Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1038: Slap in front of the TV (middle)

Since the provincial TV station broadcasted Lin Feng's full score in the college entrance examination, countless media reporters from Fujian Province have flown towards Zhi'an City, all wanting to interview Lin Feng as soon as possible. *WwW.suimeng.lā! Unfortunately, they later received news that they had been cut off by reporter Zhou Yun of Zhi'an TV Station. Zhou Yun has already arranged a live broadcast program for the top scorer in the college entrance examination on Zhi’an TV Station.

In the live broadcast room, Zhou Yun was sitting as the host of this interview. On her right is Lin Feng, and on the left are two other guests, one is the principal Zhong of Zhi'an City One, and the other is Lin Kongdong, the deputy director of the Zhi'an Education Bureau.

The live TV broadcast time is 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but from 3:30, the promotion has been carried out on the Zhi'an TV station. At the same time, the TV station’s radio vans drove around the city to appeal to the general public. Let's go home to watch this live interview.

"Xiao Zhou, good news! I just received a call from the provincial TV station. They heard that we are going to conduct a live interview with Lin Feng. They have allowed our signal to be connected to the provincial TV station for broadcast. You have to behave well in a while. This is the first time that our Zhi'an TV station has been broadcast live by the Provincial Satellite TV!"

The live broadcast had not started yet, the director of Zhi'an TV Station came up quietly and whispered to Zhou Yun. In this live interview, even the director of the station took the seat himself, which shows the degree of importance.

"What? Provincial TV station live broadcast our program? This... Director, don't worry, I will perform well."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard this, she became ‘excited’. Their Zhi'an City TV Station is just a small local TV station, which basically cannot be received in other places in this province except for the territory of Zhi'an City. In the past, only local TV stations rebroadcast programs from provincial TV stations or CCTV stations. When did provincial TV stations rebroadcast local TV stations?

It can be said that once the provincial TV station broadcasted this live interview, it was equivalent to expanding the scope of the audience for this interview from the scope of Zhi'an City to the scope of the province or even the whole country. After all, the provincial TV station is satellite TV, and other provinces and cities can also receive signals.

"En! This is a good opportunity, not only to make our Zhi'an TV station famous, it is also very beneficial to your personal development!" The director encouraged her.

"Thank you, Director, I will cherish this opportunity."

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Zhou Yun, who is experienced in talk shows, couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The show was about to start in ten minutes. When Zhou Yun saw that Lin Feng and the two guests had arrived, she started to communicate in advance.

"Lin Feng, Principal Zhong, and Director Lin, I just received news from the director of the station. This time our interview will not only be broadcast on our Zhi'an TV station, but will also be broadcast on Provincial Satellite TV. Time is limited. Within an hour, so we will probably follow this process for a Q&A interview..."

With that said, Zhou Yun first sent the outline of the interview she had drawn to Lin Feng and the two guests for a review.

"En! Sister Yun, no problem, I'll listen to you. I am almost prepared for this problem, there is no problem."

Lin Feng looked at the outline of the interview, and it was basically the same as he expected, then smiled and nodded to Zhou Yun.

"Haha! Isn't it? Provincial TV station? There are such good things, but it's no wonder that Lin Feng is now the top scorer! It was announced by the Minister of Education in the afternoon! So, in this interview, the provincial leaders... …Even the Director of Education can see it?"

Lin Kongdong became ecstatic when he heard that this time the TV interview would be broadcast by the provincial TV station. This was far beyond his expectations, but it was a great thing for him. In this way, as long as Lin Feng mentions his name in the interview and gives him so little credit, he must be firmly seated as the director.

The ecstatic Deputy Director Lin couldn't help but praise his wit in his heart, and seized such a good opportunity to stand out and grab credit.

"Rebroadcast on Provincial TV Station? This...Is it too grand?" Principal Zhong frowned when he heard this, with a worried look.

"Principal Zhong, you don't have to be nervous. In fact, it doesn't make much difference. You only imagine that you are facing a camera, regardless of how many viewers are watching."

Zhou Yun thought that Principal Zhong was nervous, so she smiled and comforted.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng also smiled and said, "Principal Zhong, don't worry, I will definitely not forget the words you just told me. I know what I should say."

"Lin Feng, in fact, this...no...not necessary, you...what your own true thoughts are, just say it!" The embarrassed Principal Zhong still couldn't help his conscience. Before the interview started, he hurriedly responded. Lin Feng said.

As soon as he heard Principal Zhong’s words, Deputy Director Lin became unhappy, and immediately coughed, and said angrily to Principal Zhong, "Principal Zhong, what do you say? Lin Feng is a good person who knows how to advance and is grateful. Classmates, this is a TV interview. Millions of viewers in the province are watching, how can they speak as they please?"

"But, Director Lin, you are actually wrong to let Lin Feng say that..."

Principal Zhong wanted to argue, Lin Kongdong immediately patted the table, "Zhong Jinghua, you..."

"Director Lin, you don't need to blame Principal Zhong, I know what to say after the show, you don't need to'confess' to Principal Zhong."

Lin Feng hurriedly stopped Lin Kongdong, and then said with a smile, in fact, when he looked at Lin Kongdong, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was already a bit murderous. How can a scumbag official like him who only knows what to do for credit can do what he wants?

"Yes! Yes... Director Lin, the interview with Ma is about to begin, two minutes to the end, let's quickly sort out the situation and start!"

Seeing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, Zhou Yun immediately made a round.

And the position of the camera on the director team's side is also ready, and the countdown begins. The live interview with the top scorer Lin Feng, Ma is about to begin.

At the same time, many people who had just returned home from get off work also turned on the TV with their children in the streets and alleys of Zhi'an City to watch interviews with the top scorers on time. For those who didn't get off work, the company unit also turned on the TV on purpose so that everyone could gather in front of the TV to watch.

Who makes Lin Feng the pride of the people of Zhi'an City? Who made Lin Feng the first perfect score scholar in the history of the Republic?

As soon as five o'clock arrives, Zhi'an TV Station and Fujian Satellite TV set the signals of live broadcasts at the same time, and the live interview with the top score of the top score officially begins.


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