Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1192: Aunt Ping agreed?

"Ask mom? Yanran, don't you want to call Aunt Ping to ask?"

Lin Feng was startled when he heard Qin Yanran's twitchy words. ~~щww~suimеng~lā,.

Qin Yanran is a well-known ‘girl’, and Lin Feng knows this clearly, but how can I ask my mother about this kind of thing?

"En! Lin Feng, my mother talked to me, let me... let me have something to tell her..."

Looking up, Qin Yanran's big eyes flickered and looked at Lin Feng so pitifully, "I'll call my mother and ask, if my mother agrees, I... I'll share a room with you, Lin Feng, yes. Huh?"

Faced with Qin Yanran’s request, Lin Feng is now agreeing or not, and finally nodding helplessly, "Okay! But, Yanran, you must tell Aunt Ping clearly when you call. It is not that I have to have a room with you, but that there is only one room left. At this point, you must not confuse it."

Lin Feng was also dumbfounded at this time, why was he knocked on all kinds of things? I don't know what kind of reaction Aunt Ping will respond to Qin Yanran's call.

"Great! Lin Feng, thank you for understanding me like this. I will definitely tell my mother, and my mother is very relieved of you. I believe she will agree to it."

Qin Yanran picked up the phone and dialed the number of her mother Chen Luping.


Qin Yanran's nerves were tense at the voice waiting to be connected, and Lin Feng's ears were also pricked up, and there was something in her heart.

"Hey! My Yanran baby, what's the matter? Are you having fun with Lin Feng in the capital?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen'Lu' asked with a smile.

"It's okay, but, Mom, I want to tell you one thing, and I hope you...help me decide."

Qin Yanran deliberately turned sideways, leaned on the sofa, and whispered to her mother.

"Oh? Let me call you the shots? It seems that my little Yanran is having trouble." Chen'Lu'ping didn't take it seriously, and asked easily.

"Mom, it's like this. Lin Feng and I have arrived at the hotel now, but there is only one room left..."

To make a long story short, Qin Yanran picked the most important point and told Chen Luping of the current dilemma.

"Your second uncle is also unreliable, Yan Ran, which means that now you...have to sleep in the same room as Lin Feng?"

Hearing what the'female' son Qin Yanran reported, Chen Luping didn't know why, and suddenly her face turned red, and she felt like a fire. She couldn't help but think of the time when she and Lin Feng were chased by the killer. Wasn't it also in a difficult situation, and finally forced to be under the same roof with Lin Feng?

These two scenes are different and roughly the same, but they take place in the bodies of their mother and daughter, and the protagonist is the same person. So after listening to Qin Yanran's narration of the "female" son, Chen "Lu" Ping was also dumbfounded in her heart, and felt that some destiny had "made" people.

However, think about it the other way around. Qin Yanran, a "female" child, is now Lin Feng's "female" friend. When the two go out together in a different place, it is very likely that this will happen naturally. Even if they didn't meet each other today, wouldn't they also face this situation when they travel or play together in the future? The time to come will always come, and Chen'Lu'ping also regrets that she did not teach her'girl' how to deal with this situation earlier.

"Hmm! Mom, there is no other way now. I... I'm in the same room with Lin Feng, you... do you think it's okay?"

Qin Yanran is now shy and expectant. The young'girl's yearning for love and the obscure impulse of love are all revealed at this moment, and they collide with the inherent reservedness of the'female'. In Qin Yanran 'Intertwined' in his body.

"I think?"

Upon hearing this, Chen'Lu'ping was annoyed. She didn't expect the "girl" to be so obedient, and even this kind of thing would let herself as a mother decide. And through this, Chen'Lu'ping also fully understood that Qin Yanran really didn't know anything. He didn't understand anything between men and women, just like a blank sheet of paper.

"Oh! How should I tell Yanran? It's okay to be in the same room with Lin Feng, but be careful not...Oh! How can I tell Yanran about this?"

Hesitating Chen'Lu' Ping was afraid that the'woman' would not know the measure for a while, but she didn't know how to talk to the'woman' about this question of measure, so she got stuck there.

"Mom! Are you talking? Should I be in the same room with Lin Feng?" Qin Yanran was actually a little scared at this time, she was afraid that her mother would not agree.

"This... Yanran..."

The speechless Chen'Lu'ping suddenly thought of a solution, and immediately asked, "Is Lin Feng next to you? Yanran, you call Lin Feng and I will tell Lin Feng."

"Here! Mom, then... I gave Lin Feng the phone."

Seeing her mother want to talk to Lin Feng, Qin Yanran became more nervous again, secretly asking her mother to blame Lin Feng for failing? Or is it because she has something to say to herself, but she wants to tell Lin Feng?

With such anxious mood, Qin Yanran handed the phone over to Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, mother wants to talk to you."

"Ah? Tell me? Yanran, did Aunt Ping agree?" Lin Feng asked knowingly.

"I don't know, Mom didn't say it clearly." Qin Yanran's cheeks became even redder with her small pink mouth.

"Okay! Then... let me ask Aunt Ping!"

Picking up the phone, Lin Feng was still a little guilty when facing Chen'Lu'ping. After all, she was considered his mother-in-law.

"Hey! Aunt Ping~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am Lin Feng." Lin Feng decided not to talk about tonight's affairs first, and was going to get a taste of Chen's Lu Ping's attitude.

"En! Lin Feng, Yan Ran told me all about your situation. There is only one room left. You have to take care of Yan Ran for me, you know?"

Chen'Lu' Ping said in a very serious and serious tone, as if she usually gave orders to lower-level officials in the Zhengfu Building.

"Guaranteed to complete the task, Aunt Ping, so you are... agree that I sleep in the same room with Yanran?" Lin Feng's heart was pounding, and Qin Yanran heard Lin Feng's answer from the side, showing his face. 'A smirk came out.

"Otherwise, what else? I can't let my baby'girl' sleep in the street with you all night, right?"

After a pause, Chen'Lu' added, "It's okay to sleep together, but you must remember that you are not allowed to do anything to Yanran, you know? Lin Feng, auntie believes you very much, like the two of us. It’s like that in the same room at Sanjiangkou, you have to be honest, you know?"


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