Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1199: Met acquaintances again

It is the summer vacation, so there are a lot of parents who take their children to visit Tsinghua University, and the queues at the door are very long. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a,.

However, there are other people shouting that they can enter Qingbei University without queuing. Hearing the shouts of these people, Lin Feng waved, and pulled a wretched fat man with a peaked cap and asked, "How can you not have to queue in?"

"This little brother, we are looking for students from Qingbei University to bring you in. Ordinary tourists need to line up and swipe their ID cards to enter the campus, but as long as our students bring you in, it costs twenty yuan each. People, make sure you don’t have to line up and you can go in immediately. But in order to ensure your identity, you still have to swipe your ID card."

The wretched fat man with a rat-headed rat-brained smile said, holding a stack of maps of Qingbei University in his hand, and said, "And after entering, we will give you a map and introduction to the scenic spots, how about? Come on! Otherwise, I have to wait for half an hour here again!"

"So there is such a thing? It is true that there is business experience everywhere. In this way, isn't it a student of Qingbei University. The special "door" relies on bringing people into the campus, and can earn hundreds of yuan every day ?"

When Qin Yanran heard this, the first thing that came to his mind was this, and she pulled Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, we can do the same in the future. It costs 20 yuan to bring a person into the school!"

"This little girl, shouldn't you be the one who passed the test of Peking University? I would advise you to dispel this idea. Do you think everyone can earn such a good money? Let's be honest with you. ! This kind of business at the gate of the school has long been contracted. Only allowed students can help with this kind of business that brings people into the school, and they have to pay half of the money. "

The fat man led Lin Feng and Qin Yanran towards the'door', and said with a smile, "If you want to go in, pay the money first, and then wait at the'door' place. I will find a classmate to take it. You go in."

"Have you contracted? Haha! Yanran, it seems that there are some unseen things in the highest institution like Qingbei University!"

Lin Feng chuckled and ‘drew’ two pieces of twenty yuan from the wallet to the fat man, and said, “Hurry up, otherwise, we will all go in according to the line.”

"Don't worry! A lot of students are waiting at the'door'!" The fat man accepted the money and happily went to find someone for them.

Under the shade of the tree at the door, Qin Yanran looked at the long queue and shook her head and said, "Lin Feng, we should come early today, otherwise we won't have to spend the money."

"It's okay, Yanran, you don't know my current situation, and you are stingy with such a small amount of money? Moreover, the money is not "spend". At least the money is earned by the students of Qingbei University, but It was even half deducted by someone in this. The people behind this are a good method. It is probably the school bully in Qingbei University!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said to Qin Yanran as he watched the fat man leave to call someone.

"Yes! Lin Feng, but it's pretty good to find such an easy and profitable job for the students in the school! It is estimated that the school also knows about this kind of thing, with one eye closed. Yes." Qin Yanran nodded and said.

On the other side, the fat man walked into a small shop at the entrance of the school, and gave a wink to one of the people inside and said, "Brother Shuang, do you see them two? I just recruited them. Business, they are now waiting for someone to take them into school!"

"Yes! It's them, hehe, I didn't expect it to be Yuanjia Luzhai! I met them again, this pair of male and female dogs, and it really made them both pass the Qingbei University entrance examination. Fatty Wang, you Arrange someone to take them into the school. Remember to take them to the trail at Shuimu Qinghua. I have my own arrangements..."

The fat man called Brother Shuang was not someone else. It was Zhao Shuang who sent Qin Yanran's paintings to the Zhao family and his son that day. He happened to be a student of Qingbei University Academy of Fine Arts, and he was also a boss in Qingbei University. 'Hun', just today helped him take charge of the business of bringing tourists into the'door' of Qingbei University.

When Zhao Shuang entered the school's gate, he accidentally spotted Qin Yanran and Lin Feng. Seeing them lined up behind the line, he remembered that Lin Feng had smashed Qin Yanran's house once. He even gave a shot, the anger in his heart! He decided to rectify the two of them severely in the school.

"Go! Shuang Ge's instructions, promise to complete the task. Gao Rui is slick enough, I will let him go..."

After the fat man got Zhao Shuang's instructions, he made a call, and Gao Rui, a student of Qingbei University who was almost fatter than him, ran over and said cheerfully, "Thank you, Brother Wang, do you have business to take care of me again? "

"Fortunately for you, two people, take a trip for 20 yuan and put it in the bag. And this, 100 yuan, is given to you by Brother Shuang, and you will do this later..."

After secretly saying a few words in Gao Rui's ear, Fatty Wang led him to Lin Feng and Qin Yanran.

"Two, this is Gao Rui, he will take you to Qingbei University in a while. You only need to give your ID card to the security guard."

Bringing Gao Rui over, Fatty Wang retired. Gao Rui smiled and introduced to the two of them, "You two seem to be young. Are you students who just passed the college entrance examination? Have you applied for us? Qingbei University?"

"This brother, Lin Feng and I have both been admitted to Qingbei University~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today is here to take a look at the future campus in advance."

Lin Feng and Qin Yanran followed Gao Rui. After he showed his student ID, the security guard at the'door' really let them in easily. Qin Yanran also happily talked to Gao Rui, and at the same time looked around the buildings and scenery in Qingbei University.

"It turned out to be two juniors and younger sisters! That's right, you are not familiar with Qingbei University for the first time, so let me show you around! I also made your money, which is an additional service. How about being your free tour guide?"

After Gao Rui saw Qin Yanran, he was shocked by the heavens. Even the "flowers" of some departments in Qingbei University are far behind Qin Yanran. In my heart, I finally understood why Zhao Shuang let his own design to deal with the two of them.

"Then dare to love it! Brother Gao is troublesome."

Qin Yanran didn't doubt that he was there. Anyway, someone took them around Qingbei University, and it was good for two of them to wander around.


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