Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1142: Beauty Writer (Part 1)

"One percent is also 2 billion US dollars? That's so much? Grandpa Cai, can you make a mistake? This is just the first task I have done for you! I need so much. Is it a bonus?"

One percent of the diamond vein valued at 200 billion US dollars is also 2 billion US dollars. Even for Lin Feng, it is a huge reward. *WwW.suimeng.lā! With the addition of more than 1.3 billion U.S. dollars collected from superpowers from various countries, Lin Feng’s assets soared to more than three billion U.S. dollars, which does not include the 2% of Southeast Airlines. Ten shares.

"How? Haha! Lin Feng, why do I feel that I have been underpaid? This is only the valuation of the entire diamond mine. If it is counted as the pressure mine, I am afraid the value is even more difficult to estimate."

In the villa, Old Man Dong has already prepared a celebration feast for Lin Feng, and said with a smile, "Our rewards for internal staff have always been very generous. To help us do things, we never have to worry about money. Moreover, Lin Feng, I am still drawing up a plan here. I hope you will be responsible for the training and formation of our internal superpowers. How about?"

"This responsibility is huge, Grandpa Cai, let me consider it. Besides, I am going to university, but I don't have much spare time." Lin Feng did not agree to this request of the old man.

"That's right! Haha! After all, you are still young. However, your ability is beyond doubt. Someone in the group had objected to me pushing you to perform this task before, but you did not let me down. Now There was no objection at all. Come! Old man, I have all the celebration banquet ready..."

Raising the goblet, the old man Cai said cheerfully to Lin Feng.

"It's another celebration banquet, Grandpa Dong, I don't deserve you to eat it. My mother almost called the police after missing for so many days. If you have nothing else, I'll go home quickly. I'll do this first!"

After finishing the previous glass of red wine in one bite, Lin Feng and Old Man Cai had a few more conversations, then hurriedly said goodbye and went home to beg the empress dowager of his family.

"How is it? Jianye, how would you rate Lin Feng's mission this time?"

After Lin Feng left, there was a sumptuous celebration banquet. Old man Cai and Wang Jianye were left. Old man Cai asked Wang Jianye with a smile.

"Does this still need to be scored? Dong Cai, of course it is a full mark! Moreover, Lin Feng did not even expose his identity during this mission. He also helped us uncover a traitor. So far, other forces The people in the world are still inquiring about this A-level martial artist called the'Great Sage'!" Wang Jianye also happily said.

"It turns a dragon when you encounter a storm. It's a young talent like Lin Feng! Don't think that Zhi'an is just a small city, who would have thought of a real dragon like Lin Feng dormant?"

Taking another sip of the red wine, Old Man Cai looked at the direction where Lin Feng had left with a deep meaning, and whispered to himself, "Perhaps, our future destiny is in Lin Feng's hands."


In the Lin family, Father Lin was still taking care of related matters at the Hero's Restaurant, but Mother Lin was in the living room watching the costume drama just broadcast while waiting for her son, who had been missing for several days, to return home.

"Mom! I'm back!"

Opening the big'door' and coming in, Lin Feng heard the sound of the TV in the living room far away, deliberately changed the subject, poked her head and saw that the'female' actor who was teasing Deng Chao's wife, Sun Li, said with a smile, "Hehe ! Mom, did you watch it again? Haven't you watched that film a dozen times earlier?"

"Go and go... You can see clearly, this is not it. It's the Warring States period costume drama that just came out, but it was almost performed by the original crew. It was just a few episodes, but it was good!"

When asked by Lin Feng, Lin Mu had forgotten to investigate Lin Feng's disappearance for several days.

"Cut! It's not the same. They are all telling a long and stinky story about how the "woman" embarrassed the "woman" person? Where are the network novels that I read that are good-looking! If it is the ones I like to read Any network novel can be made into a TV series, and this one you watch is definitely much better."

Lin Feng replied with a smile.

"Who said it's not a network novel? Seen it, Xiao Feng, the title is written! It is also adapted from a network novel. However, it is said that writing network novels is not very profitable now, and it is miserable. Finally, a novel was adapted into a TV series. I have to wrestle with the director for copyright and ask for money. It's really troublesome..."

Seeing her mother chattering about TV and novels, Lin Feng was secretly delighted, knowing that she had successfully diverted her attention. I ‘fixed’ this matter, so he quietly went back to his room.

However, the chat with my mother just now reminded Lin Feng that the book he had been following was very good. In the past few days, he went to Africa for missions and forgot to follow the update. When I opened the mobile phone and read QQ, I found that the author Wutonghuo began to complain.

"It's true these years. There are too many people reading pirated books. The authors can't make money. There are not many good readers like me who firmly support the original."

I am used to "sex" to subscribe to all this book and add some small rewards. Lin Feng thought that he had made more than three billion dollars in the account these days and made so much. It is better to give this author who he has always loved. A little more encouragement can also'encourage' him to explode and update. After all, it was stable three times a day, and he finished watching it in a few minutes.

"How much is a good reward? One dollar is equal to one hundred book coins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When I had no money before, I could only rely on pocket money to subscribe to see the original, and the rewards were very few. If you have money, why don't you give more rewards? This book doesn't seem to be too pitiful for even a leader, and one leader is only 1,000 yuan. Then I will give him ten leaders first! Ten thousand yuan! "

Lin Feng has more than one billion U.S. dollars in circulating funds, and the reward that Old Man Cai wants to give has not yet arrived. It can be said that it is completely wealthy. However, he did not throw millions and tens of millions to the author's Wutong fire all at once. It was not that he was stingy and reluctant, but that he was really afraid of scaring the other party. Therefore, Lin Feng tentatively recharged 10,000 yuan of book coins ‘sex’ and slammed it down.


Lin Feng's rewards were just hit, and suddenly, in the ranking of Tencent, the bestseller of this book rose to the top 50.

"Huh? Why are there only forty-five, such a good-looking book, I dropped 10,000 yuan, and only ranked more than forty. Are the other readers blind?"

On a whim, being rich is ‘satisfactory’. Lin Feng recharged tens of thousands of dollars one after another, and the rewards went down.


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