Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1167: Retreat

Indeed, pure and beautiful "girls" like Qin Yanran are not common even in the emperor capitals where beautiful "girls" are like clouds. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā,. Mobile terminal

Ye Zhifei is the second youngest member of the Ye family. He has seen too many "women", but most of them are artificially beautiful "women." Many pretty good-looking "girls" came back from the country of "Bang" and "spended" some money with a knife, and turned into young models or eighteen-line starlets.

Although these "female" people look good and have good figures, they are a bit bored after watching them for a long time. The reason is that they all look the same, and they all have a strong powdery smell.

The so-called real beauties should all be natural pink, daisy, and faceless'females', or why have many plain beauty'females' become popular recently?

The photo of Qin Yanran is such a natural and beautiful'female', and Qin Yanran's innocent and pleasant appearance will make any man tempted to see it, as if she has returned to the past. That youthful'spring' campus.

"The best! It's the best! Fortunately, my eldest brother is already married, otherwise, where would I be the one for such a good sex?"

Ye Zhifei's status in the Ye family has always been inexhaustible. There is an elder brother Ye Zhiyuan pressing in front of him. Ye Zhiyuan takes care of almost all family affairs.

Therefore, Ye Zhifei also put all his thoughts on eating, drinking and having fun. She has a deep research on food and beauty, and she has the title of Beijing Huashao.

"No! No! How can such a beautiful "girl" be treated with ordinary food?"

Staring at Qin Yanran's photo, Ye Zhifei moved his mind and immediately stopped the big meals in the kitchen. Instead, another mysterious phone was dialed.

"Hey! Is this Chef Zhu? Yes! I am Ye Er Shao. Today I want to entertain some VIPs at Dong Lai Hotel, and I want to trouble you to come over and make a full table for the Han Han."

It turned out that Ye Zhifei remembered the feast that he had eaten every time. It was made by the famous chef Zhu Hongming from Beijing.

This Zhu Hongming was a personal disciple of a former imperial kitchen chef. The Man-Han banquet made by him can be said to be ‘color’ and scented. Even a child of the ancient martial arts family like Ye Zhifei may not be able to eat it.

"No problem, Ye Er Shao's orders, Lao Zhu, I am naturally disrespectful. I happened to be near the Donglai Hotel, and I rushed over in about ten minutes. Isn't it a problem?"

Although Zhu Hongming is a famous chef in Beijing, he is more respectful to the children of the ancient martial family like Ye Zhifei. Moreover, he also wanted to rely on Ye Zhifei's relationship to have a place in the capital and make friends with more dignitaries.

Especially after losing face with Lin Feng’s cooking in Zhi’an City, Zhu Hongming more and more wanted to prove his ability. He was invited to be a full-feast of the Manchus everywhere. Only when these praises were received can he reap what Lin Feng took away. Self-esteem comes.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Hongming rushed to the Donglai Hotel specially, and respectfully asked Ye Zhifei, "Second Young Master Ye, dare to ask what special requirements are there for this feast?"

"Chef Zhu, don't worry, there is no special requirement. Those who are here are just hillbillies from a small place, how delicious you are, and how delicious you make them, anyway, let them know how delicious our Beijing cuisine and royal meals are."

Seeing Zhu Hongming's face so much, Ye Zhifei said triumphantly. Among the delicacies he had eaten, Zhu Hongming could be said to be one of the best, so Ye Zhifei believed that as long as Zhu Hongming made the food, Qin Yanran from Zhian City would definitely think it was delicious.

"Then Ye Er Young Master, don’t worry. My Zhu Hongming’s craftsmanship, in this Huaxia Land, no one has ever dared to say it’s not good. I promise to let him eat it once and think about it a second time. ."

What Zhu Hongming said is true. In the food circle of the capital, only the three words Zhu Hongming are worth a lot of money, but as long as Zhu Hongming joins the restaurant with his reputation, it is like a cloud of customers. lively.

This time, Ye Zhifei made a special trip to invite him to the chef of Donglai Hotel. Zhu Hongming also decided to make good use of it and ‘show off’ his face in front of Ye Zhifei, the second youngest member of the Ye family.

However, at the Capital Airport at this time, when Lin Feng's high-priced special plane slowly landed, he didn't know. There is a series of tests that are not tests waiting for him!

"Lin Feng, as expected, on this special plane, ordinary flights are much more comfortable. I squinted for a while and it was very comfortable. It didn't look like I was on a plane!"

After Qin Yanran got off the plane, with a pretty face, she nestled beside Lin Feng and said happily and sweetly.

"Yan Ran, as long as you like, every time you leave the'door' in the future, I will book you a special'door' plane."

Qian Jin smiled as a beauty, nothing more. Seeing Qin Yanran's knowing and satisfying happy smile, Lin Feng had nothing to ask for, and with Qin Yanran's pure and happy smile, it would be considered a'spend' no amount of money. What does it matter?

Rich, ‘sex’, nothing more!

With Qin Yanran holding his arm, Lin Feng and her walked out of the airport through the passage.

Qin Yanran took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of her second uncle Qin Zhong, and said sweetly, "Er uncle, where are you? Lin Feng and I are almost at the exit."

"Yan Ran, your brother Yue Chuan and I arrived at the exit in China. You should be able to see us when you come out."

Qin Zhong said cheerfully, and after a while, he saw Lin Feng who was being held by Qin Yanran at the exit.

"Yue Chuan, have you seen it? The relationship between your cousin Yanran and that kid seems very unusual?"

Seeing the relationship between Qin Yanran and Lin Feng seemed very close~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Zhong naturally said a little glumly.

"Dad! What does it matter? Sister Yanran is just a ‘flower’, Ji Shao’s ‘female’ girl. It’s only normal for some teenagers of the same age to pursue and like her."

Qin Yuechuan didn't seem to take it seriously, and said lightly, "Dad! Don't worry, as long as the stinky boy named Lin Feng sees what car we are driving, what restaurant we are going to, and what we eat. Cai, what kind of character the second young master of the Ye family is like, he will naturally retreat when he sees difficulties, and there is no need for us to say nothing."

"Oh? Really? Then...Yue Chuan, what about our attitude towards him? Is it to be worse? Let them know that we don't like him?" Qin Zhong asked suspiciously.

"No! Dad, your wicked and wicked attitude is outdated. Not only can we not be fierce to Lin Feng, but we must be very enthusiastic towards him, so that sister Yanran will not think that we are obstructing. However, let Lin Feng see It must be seen by him if he arrives, so that he can retreat from difficulties!" Qin Yuechuan said with confidence.


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