Urban Strongest Emperor System

Chapter 648 Spiritualization

Seeing that his slaves were being slaughtered, the man fell into madness.

The next moment, I saw his eyes were red, and his whole face became distorted, as if he was in the process of suffering very painfully.

At the same time, a destructive aura emanated from his body, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Go to hell!"

The man roared angrily, opened his hands, as if embracing an invisible big ball, and slammed towards Bai Xiaofei fiercely.

rumbling rumbling...

The ground was plowed into a semi-circular linear trace, and this trace formed so quickly that it seemed to be formed abruptly, without any warning.

"What's this?"

Bai Xiaofei even felt that time was frozen, and space was frozen!

The man's mental attack turned out to be like an entity, making his thinking dull.

"This is his trick? It's really powerful!"

Bai Xiaofei's heart tightened, the man's strength really cannot be underestimated, if this mental attack of strength hits him, it may not be able to hurt himself.

Moreover, even if you can't hurt yourself, as long as you delay yourself for a while, Sui Xin and Mrs. Yun will undoubtedly die!

However, the speed of the "giant ball" formed by this entity's mental attack is so fast that he has no time to dodge it now.

"Hmph, break it for me!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were fixed on the front!

This physical giant ball transformed by mental power is extremely destructive, but it is also the easiest to destroy because of its spherical shape!

When the giant void ball was about to crush Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei finally stretched out two fingers, using them as finger swords!

When the sword hits, it concentrates on the weakest point of the spherical mental power!

There happens to be the very center of the sphere, and it is also the most unstable point!


The giant ball of mental power immediately dissipated,

A large pit with a depth of tens of meters was blown out!

Originally, the power of this gigantic explosion could be dozens or even hundreds of times greater than it is now.

But now because Bai Xiaofei destroyed it, its power has been reduced countless times, and it can't cause any damage or influence to Bai Xiaofei at all!

The man's attack did not bring much threat to Bai Xiaofei, it was quite an illusion that there was more thunder than rain.

"How is it possible! Is he still human?"

Seeing this scene, the man had an expression of disbelief on his face.


I am a majestic demigod, and the attack ball that I did not hesitate to spend most of my divine power to condense was pierced by a human finger like this?

How can it be!

Am I a demigod, or is he a demigod?

He even looks like a real god!

The man has fallen into sluggishness and despair, as if he is at the end of his rope, and can only wait for the tiger to be slaughtered in the end!

In fact, he still doesn't know that Bai Xiaofei's current strength is mostly sealed. If he were to know about this, his spirit might collapse completely.

"Die to me!"

At this time, Bai Xiaofei had already arrived in front of the man, grabbed the man's neck, and lifted the man's body abruptly.


The man looked at Bai Xiaofei in great fear, his face was extremely pale, obviously frightened to the extreme.

Although he was desperate, he didn't want to die, he just didn't want to fight Bai Xiaofei anymore.

One reason is that he is not Bai Xiaofei's opponent at all! If you continue to fight, you will bring yourself to be humiliated and perish!

The second is that just now most of his mental power has been turned into a solid ball and hit out. Now he is almost equivalent to a state where his brain has been hollowed out. He is completely powerless to fight anymore and can only surrender!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Seeing that their master was captured by Bai Xiaofei, many primitive people and giants roared in surprise and anger.

Then, they immediately left Mrs. Yun and Sui Xin indifferent, not in the mood to catch prey at all, but all surrounded Bai Xiaofei in a circle, staring at him.

Not to mention, these guys clearly knew how much Xiao Fei had slaughtered, and they knew that they were not Bai Xiaofei's opponent, and they could only die if they came up.

However, they still came, and none of them escaped!

I have to say that this "loyalty" surprised Bai Xiaofei a bit.

"But it's not necessarily true. Maybe they are under control and dare not escape? If they escape, maybe the end will be even worse!" Bai Xiaofei thought again.

Bai Xiaofei guessed right, these primitive people and giants were indeed tricked, so their IQ could not evolve, and they dared not betray them!

If there were no such restrictions, they would have run as far as they could.

After all, a strong man who can defeat a man is not something they can fight against!

Although their spiritual intelligence is not high, they still know their strengths and weaknesses. In their hearts, their master is very powerful!

But now, the human being in front of him can treat their masters as if they were playthings. This level is simply unheard of!

It even made them think of the "True God" who had met once!

"Let them all kneel down and not resist!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the man and said loudly.

"Yes... yes! Kneel down!"

The man gave orders to the surroundings.

plop puff...

These primitive people and giants were very straightforward, without the slightest procrastination, they all knelt in front of Bai Xiaofei.

It's strange to say that the man has a feeling that the reason why these slaves are so happy is probably not just because they dare not resist their orders.

Rather... because Bai Xiaofei's coercion and evil spirit were too heavy, they were already afraid to kneel down!

The mood of these slaves at this time... is basically the same as him!

Fuck it!

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

"Are you all right?"

At this time, Sui Xin and Mrs. Yun also cautiously came to Bai Xiaofei's side. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei had surrendered all these underground people with his own power, their eyes were full of admiration!

After all, if Bai Xiaofei's current strength is intact, it is not difficult to achieve this level.

But you have to know that Bai Xiaofei can only use a little bit of divine sense and physical ability now!

With just this little bit of strength, he can easily subdue these seemingly tricky guys.

This level and horror have surpassed the imagination of Sui Xin and Mrs. Yun!

"I'm afraid that even if Sui Xin and I have not been sealed, we may not be able to defeat these guys! But Lord Baidi is so easy!"

"My God! What is the strength of Lord Baidi?"

"Where is his limit?"

Madam Yun looked at Bai Xiaofei, full of admiration.

Sui Xin couldn't help thinking: "Even Lagus from the Light Realm is probably not the match of Baidi?"

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