Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1034: I did it

Full score champion?

As soon as the Director of Education said this, the reporters and media in the audience were taken aback. ~~щww~suimеng~lāBecause, after the relevant policies of the Ministry of Education stipulate, the college entrance examination results of various provincial capitals should be handled in a low-key manner. The general principle is that the college entrance examination champion is not allowed to be announced.

In the past few years, it was popular in the media to hype about the top prize in the college entrance examination every year, but in the past two years it has become colder. Everyone is also concerned about the scores of the college entrance examination and some special groups of candidates, such as candidates with perfect scores, candidates with serious subjects, poor candidates, and disabled candidates.

But this time this year, the Director of Education took the initiative and announced in public that the college entrance examination champion, and said it was good news. This makes the reporters a little bit confused about the situation. After all, every year the college entrance examination has the first place, and there are also the champions. What good news is this?

"Director Hu, I would like to ask. Didn't the Ministry of Education say that the general principle is not to announce the first place in the college entrance examination? Why did it announce such a high-profile announcement this year, and it said it is good news?"

Some reporters couldn't help but stood up and questioned.

"Dear friends from the media, you are afraid that you didn't hear me clearly just now. Although the general principle of the state-level ministry is that we cannot reveal any candidate information, it also prohibits publicizing the college entrance examination champion. But this time, what I just said was the top scorer with perfect score. Our college entrance examination in Fujian province got a top scorer with perfect score." Director Hu said cheerfully.

"Full score champion? Is this weird? Director Hu, as far as I know, almost every year's college entrance examination champion has a subject to get a full score. I'm afraid this is not worthy of such promotion, right?"

As soon as Director Hu finished speaking, a reporter who found fault immediately asked. Because in previous years, the college entrance examination champions of various provinces and cities, in order to be nice when shouting out, only one ‘subject’ got a perfect score, and it will be crowned the title of “full score champion”. Therefore, to the media reporters, Director Hu said that the full score champion means that one or two subjects have a full score.

"Haha! You guys still didn’t understand what I said. Our Fujian province’s full score champion this time is a real perfect score, with full scores in six subjects, full scores in language, English, mathematics, and science. Top pick."

At the originally noisy press conference, as soon as Director Hu said this, everyone was quiet in an instant.

Full marks!

Really full marks!

Language, English, mathematics and science are all full marks!

Everyone was wondering if they had misheard their ears. Many reporters who had been sent to the press conference felt that there would not be any breaking news. They were not eagerly preparing to return to the agency as soon as they heard of Hu. With the words of the director, the whole person became energized.

The full score champion announced by the Director of the Education Department of Fujian Province will certainly not be false. It is incredible to be able to get a perfect score in every subject in such a difficult exam, even a bit sensational.

But undoubtedly, this is a big news.

All of a sudden, the reporters rushed in after they reacted, handed the microphones to Director Hu, and asked in a rush.

"Director Hu, what is the name of this top scorer? Which county is it from?"

"This year's college entrance examination papers in Fujian Province have clearly increased the difficulty. Why are there such high scores? Director Hu, has your Education Department verified it? Has anyone acted?"

"Is this a shady speculation instructed by your Education Department?"

"That's right! Director Hu, last year I heard that a senior official from the Education Department of a certain province interfered in the statistics of college entrance examination scores without authorization in order to speculate on their political achievements and seek power for ‘private’..."


Director Hu just opened a mouthful, and the reporters thought of countless ‘dark’ conspiracies, and raised a series of questions.

However, in the face of questions from these media reporters, Director Hu replied cheerfully and comfortably, "Dear media reporters, here today, I am going to announce on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Fujian Province that the Lin Feng, with a total score of 750 points, became the number one in science in Fujian this year.

As for the questions you are asking, I can also tell you very responsibly that each of Lin Feng’s papers has been repeatedly checked by more than ten teachers, including the video surveillance of Lin Feng’s exams. We have also checked repeatedly, and there is no problem at all. Lin Feng did indeed get a full score of 750 on his own ability. Of course, this is also the inevitable result of the development and investment in education in our province in Fujian, so that outstanding students like Lin Feng can be born... …"

Next, Director Hu said some scenes, almost all the credit for Lin Feng's ability to get the full score in the test was attributed to the education investment and reform achievements of Fujian Province. However, these are not issues that journalists care about. What they are most concerned about now is the sudden emergence of Lin Feng, the perfect score champion, but Lin Feng is not particularly unfamiliar to them, because Lin Feng made the headlines in Fujian Province because of his full score a few days ago.

However, what they didn't expect was that Lin Feng, who was able to get a perfect score in the exam, was not partial. All the big things he said during the interview were all true. He really got a perfect score in the test.

"Full score! God! Lao Lin, did you... have you heard that? The top pick! It's our Xiaofeng! God... I'm not dreaming, right? Xiao Feng really got a full score again. This...is this true?"

Lin family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The mother Lin in front of the TV heard her son Lin Feng’s name from Director Hu, she was stunned, and she shook her eyes for a while. Shocked, I feel like I'm dreaming.

"It's not a dream! Guizhu, it's true... It's true, our family has a college entrance examination champion! You still have a perfect score! Xiao Feng, you are really too competitive. Guangzong Yaozu! Really Guangzong Yaozu! My son of Lin Shengli is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, haha..."

Father Lin also burst into laughter. Although he thought in his heart whether his son got a full score, but when he heard this fact, his heart beat faster and his joy was hidden. Can't help.

"Dad! Mom! So, I don't have to worry about it... Full score, I did it."

Seeing the TV Director Hu announced his full score, Lin Fengxin's stone fell to the ground. This time it is all right, saving himself the trouble of checking the score. At this time, Lin Feng's cell phone, Lin's cell phone, Lin's mother's cell phone and the landline at home rang almost at the same time.


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