Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1316: Ready to go to university!

A very risky graduation meeting!

After returning home safe and sound, Lin Feng vowed that as long as he could in the future, he would never appear in public like this again. ~~щww~suimеng~lā. .

Three "women" in a play, as long as a few "women" get together, it will almost kill him!

Fortunately, Li Yutong rescued the scene in time, which resolved Lin Feng's embarrassment and prevented Luo Qingqing and Qin Yanran from arguing in person on the podium.

However, this hidden danger still exists. Luo Qingqing's problem is not big, because she has almost accepted Lin Feng's situation, but when she sees Qin Yanran, Luo Qingqing will be jealous.

But Qin Yanran couldn't solve it very well, especially Qin Yanran's temper made Lin Feng feel particularly headache. But since Lin Feng chose this path of happiness for all people, he was destined to face these problems.

As for the classmates of Zhianyi, they could see clearly in their hearts. The peach'flowers' around Lin Feng really blossomed. As soon as the graduation meeting was over, someone immediately posted those video clips of today's podium in the post bar.

This is an elegant way of saying this.

This is a gimmicky statement with a picture of Lin Feng frowning.


The topic of Lin Feng in Zhi'an is hot once again. Not only are there many posts discussing today’s graduation conference, but also many students who post to the “female” students they support, hoping to be her Finally with Lin Feng.

But because this is a post from Zhianyi, the number of people who support Qin Yanran accounted for the most, followed by Li Yutong, and Luo Qingqing last.

But at this time, in the United States on the other side of the earth, in a Bianjiao base hidden deep in the mountains, several Bianjiao leaders gathered together, and one of them was the white-clothed high priest who had recovered his body. I gritted my teeth with hatred when I watched a video on the big screen.

"Several brothers, see! This person is most likely the great sage who harmed me in the Changbai Mountain Tianchi, because I have checked the person related to Xiao Nishang, the eldest of the Xiao family in Beijing, and only this Lin Feng has the most may……"

The White-clothed Grand Master had already changed his body at this time, and it took a lot of effort before he returned to the base camp of the Bi'an Sect, and his status in the Bi'an Sect fell drastically. However, because he holds the information of the whereabouts of the Holy Gu Cap, he still has a lot of power to speak in the religion of the other side.

After returning, the White-clothed Grand Master has been using all the resources and power of the Bi'an Sect to find this master called the "Great Sage" for these two days.

But what surprised him was that the international fame and whereabouts of a master like this could only be traced back to that crow mine in Africa not long ago. In other words, the crow mine incident in Africa was the first time that the Great Sage appeared in front of major forces.

Therefore, the white-clothed master affirmed that this "great sage" had hidden his true identity, and that the great sage was just a code name, and it was also a newly opened code name.

After using a lot of relationships, the white-clothed leader found that no one knew the true origin of this "Great Sage", so he could only infer from the people next to the Great Sage.

However, the other members of the Westward Journey team who were with the Great Sage that day also wore masks, and the white-clothed Great Guru had no way to start. In the end, he could only attack from Xiao Nishang, who was saved by the Great Sage several times. Finally, after summing up a lot of information, he was almost 100% sure that Lin Feng, who was giving a speech on the 1st rostrum in Chi'an, was the great sage who caused the loss of other people's money.

"White clothes, this person is just an ordinary high student, do you really think he will be the great saint with great magical power?" The red-robed grandmaster in the red'color' robe sneered and said, "or Say, you’re not doing things by yourself, you didn’t get the Holy Gu to cover it, and you said this great sage is amazing. I don’t believe it, he is as powerful as you said."

"Red! I know you have prejudices against me, but you really don't underestimate this great sage. I'm sure that if all our top ten leaders are dispatched, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to win." Argued blushingly.

"Together with our top ten teachers? Haha! No one on this earth has the qualifications yet. Besides, several other seniors are still sprinting in retreat for the most difficult'threshold' of our Gu cultivation. Once they succeed, they can. To achieve the extension of life, we will replicate the function of this long-lived Gu, and use modern genetic technology to add to all of our believers of the other side. Let me ask, who else in the world can resist the temptation of longevity. "Why? Our Bianyan religion is destined to rule the earth..."

The red leader laughed and said, as if he didn’t pay attention to the great sage with great eloquence, "As for the great sage you mentioned, please give it to me! I haven’t returned to China for a long time, believe it. I, I count him as an innate master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In front of my Gu worm, there is no resistance at all..."

"Red, since you are so confident that you can kill the Great Sage, then what I just said was nonsense. I want to retreat and restore my cultivation base. You can do it yourself."

The white-clothed master who can’t hate it didn’t speak any more. After all, he had a gap with the red-clothed master. Seeing that he was so careless about the big sage and didn’t believe what he said at all, the white-clothed master didn’t bother to persuade him anymore. Faintly looking forward to the red-clothed arch patriarch's death even worse after encountering the great sage.

At this time, Lin Feng, who had returned home, lay down on the "bed", and after a sigh of relief, stood up again and began to plan to organize something to go to the capital.

After all, it has been less than a week since the notice will be reported by Qingbei University, and the anticipated ‘precision’ college life will begin. Lin Feng didn't know that in the capital, there would be a series of dangers and trials waiting for him.

"After arriving in the capital, at least... Sister Qingqing and Sister Tongtong will not appear in the capital often. Yanran and I will have more contact time. Maybe we can convince her?"


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