Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 111: rely

It turned out that when Lin Feng called Xu Minjing for the first time, she was already sober. However, the feeling of lying on Lin Feng's back is really too comfortable. Xu Minjing enjoys this feeling very much. She doesn't want to get off Lin Feng's back, so she deliberately pretends that she can't hear her and is pretending to sleep.

But later, because Lin Feng really couldn't enter the house without the key, Xu Minjing pretended to be dreaming and shook her body, deliberately causing the keychain hanging around her waist to make a noise.

Sure enough, the corridor at night was very quiet. Lin Feng heard the sound of the keychain at a glance, and said in surprise: "It turns out that Mr. Xu's key is hung on his waist... It's so good, even if I don't need to put Mr. Xu down, After touching...the key can also be taken down..."

Looking for the sound of the keychain just now, Lin Feng supported Xu Minjing with one hand, and slowly touched Xu Minjing's key with the other.

Gently touching Xu Minjing's waist, Lin Feng grabbed the bunch of keys.

At this moment, Lin Feng wanted to settle Xu Minjing as soon as possible, and then go home quickly. Because, if you don't go home so late, I'm afraid that my temperamental mother has already taken a feather duster and is looking for him everywhere in the Internet cafe.

"Oh! It's so late. If I go back this time, I will definitely have to be beaten by my mother. But I can't tell the truth, and even if I tell the truth, will my mother believe it?"

Holding the key, Lin Feng laughed helplessly to himself, he was ready to welcome his mother's meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots when he returned home.

"Huh... I finally got the key... Put Teacher Xu on the bed in a while... I'm going home quickly! It's past eight o'clock... My mother is probably already holding a feather duster... The world is looking for me. Right!"

Now that he had obtained the keys, Lin Feng quickly picked up one of the big-end keys, inserted it in, slammed it, and opened the door.

It is the first time that Lin Feng has come to Xu Minjing's home. After all, Xu Minjing has never opened a small cooker or cram school for his classmates. Even if there is, they are in the school's study room. Moreover, Lin Feng is the kind of mischievous undergraduate. At most, he is called by Xu Minjing to the office to drink tea. Where is the chance to come to Xu Minjing's house?

But today, it was an accident! After Lin Feng rescued Xu Minjing, he was naturally responsible for bringing her to her home safely, so that he would be an excellent young student in the 21st century!

Although Lin Feng's academic performance was not very good, he still advertised himself as an upright and positive teenager. There are too many negative energies in society nowadays. There are always old people who fall down and no one dares to help them. Every time I saw these events, Lin Feng felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Anyway, for Lin Feng, it is inevitable to act bravely. Not to mention, Xu Minjing, the head teacher, who has always cared for and helped her in danger today.

Recalling the three years of studying in Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School, although the head teacher Xu Minjing often scolded him, he was called to the office to scold him. But in the final analysis, it was all because of Lin Feng's poor academic performance and skipping classes all day to play games in Internet cafes.

In general, Lin Feng has been a poor student in the past three years. The results are also in the end of the crane in the class. But Xu Minjing, the teacher in charge of the class, did not give up on him. Instead, he worked tirelessly to help him. The reprimands were actually hating iron but not steel. I hope Lin Feng can wake up, and even more hope Lin Feng can study hard.

It's a pity that Lin Feng, who used to be ignorant, never knew that Xu Minjing, the head teacher, was working hard, but now that I think about it, everything is vividly visible. Lin Feng became a lot more sensible at once. After understanding the painstaking efforts of the head teacher Xu Minjing, he would naturally reciprocate. Not only must he study harder, but even if he is in danger, he must save the head teacher Xu Minjing.

"When others gave me up and thought I was an incurable undergraduate. Teacher Xu, you have been helping me like this, and you are able to scold me patiently and even make a review plan for me. Thank you ,Teacher Xu."

