Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1172: Love rival? (under)

With its magnificent decoration and art-rich interior sky-high-priced galleries, Donglai Hotel is second to none in the capital in terms of appearance grade and connotation. *WwW.suimeng.lā. .

Lin Feng had seen this point and had to admit it. However, this does not mean that Lin Feng really likes such a hotel.

Because, just from the arrangement of these paintings in the gallery, Lin Feng can tell that the host of the hotel is a fake art, just pretending to be a ‘force’.

The combination of Western paintings and Chinese landscape paintings is nondescript, and even has some sense of disharmony. Moreover, in order to highlight some high-value Western paintings, many landscape paintings became a foil.

Especially the Western paintings of Impressionism, the style of painting is "smooth", the images are distorted, and they are placed in a group of landscape paintings, which makes people feel that some eyes hurt.

"Brother Yue Chuan, although these paintings are all real, they are not arranged at all levels."

Before Lin Feng spoke, Qin Yanran couldn't help but speak first. After all, Qin Yanran was influenced by her grandmother Ye Huiqin at home, and her ability to appreciate paintings is as good as some experts and professors in their 50s and 60s.

"Hey! Yanran, can you see it too? It seems that the owner of this hotel is just using these paintings to pretend to be ‘spending’ money."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yuechuan's expression just a few seconds after being proud of him, instantly stiffened again.

He just wanted to rush to the box as soon as possible, as long as it was set off by Ye Er Shao's temperament, he would definitely be able to completely go down Lin Feng, a local bunny hillbilly.

"This Donglai Hotel was originally opened by Ouyang's house. I looked at the paintings in the hallway on the 33rd floor. These paintings were in their hands and were completely ruined."

Shaking his head, Lin Fengxin said with some regret. After all, leaving aside Western paintings, many of these ink paintings are of great value, and they also represent the excellence of China.

At the same time, Lin Feng walked and looked at the paintings on these walls, and at the same time used his spiritual sense to scan the surrounding private rooms at will, wanting to see who these private rooms are actually here.

"Huh? This is the deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. I have seen it on TV."

"The other box, Jay Lun Zou? The first-line male singer is also here, and he is talking about business as if... is a warrior?"


Lingshen glanced over, and Lin Feng found that no matter what level it was in the box of Heaven, Earth Xuanhuang, there was basically a warrior.

"It seems that the box on the top floor can only be brought in by the warriors of the ancient martial family. Some celebrities and political figures can only come to this top floor if they are carried by people."

Seeing the people in these private rooms, Lin Feng became a little confused. Because according to the information he got from the Xiao family's intelligence network, the Qin family is just an ordinary family of jewelry ‘jades’, not a family of ancient warriors.

Logically speaking, the Qin family and his son were not qualified to book a private room in the Donglai Hotel.

However, when Lin Feng scanned the innermost number one, Tianzi No. 1, the private room they were going to, he understood. It turned out that there was a warrior on the fourth floor of the acquired box waiting.

"This person is nearly 30 years old, and his cultivation on the fourth floor of the day after tomorrow should be considered good in the ancient martial arts family in Beijing."

From Ye Zhifei's martial arts cultivation base in the box, Lin Feng judged that the family power behind Ye Zhifei was not small.

However, while Lin Feng was speculating on Ye Zhifei's family background and purpose, Lin Feng found an acquaintance in the box of Another Tianzi No.2.

This person is no one else, but Shu Gangqing, the old leader of Lin Feng's father.

"It's a coincidence that Uncle Schuh is here. However, this is also normal. It is estimated that most of the'communications' activities of the migrants in the capital are in this hotel!"

After a preliminary understanding, Qin Zhong and the others had already reached the ‘door’ of the private room.

Opening the ‘door’, the Qin family’s father and son walked in first, and when they saw the long-awaited Ye family’s second master, Qin Yuechuan apologized cheerfully, "Excuse me! Ye Shao, let you wait a long time."

"Ye Shao, this is my niece'daughter' Yanran. You have seen the photos before. Yanran has always admired Ye Shao..."

Qin Zhong opened the ‘door’ with a smile on his face and introduced Ye Zhifei to Qin Yanran.

Qin Yanran, who was happily entering the private room, couldn't tell how his second uncle was thinking when he saw such a battle.

It turned out to be pretending to welcome himself and Lin Feng, but in reality he wanted to introduce the Ye Family's young master to himself.

As a result, Qin Yanran was still smiling just now, and she suddenly became cold. Facing Ye Zhifei, he didn't even say hello at all.

"Miss Yanran, hello! Hello! I have admired you for a long time in Beijing too! I heard that you have passed Qingbei University, don't worry! I say hello, in Qingbei University, no one dares to bully you. "

When Ye Zhifei saw Qin Yanran's real person, his eyes went straight. Because the previous photo that Qin Yuechuan gave to Ye Zhifei was taken by Qin Yanran half a year ago, now Qin Yanran, with the nourishment of the divine water given by Lin Feng, has become more beautiful and pure.

Whenever a man sees Qin Yanran's appearance and posture, I am afraid that he will be unable to control it.

"Ye Shao, thank you for your kindness. However, in Qingbei University, no one will bully me. Moreover, my classmate Lin Feng also passed the exam of Beijing University. If something really happens, he will also Protect me."

Now that he understood what the second uncle meant, and what Ye Zhifei came from, of course Qin Yanran couldn't show them good looks, so he immediately took out the image of Bingshan's "female" god. .

"Your classmate Lin Feng?"

Following Qin Yanran's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Zhifei saw Lin Feng who had been voluntarily ignored before. For so many years, he has digged in numerous corners, and he naturally saw the relationship between Qin Yanran and Lin Feng at a glance.

At the same time, Ye Zhifei also knew that Qin Yanran deliberately cited Lin Feng's example so as to tell him the fact that "the name'flower' has a master".

However, the more this happened, the more excited Ye Zhifei was. Even if it is Qin Yanran's such amazing'color', if it is really posted upside down, Ye Zhifei would not have so much interest.

Now with Qin Yanran and "boyfriend" Lin Feng, Ye Zhifei's heart was instantly excited. If you can come in front of Lin Feng and dig out Qin Yanran abruptly and make Qin Yanran fall in love with him, then you can show your ability!

"A hillbilly from a small city deserves to be Ben Shao's love rival? Let him taste the pain first."

Squinting at Lin Feng, Ye Zhifei smiled slightly, and then pretended to be very enthusiastic and stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, you are welcome in Beijing!"


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