Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1091: Lin Feng's strength

"Of course I know, Grandpa Cai. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā.. With such strict confidentiality measures, an outsider will never be allowed...No! It should be said that a living outsider knows these secrets, right Right?"

Lin Feng smiled and said. However, he was very clear in his own heart, not to mention that Old Man Cai had a good impression of him, he was still his lifesaver, and he could not make the determination to kill himself.

Even if Old Man Cai really had a murderous intention, Lin Feng could also feel it in advance, and with his cultivator ability, unless Old Man Cai can use powerful nuclear weapons, I am afraid that it is a rocket launcher, Lin Feng can easily deal with it and ensure safety. Retreat all over.

"Lin Feng, you are really smart. No wonder you can escape so many pursuits, and even the genetic warriors of the Lawrence family of Russia can't help you. You must know that Jack of the Lawrence family is the peak genetic warrior of the b-level. The earliest genetic warriors made by the former Soviet Union."

With a thumbs up to Lin Feng, Old Man Cai said with a smile, "We are basically ordinary people within us, and we have not absorbed any warriors or superpowers. Lin Feng, you are the first."

"Grandpa Cai, I am honored to be the first warrior to join. However, I am very good, why am I so strong, but I am not willing to absorb these superpowers? It stands to reason that in these overseas disputes, superpowers will be ordinary People are more competitive, aren't all major forces sending such superpowers here? If we don't have superpowers, wouldn't we suffer a lot?" Lin Feng asked very puzzled.

When he heard Lin Feng’s question, Old Man Cai just shook his head helplessly and said, "Lin Feng, in fact, we also want to use such a power, but unfortunately, these superpowers are either in the hands of major forces and countries. Either they are some gangsters who have bad intentions and are unable to contribute wholeheartedly to us. For those ancient martial arts'men' factions in China, we have also sent people to communicate through it, but it's a pity..."

After sighing, the old man Cai went on to say, "It's a pity that these old stubborn people are stubborn. Not only do we not allow the disciples under the door to join us, but even if we want to spend a lot of money from them to buy martial arts secrets, we are determined Rejected. From then on, we succumbed to the idea of'sex', and simply relied on some ordinary people with strong physical qualities and thermal weapons to fight these superpowers."

"What about the genetic warrior? Don't you have a lot of cutting-edge technology? Logically speaking, the genetic technology that the former Soviet Union and the United States were able to use more than a decade ago shouldn't be a problem now, right?"

Tsing Lin Feng had come into contact with the genetic warrior Jack of the Lawrence family, and he could not die by jumping from such a high cliff, which really refreshed Lin Feng's understanding of genetic warriors, regardless of such forces as underestimated.

"Gene warrior technology is firmly blocked by countries. In fact, it is not as simple as it seems. The human genome is composed of billions of combinations. You must try one by one to have a certain probability to find the genetic map of the genetic warrior combination. . There is no problem with technical difficulty, it is a problem of probability.

In the past, the United States and the former Soviet Union sacrificed hundreds of thousands or even millions of soldiers before they were lucky enough to ‘groped’ out so few genetic warrior transformation plans. Although we have money and technology, we will not do such inhumane things, and we also have no such ability. "

After explaining this, Old Man Cai looked at Lin Feng nicely and asked, "Lin Feng, you have asked me so much. Can you answer the old man's question?"

"Grandpa Cai, please ask, Lin Feng knows everything." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What is your level now? Could it be that you have really reached the legendary A-level fighter?" Old man Cai asked this long-buried doubt, because based on his ability to use, Lin Feng's According to the investigation, Lin Feng's strength is definitely a grade, even if it is not a grade, it is quasi-a grade.

However, for Lin Feng, whether it is congenital or acquired, or abcd level, these are not suitable for measuring the strength of a cultivator like him.

And Lin Feng couldn't really reveal the strength of his cultivator to Old Man Cai, so he smiled and said ambiguously, "Grandpa Cai, my true strength is not easy to tell you. But what should I say? You will definitely not lose to the A-level, and the martial artist's innate level. I have defeated me."

"Can beat A Grade, then... Are you already Super A Grade? This...what level is this? I really can't tell. After all, the international standard is at most A Grade. !"

Although Lin Feng didn't answer an accurate level, he surprised Old Man Cai even more. After all, Old Man Cai's satisfactory answer is that Lin Feng has reached Grade A, because with the help of a Grade A combat power, combined with the entire firepower, it is extremely possible to turn the disadvantage into an advantage.

What's more, Lin Feng's words are right now, but even A Grade can be easily defeated, which has strengthened Old Man Cai's confidence in this competition for African minerals.

"That's right! Grandpa Cai, you said just now that someone released smoke bombs saying that this piece of African indigenous country's mineral is a huge diamond mine. Since it is a smoke bomb, it must not be a diamond mine? What kind of mine is that?" Lin Feng asked nicely ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a diamond mine that is a hundred times more precious. Although it is not large in scale, once we obtain this mineral, harvesting is more than just wealth. , Is a powerful force. "

After a pause, the old man Cai said, "This time I am the person in charge of all rights, Wang Jianye is my most trusted subordinate, Lin Feng, when I get there, Wang Jianye will tell you. The actual situation of this vein, in fact, we still If you haven't "touched" it clearly, there are some more difficult issues for the forces. You still need to go to the mineral vein to see it yourself."

"Okay! Grandpa Cai, there is no problem with this task at all, um... treat it as a gift for me to join in!"

Lin Feng almost knew what he wanted to know from Old Man Cai. The next thing he has to do is to complete this task smoothly.

"Then please take care of this matter. I have already ordered you to go to Zhi'an Airport tomorrow morning and take a special plane to fly to Africa. When you get there, you will be the person in charge of all rights. The original person in charge will'hand over' everything. I received it for you." Old man Cai said with satisfaction.


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