Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1312: From 1! From 1!

At this moment, Qin Yanran, who was standing on the stage, said her heartfelt feelings, some depression in her heart. <щww.suimeng.lā. !

However, is this not the sad voice of most students? Especially many students with good academic performance like Qin Yanran, in fact, their academic performance is very good on the surface, but the actual hard work has sacrificed more dream rights.

Especially Qin Yanran grew up in a single-parent family. On the surface, she is very strong and sensible, but in reality, she would hide in the bed and cry by herself for many nights.

Insecure and fearful of being'lost' in the future.

You can only put more ‘essence’ into studying hard to avoid these problems.

However, today, Lin Feng's speech has brought out these problems that Qin Yanran deliberately wanted to avoid from another level.

"I regret that for the past eighteen years, I have been a sad person who has no dreams. So I have to review myself and can't be so at a loss. Today, standing here, Qin Yanran, I have found my own The dream is..."

Having said that, Qin Yanran's mentality was completely relaxed, and he deliberately paused, turning his head to look at Lin Feng.

"Ah? Qin Yanran found her dream, don't know what it will be?"

"Students like Qin Yanran who know how to study must dream of taking graduate or doctoral exams? Or going to study abroad?"

"I think with Qin Yanran's character, maybe he dreams of becoming a teacher and teaching thousands of good students?"


For Qin Yanran's dream, no one is good, so they pricked their ears, wanting to hear what her dream is?

"Look, Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng. Could it be that her dream is related to Lin Feng?"

"Maybe! Really, didn't you hear it just now? Qin Yanran said that it was after listening to Lin Feng's speech that she felt and reviewed..."


Including Lin Feng, also couldn't guess what Qin Yanran would say, what would her dream be? However, Lin Feng was very happy that the words he just said worked, at least for Qin Yanran.

Luo Qingqing and Li Yutong also raised their heads to look at the podium, especially Luo Qingqing pouting her little mouth, wanting to see what kind of dreams Qin Yanran, a ‘very’ powerful little girl, would say?

"I just faintly heard everyone discussing what my dream is? I also reviewed myself for a while before I found the dream and life I really wanted. I don't need a rich life, nor What a vain statement is needed, and I don’t even want to think about keeping history or realizing the noble value of life.

As Qin Yanran said, tears flashed in her eyes, "My dream is actually very simple. It is to form a warm and complete family with a loved one, and live happily for a lifetime. And this person, I'm sure it must be you... Lin Feng!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the audience roared, their eyes all focused on Lin Feng, who was standing on the edge of the rostrum.

"Gosh! So this is the dream of Qin Yanran, the'flower' in the school!"

"This is a public confession..."

"It's not just a confession! It's all... almost equivalent to a marriage proposal..."

"This is the rhythm of being together for a lifetime!"

"Senior Qin Yanran is really too brave. If it were me, I would definitely not dare to confess in front of so many people..."


No one thought that Qin Yanran, who was clearly talking about her dreams, would confess to Lin Feng in public. This deep love is only expressed in the simplest words, not even a word "love".

"Lin Feng is simply too happy, the school'flower' Qin Yanran confessed to him in public, if I were Lin Feng..."

"It's really hard work. It was Lin Feng who used his own efforts to prove that he is worthy of Qin Yanran in front of so many people. Today, Qin Yanran responded to Lin Feng with this kind of confession..."


In fact, Qin Yanran's confession about dreams and Lin Feng today was really unexpected by herself. The content of her originally prepared speech is really the same as every previous speech under the national flag.

Qin Yanran didn't know why. Today, she was suddenly moved by Lin Feng's words, reflected on her life, and finally put the goal of dreams in Lin Feng's body.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess, because Qin Yanran grew up in a single-parent family and seriously lacks paternal love and family security. Therefore, from the bottom of her heart, what she has always longed for the most is a warm and complete family. Of course, the major premise is to form with the person she loves.

"Yan Ran..."

Lin Feng was also a little unbelievable. Qin Yanran, who had always been thin-skinned, could really confess himself so directly and clearly in the crowd.

"Together with!"

"Senior Lin Feng! Senior sister Qin Yanran! You must be together!"

"Hold one! Hold one!"

"Kiss! Kiss..."

"Together with!"


The classmates who were not too troubled to watch the excitement all yelled loudly.

"President Zhong, look at this... Isn't this a nonsense? We are excellent graduates' speeches, our graduation ceremony! Why even Qin Yanran said something'messy'..." Secretary Xiao Huang heard the sensational cry below and said with a frown.

"How can this be messy? Xiaohuang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haven't you been young? When you were seventeen or eighteen years old, didn't you have such youthfulness and longing for love? Our school does not encourage students to fall in love with each other early, but it is better to stop it than to stop, blindly prohibiting the budding of these love, will cause more serious consequences.

It is better to use the positive case of Lin Feng and Qin Yanran to let more students realize that the mutual like between male and female students can be so positive and positive. What's wrong with this? "

Looking at Qin Yanran, the young and blushing face, and Lin Feng, who was obviously also a little cramped, Principal Zhong smiled, remembering that when he was seventeen or eighteen, he couldn't help but sighed, "You are really young. Okay!"

"Together with……"

The cheers of the classmates did not stop, Lin Feng also smiled and walked towards Qin Yanran. In the cheers and joy of everyone, he spread his broad'chest' and embraced Qin Yanran deeply.

"Yan Ran, thank you, I won't live up to your dream..."


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