Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1001: Miss Tongtong is missing?

"What? Scold Lin Feng severely? Grandma, you're making a joke again.? WWW.suimeng.lā"

After hearing her grandma's suggestion, Qin Yanran really couldn't laugh or cry, "Grandma, you know I never scold someone."

"Then answer the phone and see what Lin Feng has to say!" Grandma said with a smile.


Qin Yanran knew at this moment, grandma was trying to persuade herself to answer Lin Feng's call. Thinking back about it, I really should calm down and listen to Lin Feng's explanation.


After answering the phone, Qin Yanran deliberately acted less enthusiastically and said casually.

"Hey! Yanran, why did you take so long to answer the phone?"

Upon hearing Qin Yanran's voice, Lin Feng was obviously a little'excited', and smiled, "I just got off the plane and went back to Zhi'an, and I called you."


Qin Yanran simply "oh" and deliberately ignored Lin Feng, making trouble with her little emotions.

"What's the matter? Yanran, are you still angry? I tell you, I really have important things these days, and I went to a long distance with... with a crazy girl. You have to believe I really didn't mean to stop going to the TV station that day. I really have an urgent matter, and I told reporter Zhou beforehand that it won't pass."

Knowing that Qin Yanran is still sulking herself, Lin Feng explained patiently.

"Lin Feng, is this really the case?" Qin Yanran muttered with a grievance on her face.

"Of course! I swear, Yanran, I have nothing to do these days. Or... I will go to your house to play with you early tomorrow morning, OK? As compensation for you, how about you? What am I doing, what am I doing!" Lin Feng could hear Qin Yanran's tone that she was not so angry anymore.

"Come here tomorrow? Okay! That's what you said, Lin Feng, tomorrow will happen to be at home with your mother. I will ask your mother to cook for you. You must come over!"

Qin Yanran, who was still thinking about stubbornly snubbing Lin Feng for a while, when he heard that Lin Feng would come to accompany him tomorrow, he immediately left the angry things behind.

"En! It's a deal, hehe! I'll also show you some good dishes at that time and cook some good dishes for Aunt Ping and Grandma."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he hung up the phone. Qin Yanran was better off. After all, she was a little girl with no love experience. Although she was prone to get angry, jealous and upset, her anger disappeared quickly. Sometimes she looks a little cute when she gets angry.

"Lin Feng, Qin Yanran...Are you angry with you? Do you want me to explain to her?"

Seeing Lin Feng with a sweet smile on his face after finishing the call, Xiao Nishang mumbled his mouth, full of discomfort.

"No! No... Yanran is no longer angry, mad girl, don't mess with me Amitabha. Okay, now I have the treasure hunter too. Thank you for introducing the Tianshan faction to me. I will go first! , Let's call!"

After speaking, Lin Feng got out of the airport and took a taxi back to his new home in the Jinou community.

"Smelly Lin Feng! Smelly Lin Feng! Seeing'color' forgets meaning, hum!"

Watching Lin Feng leave himself and go home, Xiao Nishang picked up the phone with a face of displeasure and called Huang Qiming, "Uncle Huang, Lin Feng and I have returned from Tianshan. We are at the airport now. You are driving over. Pick me up!"

"Miss, are you back? Good! I happen to be nearby, and the horse drove over."

Huang Qiming’s words had a hint of rush. Five minutes later, he drove and appeared at the'door' of Zhi'an Airport. After observing the surrounding conditions, he got out of the car to pick up Xiao Nishang and said cautiously. "Miss, the news that you have a secret key has now spread all over the ancient martial world, and I am afraid that Ouyang Feng has been completely ruthless. The commander has spoken, since the college entrance examination has been completed, let you two days Transfer back to the capital clan. There is an old man in the clan. No martial artist has the courage to come blatantly in the capital..."

"That **** of Ouyang Feng, this time I went to Tianshan with Lin Feng and encountered various dangers. Even the genetic warriors of the Lawrence family were dispatched..."

After Xiao Nishang got in the car, he briefly recounted what happened to him and Lin Feng in Tianshan.

"What? A genetic warrior with a rocket launcher? That must be the Rocketer Jack of the Lawrence family. Lin Feng can survive Jack's rocket launcher and'force' Jack to escape from the cliff? This... this is incredible? Miss, you just said... Lin Feng used a light-type magic weapon to block the rocket shells?"

Upon hearing what Xiao Nishang said, Huang Qiming was even more surprised. Ever since he knew that Ouyang Feng had completely leaked the news of the ‘dew’, Huang Qiming knew that Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang’s trip to Tianshan would not be so smooth, but he did not expect to encounter so many dangerous interceptions. What is even more incredible is that even the gene warrior Rocket player Jack of the Lawrence family was dispatched, but Lin Feng was still able to deal with it freely.

"Yes, a strange light, I didn't even see Lin Feng's action. Anyway, a bright light blocked the front of the jeep, and the shell exploded by itself. I guess it should be a treasure similar to a bracelet magic weapon." Xiao Nishang nodded solemnly.

"The magic weapon that can block the rocket launcher, this... is it too bad?"

Huang Qiming couldn't imagine how such a picture would look like, and what kind of magical weapon could it have that could stop the rocket launcher?

"I also feel incredible, but the facts are so. Otherwise, Lin Feng and I won't be able to come back alive."

Xiao Nishang gave a wry smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unfortunately, I asked Lin Feng that he still guarded me and didn't tell me what kind of magic weapon it was. "


On the other hand, Lin Feng returned home. My parents were still in the Hero’s Restaurant and did not come back. Lin Feng rushed to Li Yutong’s house next door, trying to show her the treasure hunter he just caught, but found that Li Yutong seemed to be Not at home either.

"Sister Tongtong is still in the Hero's Restaurant? Didn't it mean that now the Hero's Restaurant is formal, she doesn't need to manage it?"

With a "confused" voice, Lin Feng dialed Li Yutong's cell phone, only to hear the phone ringing in Li Yutong's bedroom.

"Sister Tongtong didn't bring her phone out of the'door'? Where would she go? Heroes' restaurant? Or Meiyuan's'female' health club?"

Lin Feng, who became vigilant, immediately called both Heroes’ Restaurant and Meiyuan’s Female Health Club, only to find that Li Yutong had never been to Hero’s Restaurant and Meiyuan’s Female Health Club since yesterday.


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