Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1283: Back to Zhi'an City

These people are also often "mixed" in the world, knowing that under this situation, if they can't really gain the trust of Lin Feng and become his confidant, they will only have the same fate as the white-clothed leader. . ~~щww~suimеng~lā. . Pinshu.com and the others had never expected to escape from Lin Feng's hands. With Lin Feng's speed, it was really only a matter of less than a second to kill them.

"Great Sage, in the future you will let us go east, we will never go west, what do you let us do, what do we do. There is nothing in the martial arts that can be hidden from me, Liu Lao San."

Liu Laosan was more sleek, and immediately demonstrated his worth in front of Lin Feng. But what he was telling was also the truth. Liu Laosan had been a'mixer' in Wulin for so long, and some of the gossips and contacts he managed were still very extensive, otherwise he would not be able to know the opening of the Tianchi Secret Realm this time.

Moreover, Liu Laosan is the strongest one here, and his advantage is more obvious. However, he still has one disadvantage, that is, the other three people followed Lin Fengshan together, but he temporarily rushed over in the secret realm.

"Lin Feng, these people, how do you... plan to deal with them? My dad said that people in the rivers and lakes have sinister hearts. You don't know what kind of thinking these warriors have..."

Seeing the performance of the four, Xiao Nishang considered Lin Feng very much, and said in a low voice, meaning that he wanted Lin Feng to kill the four of them as well, so as to avoid future troubles.

However, Lin Feng smiled and said, "It's okay, it came just right. I also lack some trusted people. Starting from today, the four of you, regardless of your previous sect or power, you can only listen to me in the future. People's orders, do you know?"

"Great Sage, we swear to serve!"

Seeing that Lin Feng agreed to accept them, the four hurried to show their loyalty and breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the strength of the four of you is really terrible. From now on, Xiao Yulong and Xiao Zhuo, you two will return to your'door' to keep in touch with me and wait for my orders. Brewer , You don’t want to reclaim the cleavage organization. Go to the capital and wait to listen to my instructions. As for Laosan Liu, knowing that you have some reputation and ability in the arena, I will allocate some funds and resources for you, and I need you to help me build the whole The intelligence network of China, and even the whole world is coming..."

After two days of deliberation and consideration, Lin Feng had some arrangements for these four people, and Lin Feng left some marks on them, and he was not afraid that they would betray him. Moreover, he also believed that after he showed such strength, these people would have no possibility of betrayal at all.

After arranging these four subordinates, Lin Feng sent them to leave first, and he walked down the mountain as if taking a walk with Xiao Nishang. Because of the loud explosion before, it has attracted the attention of Changbai Mountain officials. They believed that there was a collapse or mudslide. They denied that when they went down the mountain, they found a team of armed police officers and rescue teams rushing towards the mountain.

"Lin Feng, what happened when I was in the secret realm this time? Why in the end so many warriors and genetic warriors, only a few of us came out? What about Saint Gu cover? How did we come out in the end?"

Just now because of the presence of other people, Xiao Nishang didn't have time to ask Lin Feng about this. Now when he went down the mountain, he asked them out of his mind. She thought she had accepted the memory of the old monster Chang Hong, so she knew the secret world very well.

But now, Xiao Nishang still feels as if she doesn't know anything. Mingming Changhong's memory should point out that under that situation, she alone can come out of it, provided that the only person who survives is her.

But later, Lin Feng didn't know what method he used, so he easily broke the deadlock, which made Xiao Nishang puzzled.

"The secret is it, mad girl, have you seen it? The Holy Gu Cap of your mouth is it."

Lin Feng took out the complete but still old demon refining pot from the Shenshui space, and pointed to the lid of the pot and said to Xiao Nishang.

"It turns out that this is a holy Gu cover? How come it doesn't seem to be any different from the cover of our tea pot!"

Staring at Lin Fengshou's Demon Refining Pot, Xiao Nichang looked left and right, but there was nothing strange.

"Crazy girl, you are also a cultivator now. We cultivators can't just observe things with the'physical' eyes. Spiritual sense is our real eyes. Try to use your spiritual sense to detect this demon refining pot." , Knowing that it’s not your broken teapot."

Lin Feng said with a smile, just taking this opportunity to let Xiao Nishang gradually learn to become a true cultivator.

"Use spiritual sense? Well, I want to see what is different..."

Following Lin Feng's prompt, Xiao Nishang controlled his spiritual sense and tried to observe this old demon refining pot.

And when Xiao Nishang's spiritual sense just touched the demon refining pot, with a swish, her spiritual sense seemed to immediately enter another world.

"It's a secret realm! God! Lin Feng, the secret realm we were in before was really...really put in such a small hip flask?" Xiao Nishang exclaimed, this is simply unscientific!

"Please pay attention to the wording, crazy girl, this is not a small hip flask, this is an ancient innate artifact refining demon pot, rumored to have been used by the'Nv' Empress. Moreover, the secret realm inside is only the lid of the pot. As for the space, as for the pot body, huge strength and materials need to be used to repair ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before it can truly restore its power."

Lin Feng is actually a little helpless now. He can be sure that the level and function of this demon refining pot is at least not weaker than his 24 Dinghai God Orbs, but it is broken, and the 24 Dinghai God Orbs It is a complete innate spirit treasure.

On the way to the airport, Lin Feng explained to Xiao Nishang as much as possible and taught the main points of the cultivator. But Xiao Nishang's face was filled with happiness and perseverance, of course, there was also a trace of Xiao Nishang's unique pride and stubbornness.

"Lin Feng, don't you come back to the capital with me?"

At the airport, Lin Feng bought Xiao Nishang a flight to Beijing half an hour later, Xiao Nishang asked with disappointment.

"No! After so many days, I flew directly from Changbai Mountain back to Zhi'an City. Anyway, in a few days, the registration of Qingbei University freshmen will start, crazy girl, let's see Qingbei University then!"

Shaking his hand for an hour and then flying back to Zhi'an City, Lin Feng relieved Xiao Nichang.


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