Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1126: Refining Demon Pot

Lin Feng, who has read many ancient myths and novels, has a reputation for refining monster pots!

It can even be said that the demon refining pot of Empress Nuwa, but the twenty-four Dinghai God Pearls used by Lin Feng now have a much larger name, and their power should be much greater. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

It's a pity that what Lin Feng got was the devil refining pot that was broken, and it was too broken. Without the lid of the pot, the evil spirit inside was vented openly, and it seemed that the weather had disappeared first, so when Lin Feng used spiritual sense to communicate, he felt that it was no different from an ordinary iron pot.

However, after seeing the three characters of Refining Demon Pot, adding the previous demon energy and pressure field, Lin Feng reconfirmed that this is a treasure, even if it is broken like this, it is still a remarkable treasure.

"A good kind of Mengmeng. The first time I made a shot, I found such a precious magic weapon. This is the demon refining pot used by the'Nv' Wa Empress! I don't know how many disobedient demon great saints are buried in it , But now it falls into the hands of my Lin Feng."

Holding this demon refining pot and looking left and right, Lin Feng couldn't see anything famous, but he liked it very much.

"Refining the demon pot, hehe...Since it is in my hands, I will not let your pearl cast secretly. If you break it, I will definitely find a way to fix you."

Putting the demon refining pot into his own divine water space, Lin Feng patted the little guy's head, and then asked, "Mengmeng, let's take a look at this place... Is there any other baby?"


Facing the greedy Lin Feng, Mengmeng pursed her lips and shook her head, indicating that there are no other treasures she can see in this place.

"No baby anymore? Impossible! The pressure field here is still there!"

I walked forward and felt it. Although the pressure field here has weakened a lot because of Lin Feng's demon refining pot, it still exists. In the field of science, it is still a very good pressure mine, which can be used for scientific research.

"Huh? No, this pressure field is beginning to weaken. Although the rate of weakening is slower, it will disappear completely in about one or two hundred years. Sure enough, some of the visions here are due to the existence of the demon refining pot. No more Refining the demon pot, the pressure field will gradually disappear, and the natural five-element "mystery" array will also disappear. After the demon qi dissipates, no new demon beast will be produced."

Without the suppression of the Demon Refining Pot, Lin Feng found that his spiritual sense could finally be used. Sweeping lightly, he found that there was nothing unusual in this underground except for the demon refining pot.

Since there are no other treasures, Lin Feng has no need to continue to explore. He put today's great hero Mengmeng back into his pocket, and Lin Feng dug more than a dozen samples of ore from different locations around him. With the big bag in it, I planned to go back to'hand in' the job.

When he was carrying such a large bag of ore and was about to leave, he suddenly swept away his spiritual sense and found that there was a big and beautiful diamond as big as a dove egg under one of the ore.

"Ah! Such a big diamond, and it is still a pure natural ‘bare’ diamond, which can be set in jewelry without any processing. Just pick it up and make jewelry..."

It’s not as good as it was a coincidence that I came across such a "pigeon egg", Lin Feng will of course not let go, let the treasure hunter Mengmeng come out again, with its sharp claws, three times and five times from the rock. Planed out this diamond the size of a dove egg.


Lin Feng was looking at that joyfully while holding the pigeon egg, but Mengmeng was a little tired and yelled at Lin Feng dissatisfied.

"Got it! Got it... Go back and give you more dead water to replenish your body, will it work? Little guy, I have raised you for so long in vain, and now I let you work hard."

Collecting pigeon eggs, Lin Feng's career is considered full of rewards. Carrying a sack of ore samples, Lin Feng went straight back.


Those mutant monsters were still in place, and when they saw Lin Feng reappearing, they surrounded them. However, even if Lin Feng carried so many ore samples on his back, he was still as light as a swallow, swishing around and returning to the safe zone.

"Great Sage, are you back? What are these? Could it be that... are all the ore samples inside?"

Ye Hao, who was waiting outside in a hurry, asked in surprise when he saw Lin Feng suddenly appear again with such a large bag of heavy stones on his back.

"It's really a sample of the ore inside. By the way, there is a pressure mine? Great Sage, I was lucky not to be discovered by these monsters before I observed the pressure mine. What is the specific situation? Is the pressure mine still there? Is it stable?"

Seeing Lin Feng came back safe and sound, Zhou Hongmin also asked'excitedly'. Having engaged in geological research all his life, he has long been familiar with the ore samples, but he is even more nervous about the rare pressure mine in the world.

"Dr. Zhou, there is indeed a pressure field in it, which can be regarded as a kind of air pressure! But it is gradually becoming weaker. According to my observations, humans can control and use it. However, the life of this pressure field is estimated to be It's been about a hundred years."

Lin Feng put down the heavy sacks, spread them out, and pointed to the various ore samples inside and said, "When I sampled the ore inside, they were all very random. With so many, it should be possible to analyze this vein. The main mineral conditions are used as the information declared to the United Nations."

"Enough! Enough... Haha! Great Sage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are really our nobleman! This time, this crow mine is destined to be ours, and no other forces can take it away."

Seeing these ore samples, Zhou Hongmin nodded affirmatively.

However, Ye Hao frowned and pointed to the monsters in front of him and said, "Great Sage, what do these monsters do? Although you can go in and out freely, you will not be attacked by these monsters. However, once the mineral vein ownership is determined, we A large number of miners need to be sent here to mine, and their personal safety must be guaranteed."

"Captain Ye, you can rest assured. It is not difficult for me to get rid of these monsters. However, it is still useful for me to keep these monsters..."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng deliberately sold a pass, carrying the sacks of ore samples and walking on the way back, "Go! Two people, I have another plan. We need your cooperation. Talk while drinking coffee!"

There is no doubt that Lin Fengkou's plan was used to clean up the four-nation alliance outside the coveted crow mine.


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