as she got home, she saw Su Mei coming out with a sullen face. Seeing Bai Xiaofei, her eyes immediately turned red. "Aunt doesn't seem to like me!" Su Mei bit her lip and said pitifully. She just met Jiang Xiaohui and Bai Zhanpeng. Bai Zhanpeng's attitude is not bad, but Jiang Xiaohui doesn't look at her normally, and hardly wants to talk to her! This immediately broke her heart! "How is that possible! She must be jealous of how good-looking you are!" Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said. Pfft! Su Mei laughed through tears, but there was still deep worry in her eyes. "Little bastard! What are you talking about!" Jiang Xiaohui just came out when she heard the sound of the car. She seemed to have heard something and immediately grabbed Bai Xiaofei's ear! "No! I didn't say anything!" Bai Xiaofei waved his hands desperately. "Come here!" Jiang Xiaohui pulled her son aside and gave Su Mei a very defensive look. When she saw Su Mei entering the room with a lonely expression, she snorted and opened her mouth! "Son! What look in your eyes! Why did you find a 'fox spirit'?" Jiang Xiaohui was very dissatisfied with Su Mei. "Su Mei isn't a vixen! She's such a good person!" Bai Xiaofei was in a hurry. "Hmph! What's the matter? I don't think so much! You can't even compare to half of 'Xiaona'!" That girl! I've always liked it!" "She's so slim! She's sure to give birth to a fat boy!" "That's it! I'll call her right away and ask her to come to Jinling!" Jiang Xiaohui said happily! It turned out that she didn't like Su Mei, not because Su Mei was not good enough, but because she already had a candidate for a daughter-in-law in her heart, so she looked down on Su Mei! When Bai Xiaofei heard the word "Xiaona", he immediately exploded! "Mom! What are you talking about! Why are you mentioning her?" Pei Na was his childhood sweetheart's little neighbor. The two of them often played house when they were young, and even said foolishly that they would get married and have babies in the future with a runny nose! But after the two grew up, the family conditions became more and more disparate. Bai Xiaofei's family was still poor, but Pei Na's family had already moved into the county and lived in a bungalow! Since then, the two people's life trajectories have been different, and the high school is not the same, and the contact has become less and less. Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei went to Jinling University, but Pei Na didn't continue her studies. Instead, her family arranged a leisurely job in the county. "There is nothing to mention! She always comes to see me at home! She has always been interested in you! Can't you see it?" Jiang Xiaohui looked at her son. Bai Xiaofei fell silent. To be honest, although Pei Na's appearance is far inferior to Su Mei's, she does hold a huge weight in his heart! But, that's all! Two people can only be friends in this life, not lovers! In his heart, he only loves one woman! That's Su Mei! Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei quickly shook his head and said, "Mom! Stop talking! I love Su Mei! Su Mei loves me too! That's enough!" "You brat!" Jiang Xiaohui was furious. At this time, Bai Zhanpeng came out with a cigar in his mouth, and scolded: "You old woman, what are you talking about! That little girl Su Mei is so nice!" "Xiao Luo is also very cute!" Na is a hundred times stronger!" "You're the one with eyes!" Jiang Xiaohui immediately became furious, and shouted, "You old bastard, you don't even know your last name with a broken cigarette in your mouth?" "Is your skin tight? ?” After speaking,

Go after your husband. Bai Zhanpeng flung his legs away, and turned his head to wink at Bai Xiaofei. Bai Xiaofei was grateful in his heart: "Father, this is 'sacrificing one's life for righteousness'!" However, after an unpleasant dinner! Jiang Xiaohui secretly made a phone call at night, and it lasted for several hours! the next day! Pei Na is here! Bai Xiaofei was almost dragged to the train station by his mother! Soon, I saw a girl with an above-average appearance and a slightly plump figure walking out nervously. "Xiaona! We are here!" Jiang Xiaohui was so happy that she walked up quickly and took Pei Na's little hand. "Auntie!" Pei Na's face flushed with excitement. Jiang Xiaohui patted the back of Pei Na's hand dissatisfied, and said, "What's the name 'auntie'! 'Mom'!" "Huh?" Pei Na's face turned redder, and she wanted to find a place to hide. I didn't dare to look at Bai Xiaofei anymore. Bai Zhanpeng hurried over, glared at Jiang Xiaohui, and said, "What are you talking about! You're not afraid to scare the child!" Then, he smiled kindly at Pei Na and said, "Xiaona! Xiao Fei has a successful career. Well! I still miss you as a young girl in my heart, so I invited you to Jinling for two days!" "Yeah." Pei Na only looked at Bai Xiaofei at this time. "Pei Na! Long time no see!" Bai Xiaofei said with a straight face. "Brother Xiao Fei..." Pei Na only glanced at it, then quickly lowered her head. The current Bai Xiaofei seems to be much more handsome than before! It actually made her feel a little bit moved! Bai Xiaofei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his tone was deliberately "cold", but this silly girl didn't seem to hear it. In the next few days, the few of them traveled around Jinling. And it so happened that at this time, Principal Zhu and Zhou Yan came to Bai Xiaofei's villa together! At this time, Bai Xiaofei was unhappy with his mother and Pei Na, when he heard the news, his eyes lit up immediately. "Sister Hui! Someone from the school came to my house! I want to go back! Pei Na! You guys had so much fun!" Bai Xiaofei "reported" to his mother, and then wanted to run away! "Where are you going! Are you making up nonsense, kid?" Jiang Xiaohui was a little angry! Why is my son so stupid? How nice is Pei Na, why doesn't he look down on him! Bai Xiaofei explained for a long time, but it was useless at all! No way, the family immediately returned to the villa in a mighty way! "Huh? Principal Zhu?" Bai Xiaofei frowned, and it turned out to be the principal of Jinling University! This surprised him a bit! As for Zhou Yan, he didn't even care about it! Zhou Yan was not embarrassed, and took the initiative to say hello in a low voice: "Chairman Bai!" But when Jiang Xiaohui and Bai Zhanpeng knew that the person who came was actually the president and dean of Jinling University, they couldn't sit still! Hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands with the two of them, looking a little excited! My son is really promising! Even the principal and dean had to nod and bow when they saw their son! Ha ha! Cool! Facing this ordinary middle-aged couple, Zhou Yan and Principal Zhu didn't dare to neglect them in the slightest. Instead, they were flattered! The expression is also extremely respectful! The four looked eager and chatted non-stop, as if they had been close friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. Bai Xiaofei was taken aback! After exchanging pleasantries, the two took out the letter from Shuimu University! But they didn't give it to Bai Xiaofei! Instead, it was tacit...and handed the letter to Jiang Xiaohui and Bai Zhanpeng! reading net

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