Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1040: Lin Feng's Educational Theory

Before the beginning of the interview, Lin Feng had a good negotiating and witty look, which made Lin Kongdong feel that today's matter was pretty stable. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā,. ! But later, seeing that Lin Feng didn't want to mention the Education Bureau and himself at all, Lin Kongdong felt that Lin Feng might have forgotten this incident accidentally.

But now, Lin Kongdong had already reminded him so clearly, and as a result, Lin Feng asked sharply, immediately making Lin Kongdong's face very difficult to look. Isn't this just slap him in the face in front of so many audiences?

He Lin Kongdong is the deputy director of the Education Bureau anyhow. No matter which school he goes to in Zhi'an City, let alone a student of the school, it is the school leaders who want to come with a smile. Have you ever been so questioned and beaten by a student? And in front of a live TV broadcast, in front of hundreds of thousands or even millions of viewers, where did Lin Kongdong's face be?

Since then, Lin Kongdong turned his face in an instant, and said with a calm face to Lin Feng, "Student Lin Feng, this is live on TV. What can be said and what can not be said, you have to think carefully? You were outside just now. How did you agree to me when you were in?"

As soon as I said this, the atmosphere of the scene changed. Principal Zhong also looked at Lin Feng with amazement. Now he fully understood that Lin Feng did not bow his head to Lin Kongdong to make him take credit, but wanted to broadcast it on TV. In front of him, Lin Kongdong was hit hard.

"I promise you? Deputy Director Lin, what can I dare to promise you? Yes! Do you want me to say that this time I was able to get a perfect score because of the credit of the Bureau of Education, no...it should be all Your credit to Deputy Director Lin?" Lin Feng sneered and said to Lin Kongdong.

"It's pretty much the same, yes, that's the case. If I didn't know my eyes, Lin Feng, can you get such a good development? Can you get a perfect score?"

Lin Kongdong didn't even hear that what Lin Feng was saying was irony, and nodded triumphantly.

But the audience in front of the TV had already heard something wrong, and everyone was talking about it.

"Dad! Who is that stupid fork over there? How about the deputy director of the Education Bureau? It's shameless, how did Lin Feng get his full score in his test?"

"Such a big belly, it looks like a wine bag and rice bag, so I am ashamed to say that the college entrance examination champion is his credit!"

"Smelly shameless, dare to grab this kind of credit?"


However, Lin Kongdong felt that something was wrong when he said this. He was in a state of urgency and forgot that it was a live broadcast. Everything he said just now was broadcast. So he immediately changed his words and said, "In fact, it is Lin Feng’s own hard work. I just appreciate it before you have the college entrance examination. You are only a talent. If it weren't for Ma Gaokao, I would also like to apply for a scholarship in the city and a good student in the city!

"Deputy Director Lin can really talk? Can you give me the three-good students and scholarships you hand?"

Hearing Lin Kongdong talk about the scholarship, Lin Feng immediately sneered. When he finally said this topic, he counted his fingers and began to say in front of the TV, "If I remember well, the 2003 city three good students and scholarship students can live. His name is Lin Zhuyu, the youngest son of Deputy Director Lin. In 2004, he was named Hong Tianqi, who was said to be a grandson of Deputy Director Lin’s uncle's family. In 2005, Pang'Yu' heard that he sent a bottle of Maotai to Deputy Director Lin’s house? , And 2006..."

It just so happened that these were some of Lin Kongdong's bad deeds that Lin Feng had heard before, and a lot of gossips had been heard. At this time, it became a strong evidence against him in front of the people of the province.

After Lin Kongdong heard the facts that Lin Feng said, he immediately became angry and became irritated. He completely lost his reason and pointed at Lin Feng and cursed, "Lin Feng, don't think you are a perfect champion. You can be so arrogant and unobtrusive. Why can you have today? Without schools and education bureaus, can you learn so much knowledge? Can you get full marks on the exam? You have just finished the college entrance examination, and your school status is still in our education bureau. Believe it or not, I can learn in minutes The cancellation of your student status leaves you with no way to go to college? What if you get a full score, which also leaves you without a college.

