Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1117: 1 shot

Almost none of the superpowers standing in this underground base camp hadn't experienced Sam's power. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a,.

The Thunder gene warrior is recognized as the most difficult and difficult gene warrior in the world. Only wood-type genetic warriors can use trees to insulate to gain some wind, otherwise, even the acquired martial artist will hardly escape the lightning attack of thunder-type genetic warriors.

Lin Feng came here for the first time. He didn't know how good Sam was, and he joined the Japanese side on the bright side. The superpowers of other forces were naturally happy to see him suffer.

"Great Sage, don't..."

Seeing this, the ‘female’ ninja Hyeko, who had been following, hurriedly stopped Lin Feng from shaking hands with Sam, but unfortunately Lin Feng stretched out his hand faster and had already held Sam’s big palm tightly.

Zi Zi Zi...

There was a burst of electric fire, "Flower", Sam had already begun to exert force, using the power of thunder and lightning stored in his body, it was released to the right hand that shook Lin Feng's hand. He didn't want to treat Lin Feng, he just gave him an instant electric shock of several hundred volts.

However, when everyone was expecting to hear Lin Feng's screams after being electrocuted and the erected hair, they did hear the screams, but the screams came from Sam.

"Ah! Bastard! Let go, let go of my hand, otherwise, I will be rude to you."

Sam's face was almost deformed, he released an electric shock to Lin Feng, but it didn't work at all. Instead, Lin Feng's hand exerted tremendous force, pinching his palms together, as if the finger bones were about to be crushed.

"Isn't your country known as the most open, open, and hospitable country? Or you offered to shake hands with me, so why are you still being rude to me?"

Lin Feng squeezed Sam's palm, only applied a few hundred jin of grip strength, and said with a slight smile.

But the electric shock that Sam had just released was easily resolved by Lin Feng with his vitality. The electric shock is effective because the human body is a conductor. Lin Feng directly wrapped a layer of vitality on his hand, achieving the effect of absolute insulation. Even if Sam did release a high voltage of tens of thousands of volts, he would not move.

"Quick...let go, I...I lost. Mr. Dasheng, I shouldn't be so rude to you."

Seeing that his electric shock had no effect on Lin Feng, Sam felt very upset in his heart. Why did he make a sudden rush to tease this newcomer? As a result, I hit a hard board, so I quickly lowered my posture and said.

"This...what's going on? This Great Sage is not afraid of electric shocks? Doesn't that mean that the thunder-type genetic warrior has almost zero combat effectiveness in front of him?"

Ninja Yamamoto who saw this scene was almost ecstatic. He used to be Lin Feng as an ordinary post-acquisition warrior. But he didn't expect that Lin Feng was different from ordinary warriors. Even Sam, the most difficult genetic warrior here, was not afraid of him. He was simply a move to subdue Sam.

The other parties who wanted to see Lin Feng's jokes were also stunned. Such a powerful warrior suddenly joined the Japanese side. For them, it was indeed a big threat. It could be said that it changed the current situation in an instant. The addition of Lin Feng from the Japanese government was obviously not the most important. The weaker side.

"Haha! Great Sage, Sam is also enthusiastic for a while, he just wants to say hello to you."

Seeing that Lin Feng had taken over the wind, Yamamoto was overjoyed, and he smiled and came to the round.

"Oh? Yamamoto-kun, I saw Sam obviously intending to provoke your Japanese side. Since I was invited by you to spend money, I must be responsible." Lin Feng said solemnly.

"No! No need! Peace is the most important thing, and peace is the most important thing. Great Sage, our relationship with the United States is still very good." After Yamamoto discovered that Lin Feng had taken action, other forces' eyes on their Japanese side changed. In an instant, he raised his chest and said with a smile.

"You said this, Yamamoto-kun."

Lin Feng said, letting go of Sam's hand, and then said to him with a smile,

"Mr. Sam, it’s for the face of Yamamoto-kun today, so forget it. I believe that you Americans are the ones who have the most fists. Now my great sage is here, naturally I will not return empty-handed. Yamamoto-kun has spent Six million U.S. dollars hired me to make a shot for them. That's right... It was also this time against you, Mr. Sam. From now on, I am a free agent. Anyone of you can ask me to take a shot. No matter what you do. , As long as I can afford the money, I will continue."


As soon as Lin Feng said this, the superpowers present were in an uproar. Especially the proud Ninja Yamamoto, yelled inexplicably, "Dashengjun, what's the matter? I...didn't we talk? Did six million dollars make you stand on our side of the country? How... Why are you suddenly free again?"

"Yamamoto-kun, our previous agreement was six million dollars for one shot. And I have already shot one for you just now, Yamamoto-kun, you also nodded and confessed. This does not count as my breach of contract! I am very contracted. 'God.' Lin Feng said solemnly.

"You... are you kidding us? My shot once and the shot you said once are not the same."

Yamamoto never expected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng would actually play such a word game. In his previous view, Lin Feng was just an ordinary post-acquisition martial artist, and his strength was weak, so it was easy to deal with him and force him to sell his life. He had never expected that Lin Feng dared to be so reckless with himself, it was really just "one shot".

"In my understanding, one shot is one shot."

Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his feet and said, "So just now I didn't even show my'legs', how about? Yamamoto-kun, I have implemented the agreement between us verbatim."

"You...you are a strong word!" Yamamoto was so angry that he was about to faint. In normal words, he might shoot Lin Feng's head into scum immediately, but now he can't be sure about Lin Feng. What was his true strength, so even though he was not angry, he did not dare to rashly attack Lin Feng.

And after the initial astonishment of the superpowers of other forces, they couldn't help laughing when they saw that the majestic leader of the Wa Kuni Shinobu was played around by Lin Feng. Moreover, the words Lin Feng said just now made the minds of the leaders of other forces active, and they also wanted to take the opportunity to recruit Lin Feng, a powerful man, to serve them.


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