Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1252: Everyone wants to hug thighs

Liu Laosan has been in the arena and martial arts for so many years and has done a lot of evil, but he can still live to this day. Naturally, he has his sleek and smart side. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a He specifically bullied and killed those warriors who had no discipline or sect, or those disciples who were not favored among the famous sects, and sometimes even cleared some obstacles for the high-level sects.

Therefore, even though he has a lot of notoriety in the arena, he has not attracted the wanted and encirclement of the ancient martial arts faction. Moreover, Laosan Liu also knows how to follow the trend. When he was only in the valley, Laosan Liu had called many auctions, but unfortunately he was shy in his pocket, and he didn't have that much money to bid for more than two billion places.

After entering the secret realm, Liu Laosan realized that there was no restriction on cultivation level, and he wanted to find the Great Sage even more eagerly, so he could fawn on this senior, so he didn't have to worry about any danger.

Therefore, when everyone else was heading to that green mountain, Laosan Liu was searching everywhere, trying to see if there was any trace of the great saint.

Coincidentally, when he first walked into this forest, he saw Xiao Yulong wearing a mask of Sha Wujing. Liu Laosan remembered that when the space cracks appeared, Xiao Yulong and the Great Sage were standing together. Logically speaking, they should have fallen nearby.

However, when Laosan Liu rushed up, he realized that Xiao Yulong was alone here. However, like the Great Sage, the cultivation of this senior Sha Wu Jingsha, he could not see through at all, he seemed to have the same temperament as the Great Sage. Lao San Liu naturally thought that Xiao Yulong's cultivation was very likely to be similar to that of the Great Sage, even if it was not as good as the Great Sage, it was far higher than himself.

Therefore, to put it simply, Liu Laosan regarded Xiao Yulong as his thigh in the secret world. After all, it can be seen from the situation in the valley that there are not too many warriors in the late acquired period, and there are so many b-level genetic warriors and terrifying white-clothed masters.

If he couldn't find a thigh and a backer to cover him, he might have been hung up after meeting the bishop in white, let alone going out alive.

"The Great Sage went to the green mountain first. I was about to rush to meet him, how about? Are you going to go all the way? After all, it's boring to be alone on the road."

Xiao Yulong is also a sleek person. He is good at slacking his beard and horses in the martial art. The expression on Liu Lao San’s face is so familiar to him. When he faced the uncles and uncles of the later days in the martial art, Such an expression.

Therefore, Xiao Yulong also took the plan and immediately replaced himself in the role of senior expert, accepting Liu Lao San as a follower, and one more thug along the way, which is more able to bluff other people and is much safer.

"Really? That's really thanks to Senior Sha for his kindness. The younger generation really admires the great Sage's shots. The demon in white is really hateful. It is possible to follow Senior Sha to meet with the Great Sage. I can't ask for it, I can't ask for it! The younger generation must be in front of the horse..."

Hearing Xiao Yulong's words, willing to take himself to find the Great Sage, Liu Laosan felt ecstatic in his heart. Because he thinks this senior Sha has a good impression of him, so, let alone the others, once these seniors are happy, point out their current cultivation base bottlenecks, and even give one or two pills or exercises. Those are great opportunities.

"Okay! Just follow! Let's go ahead..."

Seeing that Liu Lao San had no suspicion, Xiao Yulong, the "Senior Sha", was even more proud in front of him. He happily took such an acquired eighth-floor attendant and walked towards Qingshan.

"Haha! Those brothers in the sect will never think that I, Xiao Yulong, will one day be able to let a master on the 8th floor of the acquired day follow at will. This feeling is simply not too cool."

Xiao Yulong's heart was dark for a while, but he also knew that the reason why he was able to conquer the flying evil Liu San, everything was still to be blamed on the great sage Lin Feng's intrepid skill. After showing his hand in the valley, Even the white-robed leader did not dare to act rashly, let alone Liu Laosan, who was on the eighth floor of this mere acquired.

"I have to find the Great Sage as soon as possible. After I have joined him, I don't have to worry about anything. On the way, I will try not to make any moves, lest Liu Laosan see my true cultivation level."

Pretending to be an expert senior, Xiao Yulong didn't use his light power to hurry, so he went to Qingshan with Liu Lao San slowly.

In fact, there are not a few warriors and genetic warriors who have the same ideas as Liu Lao San, although after entering the secret world, they find that their cultivation base in the later days of acquired has not been suppressed and restricted. While happy, I also realized that in this case, the cultivation of the terrifying white-clothed master and the great sage would definitely not be suppressed.

Compared with the terrifying white-clothed master, these people still prefer some money-greedy kings. After all, the white-clothed master will take the arms and life of people if they take the initiative. Can't talk about him.

Since then, many people are like Laosan Liu. After entering the secret realm, they want to hold the thighs of the Great Sage, and some even start to calculate the money in their accounts in advance, whether it is enough to ask the Great Sage to protect themselves.

However, these people were not so lucky, let alone the Great Sage, they didn't even meet the other three masked people who were with Lin Feng.

Xiao Zhuo fell directly into the creek of Mysterious World~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It took a long time before he got up, and then he tried to dry his clothes by the river. As for the black Brewer, his luck was even worse. When he fell, he fell directly into a forest and was almost made into skewers by a few tree branches, looking very embarrassed.

Brewer was now trying to get out of this dense forest, he didn't even see the green hill, after all, this dense forest blocked his sight.

But at this time, Lin Feng, who was thought of by so many people, was not at all anxious. On the grass, Xiao Nishang wiped his mouth, and when Lin Feng wanted to take further action, he braked the car in advance, and then smiled as Lin Feng said in a desperate and dissatisfied manner, "Crazy man! Get up soon, at your expense. I can think of it, wearing such a grimace mask is ugly."

"This is Monkey King Monkey King, okay? What kind of grimace, you have defiled our great Great Master!" Lin Feng curled his lips, got up from the ground, and said dissatisfiedly.

"Oh! It seems that you really want to be a monkey grandson? But, Lin Feng, you are not afraid of monkey grandson being held under Wuzhi Mountain by the Buddha for five hundred years?" Xiao Nishang laughed and joked.


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