Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1124: These are all monsters?


The huge crawling monster slammed into Lin Feng's side. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā,. Pinshu

Instinctively, Lin Feng shrank back, but Ye Hao and Zhou Hongmin beside him didn't panic at all. Because they knew that these monsters would not break through the tunnel here. After many trials, the range of this tunnel was an absolutely safe area.

"These monsters really won't come over, they're pretty godly."

After returning to his senses, Lin Feng looked at the bottom monster with more than twenty crocodiles in front of him, which was twice the size, and he really stayed in such a designated area without any intention of breaking through.

"They dare not come over, but we can't get through it either! Great Sage, you can't imagine the power of these monsters. They are at least ten times stronger than a normal alligator."

Hearing Lin Feng's exclamation, Ye Hao laughed helplessly, and said, "In order to break into the mining area behind, we sacrificed almost fifty of the most brilliant special forces."

"Why don't you use thermal weapons? This kind of monsters underneath are even more powerful. The kind of'excited' light cannon at the'door', I'm afraid that a single shot can solve them, right?"

Although Lin Feng is a comprehensionist, he is still a little afraid of the'excited' light cannon. After all, the firing speed of the laser cannon is the speed of light. Unless Lin Feng can predict the firing direction of the laser cannon, it is absolutely impossible for the speed of light to dodge faster.

In addition, the ‘laser’ light cannon is directly penetrated by the ‘laser’ light, the target is set, and the power of the rocket cannon is not known how many times larger.

According to Lin Feng's idea, these monsters underneath, if there are ‘excited’ light cannons, come and kill one by one, and they can’t get here, they are simply perfect targets.

"I think too! Great Sage, if I can bring the'excited' light cannon down and use it, I won't be afraid of many monsters. Unfortunately, as Dr. Zhou said, the underground environment here is very complicated, let alone'excited' 'Light cannon, even ordinary pistols can't be used here, otherwise, it is extremely easy to cause geological collapse."

Ye Hao looked at Zhou Hongmin next to him, and said to Lin Feng, "So, the only way to get into the underground mining area to sample is to rely on super powers like you. Only super powers can kill without relying on thermal weapons. Kill these underground monsters."

"It turns out that it is. Indeed, there are many flammable gases in the air here. Not to mention the'excitation' cannon, a lighter ignites here, and it may cause a big explosion."

Lin Feng also learned chemistry well, and after Ye Hao's reminder, he also remembered. There have been such cases in chemistry books. In mining areas and some places like flour mills, when the air is rich in combustible gas or combustible dust, only a little spark can cause a violent big explosion.

"Okay! Let me go over and see for you! What the pressure mine behind this looks like. By the way, let me get some samples of the ore!"

Standing here and observing these monsters underneath for a few minutes, Lin Feng planned to leave.

"What? Great Sage, are you really planning to go on like this? There are more than twenty such monsters down there!" Ye Hao was startled when he heard Lin Feng's words, and hurriedly stopped him, "You really want to go down. If we have a long-term plan, at least we have to let me bring a team of special forces down to cover you, right?"

"Yeah! Great Sage, you are the superpower we finally invited, you can't be so reckless!" Zhou Hongmin also advised Lin Feng, after all, these monsters underneath are very powerful, they are very clear.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart. I don't care about these little geckos."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, calling these terrifying monsters "little geckos", but it made Ye Hao a little bit dumbfounded.

In Ye Hao's view, although Lin Feng's skill is extraordinary, he is the strongest and fastest of the B-level powerhouse he has ever seen. However, what Lin Feng had to face was not humans, but those cruel and powerful underground monsters, and he still had to face more than twenty of them alone.

Faced with such a difficult situation, Ye Hao didn't think that Lin Feng could go down and come back safely. I am afraid that after Lin Feng took the first step, he would be surrounded by five or six monsters, torn into pieces and eaten.

"Great Sage, do you want to stop thinking about it? It really doesn't work, I will take a ‘excited’ light cannon down, and fire it to save you when I have to be in love?"

Ye Hao felt that Lin Feng was facing an impossible task, but if Lin Feng insisted on doing it, in order to ensure Lin Feng's safety, he proposed.

"No need, that's too much trouble. It will take at least two more hours once you go, Captain Ye, Dr. Zhou, you are waiting here. I'll go back."

With that said, Lin Feng slid out of the safe area and stepped onto the ground of those underground monsters.


Lin Feng felt weird as soon as he stepped out. And the monsters around them also widened the copper bell eyes, and roared at Lin Feng.

"Great Sage, be careful! Behind...There are three behind you..."

"Be careful! Withdraw back quickly!"

Ye Hao and Zhou Hongmin's hearts were squeezed. With so many underground monsters, they stood in the safe zone and looked at them, all worried and afraid for Lin Feng. But Lin Feng didn't seem to care at all, standing still and smiling at the monsters.

"Little geckos! Do you want to eat Xiaoye? You are still tender!"

Seeing so many monsters rushing towards him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng didn't rush, running the light work of his feet, and easily dodge between each monster. He didn't take action to deal with these, just dodge it blindly.

"They have a monster aura, yes... they are a monster. I didn't expect that there are monsters on the earth now. Are these monsters really the monsters left by the cultivator to look after the house?"

While avoiding the attacks of these monsters, Lin Feng tried his best to stretch out his spiritual sense to feel everything around him. The strange feeling when he stepped into this side just now made Lin Feng feel that he was in a formation arranged by others.

The reason why those monsters can't get out of here is because of the shackles of this formation.

"No! That's not right... These monsters are monsters, but... they are not born to be monsters, but... they mutate after being infected with a strong monster. In other words, these monsters turned out to be true. Some lizards and reptiles in the desert have strayed into this place and become so huge after being contaminated with demonic air.

After Lin Feng's spiritual sense touched the hidden formation underneath, he suddenly felt a strong demon energy, and then suddenly realized.


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