Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 130: Words from the Heart

Qin Yanran, the first-grade university tycoon, actually envied those poor students who were scolded by their parents for poor grades?

At first it sounds incredible, and even makes people think that Qin Yanran who said this is very hypocritical. Just like the kind of hypocritical top student that everyone may have seen in the class, every time someone asks him how he did in the exam after the exam, they will say that they did well in the exam and they don't know what to do. But as soon as the test results were released, these people were close to full marks.

However, what Qin Yanran said today is indeed what she said from the bottom of her heart. It can even be said that Qin Yanran's sad words have been hidden under the optimistic appearance.

What about good grades?

What about being beautiful?

Qin Yanran didn't care about his family status.

What Qin Yanran wanted was simply a complete family like other students. In this family, there must be the existence of a father, the father's love that I have always wanted but never received. In this family, there must be a mother who can stay at home from time to time, caring about her own study and taking care of her own life.

Family, affection, fatherly love, maternal love...

These are things in Qin Yanran's eyes that are thousands of times more important and precious than grades, family background, and even his own appearance. However, for Qin Yanran, the family happiness that ordinary children can have is an extravagant hope that cannot be achieved at all.

"Ah? Yanran, I'm sorry...I...I don't know the situation in your home, sorry Yanran!"

Seeing aggrieved tears in Qin Yanran's eyes, Hong Fangfang quickly comforted Qin Yanran. At the same time, Hong Fangfang's heart was also feeling that Qin Yanran's mother, Mayor Chen, was so busy for the people of Zhi'an City that she couldn't even take care of her daughter's life and study.

"It's okay, Fangfang, I... um... I've been used to it since I was a kid. My mother is the mayor and is responsible for the 500,000 people in Zhi'an City. The work is continuous. I understand my mother. I’ve always been very sensible and never let my mother worry about my studies, but... Fangfang, do you know? How envious I am when I see your parents taking your parents to the school with your parents? Think, show my mother every time my transcript, but... mother's time is spent reading official documents..."

Sighing aloud, Qin Yanran didn't know why, she suddenly vented like this today, and confided the words and grievances that had been suppressed in her heart with her classmate Hong Fangfang. Maybe it was because I just saw Hong Fangfang so nervous about the feelings between her mother, mother and daughter, that Qin Yanran felt inspired.

"Yan Ran! You are awesome! I believe Mayor Chen will definitely be proud of having such an excellent daughter like you."

Hong Fangfang gave Qin Yanran a thumbs up, and then said half-jokingly, "But! If you really want to be scolded by your parents, I will borrow my dad to scold you another day, then you will know... or No one is comfortable with scolding..."

"Hehe... Fangfang, you really have nothing to say to me! Even Dad is willing to lend me..."

Qin Yanran was amused by Hong Fangfang's words and giggled, then rubbed her eyes along the way, gently wiped the tears overflowing from her eye sockets, took a deep breath, returned to her usual appearance, and said, "Alright! Fangfang, Don’t talk about me, you just remember to keep it secret for me. Now let’s think about how to find out this amazing classmate as quickly as possible!"

"Yeah! But, Yanran, neither of us have seen that now, and there is no way to be anxious. The best thing is to wait for your grandma to finish the portrait. We will find out according to the picture. The big deal is to look for each class with the portrait... Are you there?"

At this moment, Hong Fangfang was very confident, believing that he would be able to find this "shenshui".

"Don't worry! Fangfang, it seems that among our No. 1 High School, there are still quite a few classmates who are brave enough to learn..."

When she said this, Qin Yanran didn't know why, and Lin Feng appeared in her mind. Especially that day when Lin Feng stood up to help him retreat from the harassment of the gangsters, his heart suddenly became tense.

"Yesterday my mother said that I misunderstood Lin Feng and that I did something wrong, so... today... after Lin Feng comes into the classroom for a while, I... I will apologize to him! I don't know, he... will Will you forgive me?"

Thinking of Lin Feng publicly rejecting his request for remedial classes yesterday, and finally ran out of the classroom resolutely and resolutely, Qin Yanran's inner pride was constantly reminding herself that you should not bow your head, and you must not bow to Lin. Feng apologizes.

But after thinking about it carefully, it is true that I have done something wrong if I have to empathize as my mother said. Although the pride in her heart was not allowed, Qin Yanran still sank her mind, made up her mind, and waited for Lin Feng to enter the classroom before apologizing to him.

But at this moment, Qin Yanran, who was a little nervous, stared at the door of the classroom. Before Lin Feng arrived, she saw a lot of low-grade girls dangling in the corridor outside the door. Moreover, in the hands of these little girls, either holding an exquisite love letter envelope, or a small gift in a beautiful package, standing anxiously and anxiously at the door of the classroom looking inside.

"Look at it... Why are there so many younger sisters in the corridor outside? The ones in your hands... seem to be love letters and gifts for confession?"

"Yeah! Is it possible... to give it to a guy in our class?"

"So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are boys in our class who are going to be a school-level character? Who will it be? It always seems...There is no boy in our class who is particularly outstanding and attractive..."


With so many beautiful low-grade primary school girls dangling in the corridor, how could the boys and girls in the third grade (2) class in the classroom not notice? The boys all hope that among the primary school girls outside, even if one comes to confess to them, it will save face. The girls are looking around the boys in the class, wondering which guy is so attractive.

"Master Jie! Needless to say... These elementary school girls must have come to confess to you that we can be called a schoolboy in our class. Who else besides you? It must be these elementary school girls who received the news. Said you were transferred to our second class, so you came after you to confess..."

With a flattering smile on his face, Zhu Yi deliberately slapped Liu Jiajie's flattery and said, "Master Jie, you should go out quickly! Don't let these primary school girls wait long..."

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