Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1189: Ye 2 is about to be famous

Ma Yaohui, the director of CCTV's "Go to the Spot" program, has just finished the mission this time and recorded the real life of the dancers in the nightclub.

Originally, Ma Yaohui felt that such a program was definitely gimmicky and attractive, and it would surely make the viewership of "Go to the Spot" soar.

However, the scene I saw before my eyes made Ma Yaohui's three views almost collapsed. At the same time, he also felt that this was a more gimmicky and interesting event than a nightclub dancer.

With more and more celebrities and important social figures coming out in recent years, feelings and love between same **** have gradually become accepted by mainstream society’s values.

However, it is precisely because of this that more and more **** lovers have walked from behind the scenes to the front, triggering more intense conflicts of values.

Should we accept this group of people?

Is love between same **** deformities or another kind of love?

Should we protect the legal rights and social dignity of these people?

Arguments about these issues are being staged on the Internet almost every day. However, there is no domestic program that has the courage to present this social phenomenon and discuss and study it seriously.

Now, Ma Yaohui feels that this is an excellent opportunity. Although the program "Go to the Spot" he produced is a key program of CCTV prime time, the ratings have been tepid, and it is barely qualified.

Therefore, Ma Yaohui faces a lot of pressure from his superiors, and has always wanted to make a program that is very socially concerned.

Undoubtedly, the opportunity is now here. The shocking scene in front of me instantly aroused the enthusiasm of Ma Yaohui, a journalist.

"What are you doing there? Lao Wang, Xiaohou, hurry up! Video...Video! We are going to make an exposure and discussion program for this phenomenon..."

After the reaction, Ma Yaohui quickly organized the manpower, and five or six cameras pointed at Ye Zhifei and his men over there.

"Let me go! It's such an exaggeration, and within a few minutes, an interview car came, and... with so many cameras, it is almost ready to be filmed into an island country action movie..."

This interview car came, but Lin Feng did not expect it. Originally, he thought that a few reporters could come and take a few photos, and put them on the headlines of the newspaper tomorrow, which would be enough to make Ye Zhifei and Ye Jia lose their sight. Full of face.

But now, it turned out to be the program group of the famous CCTV "Go to the Spot", which was completely out of Lin Feng's expectation.

"Live broadcast? Haha! This time the show has been upgraded again!"

Although they had arrived at the door of the hotel, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran did not enter the hotel immediately, instead they stayed here to watch the excitement.

"Really! Lin Feng, look at it soon... it's the TV station. It's the CCTV program group, so many cameras."

Qin Yanran was also surprised to point to the program group of "Go to the Spot" and said, "Doesn't that mean that the Ye Zhifei thing tonight is going to be on TV?"

"It is estimated that the noses of these reporters are good enough! I clearly remember that I didn't call this "Go to the Spot" program group just now!"

Lin Feng's spiritual sense still used puppet techniques to control Ye Zhifei's subordinates, and because of the presence of the camera, Lin Feng created a lot of indecent pictures even more wickedly and interestingly.

These pictures are almost too much for the film crew to watch. They were surprised at how these people had seen the camera and dared to do it on the main road so grandiosely.

"Good! Very good! Haha... the more intense the better, the more it can arouse social attention. This must be the complete outbreak of the same-sex relationship after being suppressed to a certain degree, so that we can ignore any external interference like this , It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Ma Yaohui was so excited that he was about to jump up. He was 100% sure that it would be necessary to edit and broadcast these pictures and post social opinions and discussions on same-sex love, which would inevitably arouse focus attention.

Not only that, but then, seven or eight reporters who came from all directions were stunned by this scene.

"Beijing Times", "Youth Morning Post", "People's Daily"


The reporters of these newspapers all felt that they must have come to the wrong scene. Didn’t it say that the good ones are the fighting scenes? How did it become like this?

However, Ma Yaohui was very willing to stir up the matter, and instilled the main thrust of this incident toward these reporters who arrived later.

Immediately, the reporters all understood, and took pictures of Ye Zhifei and his men with the camera.

Under the camera, under the flashlight, Ye Zhifei almost collapsed to the extreme. He originally thought that this situation was already the worst, and it couldn't be worse.

However, when these reporters rushed over, when so many cameras and flashes were aimed at him, Ye Zhifei was already unable to scream.

"Evil is rewarded! Hey... Ye Er Young Master, this time I will let you be famous in the capital. No, it should be famous throughout the country..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Zhifei had completely lost consciousness under both physical and mental torture, and those reporters and TV programs had also obtained sufficient news materials, and Lin Feng lifted his control over those subordinates.

"Ye Shao, what...what's going on? Why did I do this to Ye Shao!"

"Ah! Dead, dead! I'm actually... but Ye Shao and you, what is going on?"

"Why are there reporters? And TV cameras? What the **** is all this? Who told you to shoot..."

"Hand over the camera... Don't shoot! Don't be afraid! Guess who we are?"


Those of Ye Zhifei's subordinates were shocked after recollecting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, especially when they saw Ye Zhifei who passed out, and the media reporters who talked about them, even more. Crazy like going to grab the cameras of those reporters.

However, with Lin Feng, they would naturally not be able to succeed. Amidst the frenzy of these subordinates, the reporters broke away and their cameras were tightly protected.

The program group "Straight to the Spot" has gained the most. Ma Yaohui has prepared countless topics and angles in his heart. This event tonight can definitely become a great benchmark in the history of **** love in our country.

As the driving force behind all of this, Lin Feng, of course, hid his merit and fame deeply, and took Qin Yanran's slippery hands, and happily went to the hotel to open a room with her... No, it should be a good rest.

(These are two chapters written on the plane's high altitude. I will post them as soon as I get home when I get off the plane. Today, I have only two chapters. I am too tired. I ask you to let me rest and owe you five chapters. The way to make up is: tomorrow From the beginning to the first, at least four chapters broke out every day. Too tired, I went to sleep!)

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