Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1030: Difficult call

Lin Feng was not only worried about Xu Minjing's sudden decision to leave at that time, in fact, all the students in the third grade class also had a hard time letting go. {Щww{suimеng][lā}. . ! After all, Xu Minjing was the head teacher who taught them for three years. He worked hard, studied together, cried and laughed with them for three years.

At such a critical juncture of the college entrance examination, Xu Minjing left so quietly, it is indeed a bit difficult for the students in the third grade class to accept. In addition to the pressure of the college entrance examination, students have to work hard not to think about Mr. Xu's affairs. On the contrary, after the college entrance examination is over, the students in the third grade class, like Lin Feng, miss Xu Minjing more.

Although Zhang Zhen has been the same as Lin Feng for three years, he has not been scolded by Xu Minjing or invited by parents, but in general, he knows that it is Teacher Xu who is doing his own good, and he can feel the hatred of Xu Minjing. Steel's painstaking efforts. Now I heard Teacher Xu called back again, and of course he was better.

"This madman, Mr. Xu didn't say a word when he left, and never contacted us again. Why are you just calling Lin Feng now?" Zhang Zhennu slammed and looked at Lin Feng who was calling in the living room.

And when Lin Feng received Xu Minjing's call, his "excitement" was also evident, and there seemed to be a thousand words in his heart to talk to her during these hours. However, I really heard Xu Minjing's voice, but she was speechless again, and she didn't know what to say.

"Lin Feng, how is it? You must have done well in the college entrance examination, right? The teacher saw the live broadcast of Damin's interview. Although the results have not yet come down, I still have to congratulate you! The college entrance examination language has got full marks."

Xu Minjing's voice seemed calm on the surface, but Lin Feng could hear Xu Minjing's voice trembling.

"Yeah! Teacher Xu, thank you. I...I'm just using my strength for the test normally. By the way, Teacher Xu, how are you in Beijing? Why do you call you and shut it down?" Lin Feng didn't want to Talking to Xu Minjing too much about her college entrance examination results, because what he cares most now is the situation of Xu Minjing's further studies at Beijing Normal University.

"Me? How's the teacher! Nothing, Lin Feng, you...you and the classmates don't have to miss me. The teacher is really doing well. Every day I go to listen to the lectures of the professors. The days are very fulfilling and too busy. I haven't turned on my phone."

Xu Minjing first had a meal for Lin Feng's inquiry, and then said calmly.

"Then... Teacher Xu, do you... have you..." Lin Feng asked nervously.

"Is there anything?" Xu Minjing asked.

"Did you miss me... I mean, did you miss us classmates?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly, and asked euphemistically.

"Of course, Lin Feng, these days in Beijing, I have always missed you...you and the classmates. And I am cheering for you during the college entrance examination!"

Xu Minjing smiled and said.

"By the way, Teacher Xu, I... After the results come out, Yanran and I will go to the capital and visit you at the Normal University." Lin Feng said again.

However, when Xu Minjing heard this, she seemed to be electrocuted, she immediately shook her head and said, "No! Lin Feng, you don't come...Teacher, the teacher is too busy to study, no...no time to see you and Yanran... …"

"Isn't it? Teacher Xu, you are just going for further studies. Where are you so busy?" Lin Feng knew that Xu Minjing was afraid to see herself and Qin Yanran, so he said further, "Then... I will go alone before then. Looking for you, Yan Ran won't go?"

"Let's...let's talk about it again! Lin Feng, by the way, I...I want to go to the library to read and study...Speaking of which. Finally, the teacher wishes you good grades in the college entrance examination!"

After that, Xu Minjing hung up the phone in a hurry. For her, it was still ‘quite’ difficult for her to pretend to call Lin Feng so peacefully. Lin Feng listened to the beeping sound, and there was an unspeakable melancholy in his heart. Could it be that Teacher Xu hasn't figured it out yet? Are you still mad at yourself? However, if Teacher Xu is still angry, why does she take the initiative to call herself?

Although I couldn't figure out what Xu Minjing was thinking, but fortunately, this phone call let Lin Feng know that Xu Minjing's peace and security in the capital would be fine. After waiting for the college entrance examination results two days later, he must go to Beijing Normal University to see her anyway.

"Crazy man, how is it? What did Teacher Xu say?" Zhang Zhen walked out of the bedroom and asked as soon as he saw Lin Feng finished the phone call.

"Nothing! Teacher Xu called to care about our college entrance examination results." Lin Feng replied.

"Then Teacher Xu said when he will return to Zhi'an City? Can you come to our teacher appreciation banquet?" Zhang Zhen asked again.

"Master Xie Yan? I didn't say this, but I guess it won't."

Lin Feng shook his head. He didn't think Xu Minjing might come back to attend the thank-you banquet.

"That's a shame! After all, Teacher Xu has taught us for three years, and I can't justify Xie Shiyan without her." Zhang Zhen also said regretfully.

At this time, in the'female' dormitory of Beijing Normal University, Xu Minjing called from the corridor window outside the dormitory. After hanging up the phone, her eyes were sour and red, and she wanted to cry. I quickly wiped my eyes and returned to the dormitory without letting my roommates see what was wrong.

"Sister Minjing, what's the matter with you? You cried after making a phone call? It was to your boyfriend? Huh! I want to see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what kind of man is so unconscionable, yes Sister Minjing, you are such a beautiful'female' as a'female' friend. You dare to make you angry and make you cry."

As soon as Xu Minjing returned to the dormitory, her roommate Ye Miaomiao discovered her anomaly and immediately muttered and screamed. Xu Minjing came to the Normal University for advanced studies and took classes with graduate students, but she lived in the'female' dormitory for undergraduates. Ye Miaomiao was a sophomore'female' student at the Normal University.

"Miao Miao, you... don't say'chaos', where do I have any boyfriends. I...I just called home and talked with my parents on the phone. I felt a little homesick and I just wanted to cry. ."

Ye Miaomiao saw through her mind, Xu Minjing quickly denied it. However, the last thing she never knew when she was a child was to lie, and when she lied, her eyes dodge and her face flushed. I have been in a dormitory with Xu Minjing for more than a month. Of course, Ye Miaomiao could tell that Xu Minjing was lying. He pointed to her face and said, "Sister Minjing, you lied again and your face is red again. Why are you lying? Then? Speaking of which, you must have called your boyfriend? No wonder there are so many handsome guys in our school pursuing you, you are not tempted, it turns out that the name "Hua" really has the master!"


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