Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1145: video

"Sister Taste, I...I'm not mistaken, right? So many rewards? You said...Could it be that the station data is wrong!"

Seeing the string of high-value rewarding records, Wu Zeqing couldn't believe her eyes. ? WWW.suimeng.lā. . Pinshu.com's first reaction was that it was possible that the station's data was wrong, and a reader's tip was displayed as ten.

"How can I make a mistake? I have never made this kind of mistake when I have been writing a book for so many years. Sister Wutong, don't worry. Your book is actually really'quite' well written. Get the opportunity and attention. It happens to be a good opportunity this time. I really envy you. There is such a tyrant reader who is optimistic about you!"

Taste Yu came over with a smiling face, and an envious face.

"Go! Sister, you have a lot of local writers. You are lazy and only update a chapter from time to time. If you have three changes every day like me, I am afraid the readers would have screamed for you. ."

Seeing the ridicule sent by Tanyu, Wu Zeqing was really a little bit dumbfounded. Like himself, Tsangyu is the so-called "older single ‘female’ youth" who has always insisted on writing for his dream of writing, and he is also an older single ‘female’ youth of the art version. Wu Zeqing is only twenty-seven years old this year, and her family is already out of urges. Tsing Yu Ke is already thirty years old. She is still single and stays at home writing things all day long.

"Come on! I live by inspiration. I write when I am inspired. I can't write when I am not inspired."

Taste Yu smiled, and immediately reminded, "That's right! Aren't you going to remind your little reader not to give such crazy rewards? Don't hurry up? I think he seems to be starting to reward again!"

"Oh! Right... Then try sister, we'll talk later."

Wu Zeqing just remembered when he was reminded by Tsing Yu, and quickly found the QQ group in the reader column, and searched for the QQ number of "madman". In a moment of desperation, he directly clicked on the video request.


The video request was sent out. Lin Feng, who was using his mobile phone to recharge book coins to give Wutonghuo a reward for making the list, suddenly saw the QQ video request page, and when he saw that it was from Wutonghuo, he was surprised and said, "Huh? Me? Just a few minutes after the reward, Brother Wutong already knows?"

For a long time, Lin Feng thought that Wutonghuo, the author of this book, was a boy. After all, the protagonist was a boy. Many of the plots in it, especially those close to campus life, gave Lin Feng a feeling of empathy.

"When I was chatting with Wutong brother, they were just typing chats. Once I wanted to video chat with him, he stalled. Why did you ask me to video chat with me this time?"

Seeing the video call popped up by Wutonghuo, Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised and surprised, and hesitated to answer it? I just came back from Africa, the sun there is poisonous enough, and there is no time to clean up the image after more than ten hours of airplane, so I can be seen by my favorite author? The image is not so good, right?

However, this opportunity with Wutonghuo video is not always there, and it is also a video popped up by Wutonghuo, maybe there is an urgent matter?

"That's right! How about this... I will use the rear camera, so that Brother Wutong can't see me."

After hesitating for two seconds, Lin Feng switched the camera and clicked to accept the video call.

And Wu Zeqing, who was in front of the computer on the other end, was also a little surprised. He even clicked on a video call in a desperate life. When she was hesitating whether to hang up the call, Lin Feng had already connected the video.

"Hey! Brother Wutong, is that you? Hey! I want to video with you this time, you are still shy, and you took the initiative to find me for a video this time, what's the matter?"

As soon as the video was connected, Lin Feng said with a smile, but I don’t know if it was due to the network or some other reason. The video was dark. He could not see the phoenix fire or hear the sound. He asked strangely, "Hey! Hey hey hey... Brother Wutong, can you hear my voice? Why can't I see your video and there is no sound?"

It turned out that Wu Zeqing’s laptop had been in use for several years, and the camera was broken. Therefore, it was not because of network problems that Lin Feng couldn't see the video over there.

Fortunately, the speakers and microphones are both normal. Wu Zeqing heard Lin Feng’s voice on the other side, but watching the video, it seemed to be a rear camera, and Lin Feng’s face was not visible, thinking that maybe this madman was too shy. Letting myself look straight, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Huh? There is laughter? Why is the voice of a "female" child? Brother Wutong, is there a "female" child next to you? Hey... can you hear me? I can hear you, but see No picture."

There was a very nice laughter from the "girl" child from the phone, and Lin Feng gave a startled suspicion and hurriedly asked.

"Crazy! Hey... lunatic, can you hear me? How do you call me Brother Wutong? Hehe! I am obviously a'girl' boy." After hesitating, Wu Zeqing finally decided to reply to Lin Feng, a **** fan.

"'Female' boy? Isn't it? Wutong brother...No! It should be called Wutong sister, you really are a'girl' boy? But, you never said it before! I always thought you and me It’s also a boy!"

After reading Wutonghuo's book for several years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng has always thought that this book was written by boys. It is until today that he finally understands the truth. The author of the novel that he has always liked and read is actually a. Women's birth. I really knew the truth and tears fell. It was so touching, surprise and...surprise.

Moreover, listening to this voice, Lin Feng could imagine that the phoenix fire in front of the computer must be a beautiful "female" writer who knows "sex". But by the way, the screen of the mobile phone is black and you can't see anything.

"I didn't say it, but you didn't ask me either! Hehe..."

Hearing Lin Feng's shocked words, Wu Zeqing couldn't help but laughed again, and she knew that Lin Feng had always regarded her as a man.

"Sister Wutong, why haven't the cameras on your side been adjusted? Why can't I see you? It's all dark. Hurry up and let me see what you look like!" After'getting on' the video call settings of his mobile phone for a long time, Lin Feng confirmed that there was a problem on his side, so he said to Wu Zeqing.


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