Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1148: The secret of Changbai Mountain opens

"What? My book was overtaken by someone? Trash, this little thing will bother me? You should give a reward and overtake it. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā.!"

Ouyang Feng angrily rushed to his subordinate Ouyang Zhong and said, because of such a trivial matter, he had just been reprimanded and questioned by his father.

"But... But, Shao Feng, the newly rushed first place was rewarded by a million, and we were surpassed in an instant." Ouyang Zhong said bitterly.

"One million book coins? That's only ten thousand yuan. Go ahead quickly! What are you afraid of? Didn't I give you half a million yuan in reward every month? As long as the reward is exceeded by someone." Ouyang The wind said naturally.

"Not a million book coins, less wind, but..."

After hesitating for a while, Ouyang Zhong still said, "It's one million yuan, and the second reader rewarded more than one million yuan, and then surpassed us. I will pay all the remaining 500,000 yuan. Reward, still did not compete for the first place."

"What? Someone'spends' RMB 1 million to reward a novel on the Internet? Are you crazy? No matter, Azhong, I will give you another one million, and your horse will reward you! The first is Mine is bound to win."

Gritting his teeth, Ouyang Feng’s book has never fallen to the first place, and now it is surpassed by another unknown novel. How can he give up and immediately transfer 1 million yuan from his account, saying , "Come here and use my computer to reward! I want to see with my own eyes, my book is back on the top spot."

With this one million investment in rewards, Ouyang Feng's book jumped back to the first place.

Lin Feng of Zhi'an City saw that the original number one had rushed back, and knew that he must be rewarding himself. So he smiled and said, "How much money is it with me? What I don't need is money now. I said that I want to give my sister Wutong the first place, and I will definitely do it. Since you want to come with me, I will give you a big move!"

Lin Feng quickly used his mobile phone to transfer money. This time, instead of one million yuan, he directly transferred ten million yuan to top up the book currency and rewarded him in one go.

A reward of one billion book coins!

In an instant, the entire novel site was shocked.

Wu Zeqing stared at the computer screen blankly. There were so many zero rewards, and the whole person was going to be stupid. The lunatic high-school reader who just talked to himself actually rewarded himself with book coins worth 10 million yuan. What is going on in this world?

"Sister Wutong, congratulations! Local tyrant! It is really a super local tyrant, and I spent a lot of money for you. This is probably the largest denomination in history." Taste Yu sent a congratulatory text message.

In the study of Ouyang's home, Ouyang Feng was also stunned. Before he saw that the one million yuan worth of rewards was already the highest. But today, someone actually rewarded an opponent's book with RMB 10 million. Looking at the reader's id name as a lunatic, he could only shout "lunatic! lunatic! This person is really a lunatic!"

"Ten million yuan, then... less wind, I... shall we still follow?" Ouyang Zhong also looked at Ouyang Feng helplessly and asked.

"Fuck! Damn, we have a lot of money with Ouyang? Isn't it 10 million? There are still 20 to 30 million liquid funds in my account, Azhong, I will transfer it to you, and Ma will give me a reward! First place, It must be Ouyang Feng."

After gritting his teeth, Ouyang Feng immediately took out his mobile phone and transferred the money.

However, Ouyang Feng's 10 million yuan has just been rewarded, but Lin Feng has been rewarded with 10 million yuan one after another.

Ten million, twenty million, thirty million...



The amount of rewards directly broke 100 million within ten minutes. For a moment, Ouyang Feng was completely helpless. Seeing all the rewards, Ouyang Feng could only admit it, and said unwillingly, "Okay! If you are ruthless, just smashed a billion in. Madman, right! It's best not to let me Ouyang Feng meet you in reality, otherwise I will never end with you!"

Because he didn't have enough cash, Ouyang Feng could only watch as Lin Feng took away the throne of the first place. It is conceivable that he was embarrassed in his heart, since he grew up, he may have lost to others in other ways. But I have never lost when I was rich, but today I was completely beaten and lost with money.

"Hey! One hundred million is enough, that's enough! No matter how much, I'm afraid it will cause trouble. I don't know if the guy who has just dropped 10 million dares to add it? I guess he dare not? Haha ! A lot of money with Xiaoye? I just made more than three billion dollars."

When Lin Feng saw Ouyang Feng's counseling, he stopped after receiving a reward of 100 million yuan, but he was thinking, "I don't know what Sister Wutong would look like when she saw these rewards? In any case, so many rewards will definitely be enough to support Wutong sister to continue to create and write. I can also retire."

In order to prevent Wu Zeqing from wanting to return these rewards to herself, Lin Feng deliberately took QQ offline so that Wu Zeqing could not find herself.

And today's fight for rewards has directly become a hot internet anecdote.


With the help of Lin Feng’s ‘yin’ and yang water in the capital, the Xiao family, and Xiao Nishang, he has perfected his ‘yin’ and yang physique, and his cultivation level broke through to the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow. Elder Xiao's life and death barrier has not come out yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xiao Nishang has received news from Changbai Mountain.

"Nishang, are you packing your things and are ready to go to the secret realm of Changbai Mountain?" Chen Lingsu saw Xiao Nishang packing his luggage and asked eagerly, "Would you like to think about it again, after all, this time is too dangerous."

"Cousin Lingsu, is Xiao Nishang a person who is afraid of danger? Since I said to go, I will definitely go. Xiantiancao, I can definitely find it. I have already booked the ticket to Changbai Mountain. Cousin, you don't need it. Worry for me, I am now on the sixth floor of the day after tomorrow and can protect myself."

Different from the large and small bags of other'female' students, Xiao Nishang's luggage is a mountaineering bag in total, which is light and convenient without too many useless debris. After packing his luggage, Xiao Nishang asked the driver to take him directly to the Capital Airport, and the afternoon flight flew directly to Changbai Mountain.

As soon as Xiao Nishang left the Xiao family, Ouyang Feng also received the news. Ouyang Feng, who had just lost his first throne and was frustrated, when he heard Xiao Nishang leave the Xiao family to go to Changbai Mountain, he smiled viciously, "Huh! My young master is upset, Xiao Nishang, you stinky girl, see my young master is here. How will Changbai Mountain clean up you! Azhong, Ma told the uncles that it’s time to act..."


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