Urban Strongest Emperor System

Chapter 700: Cross the Sea!

"Is it?"

"Just now I was careless, so I didn't refine it..."

"But if I set my heart on it, and even have the determination to die..."

"I think this mere fragment of the law of the dragon, and the soul of the ancestral dragon attached to it, may not be able to withstand my full blow!"

After hearing Long Zhan's words, Bai Xiaofei showed a resolute look on his face, and the words he said made Long Zhan's expression change drastically.

"You...are you crazy!" Long Zhan couldn't help roaring.

He also felt Bai Xiaofei's relentless aura, if Bai Xiaofei really wanted to break the little golden talisman with all his might, he might really die.

Thinking of Bai Xiaofei's weird methods, he couldn't help but shudder.

"But... I've changed my mind now!"

But suddenly, Bai Xiaofei changed the subject and said thoughtfully: "Actually, I don't need to destroy this fragment..."

"Now I want to make them truly condense into a 'Complete Law', and then get the complete Dragon Law to reach the sky in one step!"

"In that case, I will really soar into the sky!"

"You can directly become a master-level character, and become a more powerful existence than Zulong!"


"Not a single fragment is missing!"

After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking such bold words, not only Long Zheng, but even Long Zhan were dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their ears.

"What? You..."

"You have to gather all the fragments of the law and refine the law of the dragon yourself! Then..."

"Become the master of dragons?"

Long Zhan roared blankly, his tone full of unthinkable.


"That's what I think, so even if I can destroy the little golden talisman, I will never do it!"

"Otherwise if it is smashed,

Turn it into the most basic particles, and they will be scattered all over the universe..."

"If only relying on their natural aggregation, from elementary particles to become a fragment of law again, if there is no human factor, it will take hundreds of millions of years!"

"Even if human beings intervene, it will take more than a million years, and only a master-level giant can do it. After all, it is almost impossible to find all those elementary particles that are almost equivalent to 'nothingness' from every corner of the universe. What is possible, what can be done, is the master... and time!"

"So not only would I not do that..."

"I guess the reason why Long Xingshui didn't kill you back then is also because of this reason!"

After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, he stopped.

Immediately, the law fragment in his hand stopped struggling.

The phantom and coercion of Zulong also disappeared immediately, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Long Zheng and the others were already sweating profusely and out of breath, and only then did they get better.

However, when they heard Bai Xiaofei's words, they understood that Bai Xiaofei would never destroy this piece of law no matter what, because after it was destroyed, it was almost impossible to condense again!

"Difficult...couldn't Long Zhan kill him?"

"Or...you can't kill them?"

"However... Lord Baidi seems to have thought of another method!"

"But for sure..."

"This fragment of the law of the dragon must have nothing to do with me..."

Seeing this scene, Long Zheng thought with a wry smile in his heart.

Long Zhan was shocked and angry, not knowing what Bai Xiaofei meant.

But he faintly felt that something bad was about to happen, so he could only say shyly, "Lord Baidi!"

"I really want to give this fragment to you, but I can't do it at all, it has already recognized me!"

"So, this is none of my business, you must be aware of the details!"

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't do it even if I commit suicide. You know what I mean?"

Bai Xiaofei laughed out loud when he heard this, the thick skin of Long Zhan probably surpassed the city wall.

But he didn't care at all, because in his eyes, Long Zhan was already dead.

Even the shards of the law of dragons will definitely not be able to keep him!

"You can't do it, I can help you do it!"

"The Fragment of Dragon's Law can't make a choice, I will help it make a choice!"

"In order to completely 'free' you, I will help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering!"


After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, he made another bold move, pouring infinite divine power into the little golden talisman.

But this time, Bai Xiaofei's purpose is not to destroy the little golden talisman, but to refine it!

"What are you doing!"

Long Zhan sensed Bai Xiaofei's intention in an instant, and roared crazily.


"You're fucking delusional!"

"Only those dragons whose cultivation base is at the 'god level' are eligible to participate in the competition for fragments of the law of dragons!"

"You are a mere human, not a dragon at all!"

"How can you compete with me?"

"It's even more useless to say that you can attach the imprint of life to it, don't you fucking dream!"

Long Zhan was enraged by Bai Xiaofei's actions, thinking that Bai Xiaofei was humiliating him and the fragment of the Dragon Law.

Although he is now a prisoner-like existence, he doesn't look down on humans at all in his heart.

That's why after seeing Bai Xiaofei's actions, he was so furious!

Of course, more sneers and disdain.

But he knew that even if Bai Xiaofei couldn't refine the fragments of the Law of Dragon, at most he would only suffer a little bit of backlash, and he wouldn't be in danger of his life.

Therefore, apart from ridiculing with words, he didn't have too many other fantasies, such as Bai Xiaofei would be backlashed to death.


He still thinks too little too little!

He knew too little about Bai Xiaofei!

He knows too little about the potential of human beings!

next moment!

Hearing Bai Xiaofei laugh wildly, he shouted arrogantly: "Who said that only the dragon clan can refine the fragments of the law of dragons? I can too!"

"I killed so many dragons in the hidden world back then, and got so many dragon yuan!"


"Just for today!"

"Practice for me!!!"


Then, countless dragon auras emerged from Bai Xiaofei's body, completely enveloping Bai Xiaofei in an instant.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei's aura and even his soul carried the unique dragon aura, so that no one could notice the slightest difference between him and the dragon.

"My God! Can it still be like this?"

Long Zheng immediately became excited, his eyes nearly popped out.

The other dragons were also full of disbelief.

Because in their feeling, Bai Xiaofei has indeed turned into a real dragon at this moment, and even the dragon breath coming from inside and outside his body, to a certain extent, far surpasses them.

It's as if Bai Xiaofei is the real dragon clan, the real boss of the dragon clan!

And they seem to be fake dragons.

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