Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1239: The disappearing jade pendant

At the moment of raising his hand, a white light was shot out, which was enough to cut off the arm of a b-level powerhouse Kaminin Yamamoto. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā The strength of the white-clothed grandmaster of the Bi'an Sect is enough to deter the martial artists and genetic warriors in the audience.

It was even more deterrent than Lin Feng's blow to the old Maozi just now. After all, Lin Feng's speed can be explained anyway, but the white-clothed archbishop's shots are full of weirdness. There is no way for people to defend, facing his attack, it seems that there is no chance to escape.

It is precisely because of this that the jade pendant that fell from Yamamoto, let alone the martial artists around, not even the ninjas under Yamamoto dared to go forward and pick up the jade pendant. In the eyes of everyone, those who dare to hit this piece of jade at this time are all looking for death.

However, when a black-clothed cultist under the bishop in white came forward and leaned down to pick up the jade pendant, the jade pendant suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Yu...Where did Yu Pei go?"

The black-clothed cultist was stunned for an instant, and quickly rubbed his eyes, unable to believe the fact that the jade pendant had disappeared before him. And the warriors and genetic warriors around him, seeing that the black-clothed cultists have been arching and not getting up, they are also surprised. Why does it take so long to pick up a piece of jade?

They also didn't find anyone had been here before, and then took away the jade pendant. Even the Archbishop in white standing on the hill did not find anything unusual.

Seeing that it took so long for the black-clothed believer to pick up a jade pendant and still hunched over at a loss, the archbishop in white became angry and asked, "My dear believer, what are you still doing there? Put the jade pendant on immediately. Pass it up with me!"

"Lord... Bishop, no... missing. That piece of jade pendant is missing..."

Carefully took a closer look at the ground in front of him. After confirming that there were no pits to hide the jade pendant on the ground, the black-clothed cultists raised their heads tremblingly and reported to the bishop in white.

"It's gone? How is this possible? How could it be missing just before it fell on the ground?"

Hearing the inexplicable words of the black-clothed believer, the white-clothed archbishop immediately became angry. At this time, he had just killed the chicken and wanted to stand up, but this black-clothed believer couldn't even do such a small thing as picking up a jade pendant. How could he not get angry?

"I don't know, but, the bishop, that piece of jade is really missing."

At this moment, the black-clothed cultist still had 10,000 grass-and-mud horses whizzing past in his heart, and he couldn't figure out why the jade pendant that was still in front of him just blinked his eyes and disappeared in an instant? Could it be that hell?

The warriors and genetic warriors around them also got up inexplicably. Like the Archbishop in white, they also widened their eyes when they saw the jade pendant and fell to the ground. The black-clothed cultist was still there when he leaned down to cover it, and during this period, no one approached this side, and Yu Pei had no reason to be missing.

I am afraid that the only possibility is that the black-clothed cultist hid the jade pendant privately, and then lied that the jade pendant was missing. This should be the most likely inference. Not only those martial artists and genetic warriors who are onlookers think so, but any normal person will infer this way, including the white bishop.

Therefore, after hearing the black-clothed believers keep saying that the jade pendant was really missing, the white-clothed archbishop became angry and made a look. So two more black-clothed religious jumped down from the hill, and one of them one by one. The whip was thrown fiercely on the black-clothed cultist who was holding the jade pendant.

Bang bang ......

The black whip, drawn on his body, had blood stains, even the people watching it felt painful. Not to mention the black-clothed cultist, he was beaten to pieces and his clothes were torn apart. As a result, the other black-clothed cultist who came down went forward and directly stretched out his hand to remove all his clothes, and looked carefully.

The black-clothed cultist picking up the jade pendant was howling on the ground in pain. His body was already naked. His clothes and all his belongings were stacked aside. After careful searching, he still found nothing. There was no trace of the missing jade pendant.

"Bishop, I... I really didn't take the jade pendant, it just disappeared in front of my eyes..."

The black-clothed cultists have lashes on their bodies, crying out in agony. But the archbishop in white seemed to prefer to believe what he saw before his eyes. Yu Pei couldn't find wings to fly by himself, and even if he was about to fly, he should be able to be seen. So the conclusion must be that it was hidden by the black-clothed believer. Since it was not hidden on the body, it was most likely swallowed in the stomach.

"The bishop kindly accepted you and was willing to take you to the other side of bliss to escape from the sea of ​​suffering. Then you were stubborn and helped the demon of **** destroy my great cause of saving the world. Do you think that after swallowing the jade pendant in your belly, Can we destroy our great cause? Come here, cut his stomach open for me and find me little by little..."

The Archbishop in white gave an order, and several other black-clothed believers rushed up, and directly broke the black-clothed believer who was picking up the jade pendant. The blood rushed out, and the intestines and stomach were rummaged. , But still did not find the mouse-shaped jade pendant.

Of these warriors and genetic warriors present, which one of them was not covered with blood on their hands, and who of them had not killed anyone? But seeing the cruel picture in front of them, some couldn't help but vomit. At the same time, he became even more afraid of the archbishop in white. This was the same for his own people, and it was inhumane.

And although it was past twelve o'clock, the jade pendant could be used to enter the secret realm, but with the Sam of the U.S. as a lesson, although the Sam of the United States held the jade pendant in his hand, he did not dare to act rashly. After seeing the black-clothed believer being cracked, he even felt that this jade pendant was a hot potato, and holding it would surely provoke the terrifying fellow, the Archbishop in white.

"Bishop, still not..." A black-clothed cultist replied in fear after searching carefully.

"How could it not? Who stole it? Say...who stole this rat-shaped jade pendant? Say..."

The archbishop in white almost roared out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ glaring at the more than 80 warriors and genetic warriors below, his roar scared the people below, and they quickly began to distinguish.

"It's not us!"

"How could I take it... I stood so far away..."


All the warriors and genetic warriors, for fear of getting into trouble, quickly cleared their suspicions, and regardless of whether the white-clothed archbishop believed them or not, they only hoped that they could survive safely and descend safely.

But at this moment, when everyone was clearing the suspicion, an untimely voice rang out. It was Lin Feng wearing the great saint mask. He suddenly took out a piece of jade pendant from his hand. The mouse-shaped jade pendant yelled happily again, "Good news! Good news! This shop...Bah! I was lucky to have picked up a jade pendant key again, and the Dasheng auction will open again! The previous two auctions did not grab the spot. My friend, I can guarantee that this time is definitely the last chance..."


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