Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1098: I came to admit my mistake

Boom Boom...

There was another soft knock on the'door'. Outside Lin Feng's bedroom'door', Luo Qingqing lowered her voice and whispered inwardly, "Smelly boy, open the'door'!"

That's right, it was Lin Feng's eldest sister next door flight attendant Luo Qingqing who secretly "touched" and "touched" downstairs to Lin Feng's bedroom in the dead of night. <щww.suimeng.lā. . !

"Sister Qingqing, what's the matter with you? I...I'm asleep. I'll talk about something tomorrow!"

Li Yutong, who was warm and soft like'jade' in her arms, was interrupted by Luo Qingqing's sudden visit at this time. Of course, Lin Feng was quite upset in her heart.

"I came to see you so late, of course something is wrong. Brat, I know you are still asleep, don't try to hide from my sister. Open the'door' quickly, I must tell you something tonight. You open the'door' , I kick the'door'!"

After knocking on the'door' two more times, Luo Qingqing said in a clumsy tone as always.

"Sister Tongtong, what should I do? Sister Qingqing is going to come in."

Facing Luo Qingqing who insisted on coming in, Lin Feng had no choice but to look at Li Yutong.

"Or, I will hide for now. After Qingqing has left, we will..."

The shy Li Yutong lowered his head slightly, bit his lip thinly and said.

"Then I have to make mistakes with Sister Tongtong first, but in my room, only the big closet can hide people. It's just that it's a little too small to hide inside..."

Lin Feng pointed to the only big closet in the room where people can hide, and said.

"Lin Feng, I don't need to hide in the big closet! You can open the door to Qingqing, I have a clever plan." Li Yutong smiled.

"A trick? What a trick? Like now, when I open the'door', Sister Qingqing won't see you? And, you still...you still look so disheveled..." Lin Feng asked "confused".

Seeing this, Li Yutong knocked Lin Feng on the head and said, "Stupid Lin Feng, we are cultivators! I can use the invisibility technique, so she can stand in front of Qingqing and she won't even want to see me."

"That's it, it's good to dare. Then I'm going to open the'door', Sister Tongtong, please be concealed!"

Lin Feng, who was in a hurry, even forgot that Li Yutong was also a cultivator.

It was much better to hide in the closet with the invisibility technique, and Lin Feng was relieved that the people in the bedroom were going to open the'door' for Luo Qingqing.


Lin Feng opened the'door' of the bedroom, and saw Luo Qingqing wearing a cute pink'color' pajamas, stepping on the cotton cloth to compromise, and pouting and walking in.

As soon as he walked in, Luo Qingqing mumbled suspiciously in her mouth, "Smelly boy, didn't you say you were sleeping? You haven't even taken off your clothes, so how do you sleep?"

"Hey! Sister Qingqing, you must have heard it wrong, I mean, I'm about to go to sleep!"

Lin Feng faced Luo Qingqing and swept towards the room with his spiritual sense, and found Li Yutong in an invisible state, standing at the head of the'bed' and smiling at himself.

"It took you so long to open the'door', brat, are there other'women' hiding in your room?"

How about saying that the sixth sense of "female" people is terrible? As soon as Luo Qingqing entered the'door', she looked suspiciously in the room. There should be a faint perfume smell in the air, which was a trace of Li Yutong's visit.

Smelling the faint fragrance of perfume, Luo Qingqing mistakenly thought that Xu Minjing had just been in the room. Because today Xu Minjing took a bath with her at Li Yutong’s house, wearing Li Yutong’s clothes and using the same perfume as hers.

"A "female" person? Sister Qingqing, there is only one "female" person hiding in my room, isn't it you? Where are other "female" people?"

Lin Feng was shocked by Luo Qingqing's questioning, thinking that Li Yutong was really seen by her!

"Oh? Huh! Stupid boy, don't think that little sister Jiujiu in your heart can't guess it. When you were at Heroes' Restaurant today, you had this expression, and the result... Did Mr. Xu hide in the bathroom at that time? ?"

After scanning the entire room, Luo Qingqing's eyes locked on the closet in the room. Because if there are really Tibetans in this room, there is only this place.

"Today at Heroes' Restaurant? Sister Qingqing, what do you mean? Teacher Xu is hiding in the bathroom? I didn't understand too much." Lin Feng resolutely pretended to be confused.

Luo Qingqing quickly walked to the front of the big closet, and looked back at Lin Feng and said, "Huh! Isn't you pretending to be a silly sister again? I dare say that Teacher Xu must be hiding in this closet now, right?"

With that, Luo Qingqing shouted into the closet, "Teacher Xu, come out! I know you are inside!"

In the afternoon at the Hero's Restaurant, I missed the opportunity to catch Lin Feng and Xu Minjing on the spot. Luo Qingqing would not let it go again this time, and stretched out his hand to directly open the ‘door’ of the closet.


The ‘door’ of the big closet opened, but there were only some clothes that Lin Feng changed and washed daily, and no one was hidden at all.

"Sister Qingqing, you see you are suspicious again. Teacher Xu must be sleeping in the room now. How could she not sleep in the middle of the night like you did, and ran to my room to check the room?"

Seeing Luo Qingqing inspecting the big closet, Lin Feng's heart was really fortunate that Li Yutong had just used invisibility instead of hiding in the big closet.

Otherwise, Luo Qingqing must have discovered this time. At this time, Li Yutong, who was in the stealth state, also smiled and made a yeah gesture to Lin Feng, indicating that his stealth tactic was successful.

"Nobody? Teacher Xu is really not in the room? Then... where does the perfume smell in the air come from?"

I didn’t catch Xu Minjing in the big closet~www.wuxiaspot.com~Luo Qingqing looked disappointed, and she carefully scanned the bedroom again, even the space under the'bed' that was impossible to be Tibetan. He leaned down and took a look, but still didn't find anything.

"Sister Qingqing, I said you have watched enough? Do you want to look at my pocket again, maybe Teacher Xu is hiding in my pocket?"

Seeing that Luo Qingqing had found nothing for a long time, Lin Feng gleefully took out his pockets and ran against Luo Qingqing and said, "It's late night, sister Qing Qing, you won't sleep, and ran into my room. Are you going to check the room? 'Fuck'?"

"Hehe! Lin Feng, sister, am I the kind of gossiping person? This is not what I did a lot of wrong things during the day, and now I deliberately took advantage of the dead of night to admit my mistakes to you? Otherwise, I can't sleep at night. !"

After confirming that Xu Minjing was not in the room, Luo Qingqing smiled and leaned towards Lin Feng, cast a wink at it, and said softly.


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