Walking into Xu Minjing's home, Lin Feng's heart was also full of touch. In his heart, why is it not full of gratitude to Xu Minjing?

"Teacher Xu, get home... Hey! Teacher Xu, last time I fell asleep in class... You said that I can sleep like a pig, and I can fall asleep in class... Now look at you... I slept so badly on my back...hehe...it's no better than me..."

Opening the door with a kick, Lin Feng said with a brazen smile while entering Xu Minjing on his back. Because in his opinion, Xu Minjing was sleeping so dead at this time, and she would definitely not be able to hear what she said.

But how could Lin Feng imagine that Xu Minjing was not asleep at all at this time, but was pretending to be asleep, and listened to all the words he had just said without missing a word. How could he imagine that Xu Minjing, a class teacher who has always been serious, would pretend to be asleep.

"Humph...Smelly Lin Feng, the teacher won't be like you!"

However, Xu Minjing didn't get angry when she heard these words of Lin Feng, just slurred in her stomach. Then the thought of what Lin Feng just said, that she would go home after putting herself down, suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in her heart. Lin Feng gave her a warm sense of security. I don’t know why, she was really reluctant to bear it. Let Lin Feng go.

"Teacher Xu, this is yours... Um... It should be called... the boudoir, right? So... hehe... Teacher Xu's boudoir is like this..."

Xu Minjing rented a house with two rooms and one living room, one of which was a study, and the other was naturally Xu Minjing's boudoir. Lin Feng carried her on his back and gently kicked the door of the room open. The goal was a completely pink world.

Pink wallpapers, pink curtains, pink duvet covers, pink sheets. Even on the bed in the boudoir, there is a pink oversized HelloKitty doll!

Lin Feng couldn't think that Xu Minjing, the head teacher, who has always been stern and serious, is such a little girl in her heart. Her boudoir is really like a fairy tale world. Once you walk in, you can make your heart soft. stand up.

"Teacher Xu! Hey... I didn't expect your boudoir to be like a little girl's room... There is also a pink HelloKitty. It seems that Teacher Xu, you haven't grown up yet..."

Lin Feng, who thought Xu Minjing was asleep, spoke unscrupulously. He smiled and looked at the room with interest, while walking to the bed with Xu Minjing on his back, and then broke Xu Minjing’s hand little by little to take her whole body. Lie down on the bed, and finally covered it with a pink quilt.

"Huh...finally healed...Teacher Xu, you are so powerful, you are so strong after falling asleep, you hug my neck so tight...Okay! Now I have sent you back safely, you Just sleep at ease..."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lin Feng looked at Xu Minjing, who was quietly lying on the bed with his eyes closed~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and let out a sigh of relief, then said one last time: "Then I will go now..."

After turning around, Lin Feng was about to leave quickly to go home, but unexpectedly Xu Minjing on the bed behind him suddenly grabbed his hand and hurriedly shouted: "Lin Feng, don't go..."

(Ps: It’s almost two o’clock in the morning, I wrote and deleted it, and I deleted it! I finally wrote the third chapter of today! Writing a book is not as easy as everyone thought, it’s really hard and laborious! I have to simulate every idea The psychology and behavior of the characters, as well as the plot arrangement, etc.! Wutonghuo really did his best and worked hard, and there will be three more every day before the shelves! I have to grit my teeth and finish it later. Today I write that it is really about to be written. Fell asleep!

Readers who urge you to update, I understand you too! I have chased books, and I am chasing books now! It will be on the shelves next Tuesday (February 10), and it will break out on the same day! Five changes every day after that! In a word, I will try my best to write better and more! The rest is up to everyone! The vote, the subscription, the reward...I don’t force it, because I believe that as long as the book looks good, readers will naturally support it! Right? In addition, once again announce the book friend group 248126471 and my personal QQ number 2054761882. If you want to harass me, just add it! Verify that it is the name of any heroine in the book! Finally, you can also post more book reviews. I have read every one of your book reviews! )

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