"Oh? I am arrogant? I am arrogant?"

Seeing Lin Kongdong's embarrassment and becoming angry, Lin Feng laughed instead and said to the camera, "Dear viewers in front of the TV, let's talk about who is arrogant now and who is no one else? I can get a full score, if It’s really because there are officials from the Bureau of Education like Deputy Director Lin, so maybe it’s not difficult to get a perfect score?"

In the Zhi’an Municipal Fu Building, the mayor Chen Luping, who was watching the live broadcast, saw Lin Kongdong go crazy on the TV, and immediately angered the secretary Xiao Liu, "Xiao Liu, take someone to the opposite TV station, Lin Kongdong pulled me down and immediately dismissed and investigated and dealt with it. A political official of the Education Bureau did something like this, how proper? Is there any king of law?"

The TV station and the Zhengfu Building are separated by a road. The secretary Xiao Liu hastily led people over. The studio has already exploded, but now it is the time for the live broadcast, and it is also broadcast to the whole province. They dare not stop the broadcast at will. Don't dare to pull people.

But at this time the secretary Xiao Liu came and went straight to the studio, and said to Lin Kongdong, who was still angry, "Deputy Director Lin, I'm sorry, the municipal fu discipline inspection office will inform you. Now you have been dismissed and investigated, please Go back and assist in the investigation."

"What? I was dismissed for investigation? Impossible... how could I be dismissed for investigation? Misunderstanding! This must be a misunderstanding..."

The sudden investigation made Lin Kongdong feel like five thunderstorms. He originally wanted to make a fortune by relying on today's interview, but now who has thought that not only did it not happen, but also lost the black hat he is now wearing.

"Sorry, my audience, some misunderstandings just happened. Now our interview is coming to an end. Let's ask Lin Feng to make a final conclusion!"

The adaptable host Zhou Yun immediately took over the conversation and wanted to resolve the bad influence of the incident. After all, this also affected the image of the entire Zhi'an City.

"I'm very sorry everyone, I just let everyone see the dark and bad side. However, this is indeed some phenomenon in our current education. We can't avoid it. We must face these problems squarely. Like he just threatened outside the studio. Like our principal Zhong, why can an official of the Education Bureau threaten a highly respected principal Gao? Education should be independent of the judiciary, so why should it be controlled by officials?"

Lin Feng did not evade the incident just now, but continued with the incident just now, "Lin Kongdong wanted to come to the studio this time to grab credit, but in the final analysis, did the officials in charge of education have any credit? What have they done for our education? Are scholarships and poverty alleviation education funds used in the education of students? Especially those poor students, disabled students, etc., are they getting corresponding help?

Today ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone seems to be very interested in me, the top scorer in the college entrance examination, and they are very concerned about me. However, what I want to say to the mass media and audience friends is that you should not pay attention to me, which has already become the top scorer in the college entrance examination. It is better to pay more attention to whether the Hope Primary Schools in various places have been implemented and built, whether the educational donation has been corrupted, whether there are poor or disabled students around... I think if everyone pays more attention to these issues. In the future, I will not be the only one with a perfect score in the college entrance examination. Every year, there may be a full score in the college entrance examination. This is what I want to say, thank you everyone..."

This interview is a little more than an hour, but in fact, only the last words are Lin Feng's words from the heart. It is also his experience and feelings for so many years, which is his own concept and direction of education.

When Lin Feng finished speaking, applause broke out. There was no audience at the live broadcast, and the applause came from the directors and directors of the TV station and the host Zhou Yun. In front of the TV, hundreds of thousands of viewers were also surprised and moved by Lin Feng’s words. Although they knew that Lin Feng could not hear them, the applause was also loud. stand up.


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