Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1325: My mother is the God of Gamblers (Part 1)

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you? Didn't we come to Zhang Dafa to settle the accounts? Why are you gambled with him? Mom knows that you want to avenge your brother-in-law, but Zhang Dafa is fooled!"

Even Lin's mother saw that Zhang Dafa was deliberately using the'excitation' method to induce the mother and son to gamble with him, and hurriedly persuaded Lin Feng in a low voice, "Why don't we give him the money today? Let’s talk about it, anyway, these millions are not too much for us. {щww{suimеng][lā},. Mobile terminal"

"Yeah! Xiao Feng, rescue your brother-in-law is the most important thing!" Little aunt Fang Qiuping said nervously.

"Lin Feng, you want me to come over, isn't it just to see you gamble with Zhang Dafa?"

Zhou Yun, who was naturally disgusted with gambling, frowned and said, "Gambling is illegal, even if you are trying to save your uncle."

"Alright! Mom, little aunt, and sister Yun, since I dare to agree to Zhang Dafa like this, I naturally have an idea in my heart."

Lin Feng smiled quietly, then walked forward gently, approaching Zhou Yun.

"Hey! Lin Feng, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Yun found that Lin Feng was getting closer and closer to herself, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous. The distance between the two of them went from one meter to half a meter to ten centimeters, Zhou Yun could feel Lin Feng's breathing, and it became more and more. I became more nervous.

"Don't do anything, Sister Yun, the bow hairpin on your head is so beautiful. Let me use it first..."

After facing Zhou Yun, Lin Feng gently removed the red'color' bow hairpin on Zhou Yun's head with one hand, and then blew into Zhou Yun's ear and whispered quietly, "Sister Yun, don't worry. Okay, if you say the big news that you want to give you, it will definitely count."

"Lin Feng, you...you have to be careful. After all, these people are old gamblers, and they are in their turf." Zhou Yun was a little confused by Lin Feng's breath. ', biting his thin'lip', his cheeks flushed red and told Lin Feng.

"How is it? No. 1 Scholar, dare you dare to gamble? Dare to enter the market..."

When Zhang Dafa saw Lin Feng whispering ‘whisper’ for a while, he was a little anxious.

"Why don't you dare, come!"

Lin Feng challenged loudly, then took his mother and walked inside when she was next to her.

"Little Feng! Mom knows nothing! You let me bet with them, can... can it work?" Entering the casino, seeing the noisy tables of gaming tables inside, one by one gambled. The villagers and the tough guys in the casino, Lin Mu was a little scared, said.

"Mom, as long as you can draw enough cards, we will win today." Lin Feng smiled and comforted his mother.

At this time, Lin Feng and Zhang Dafa's gambling game, under Zhang Dafa's instruction, was immediately spread to the streets and alleys by his horses.

"Go to the entrance of the market, I heard that the Quxing champion from Dunxu town is here, and he is going to bet with Zhang Dafa!"

"Isn't he? He dare to play cards with Zhang Dafa? I have never won with Zhang Dafa in the past two years."

"What Quxing champion? Who are you talking about?"

"You don't know this? It's Zhang Guizhu's son Lin Feng! This year's provincial top scorer won the TV station..."

"It turned out to be him! Then you have to go and see, this is Qu Xing's descent!"


Lin Feng is now well-known throughout Zhi'an City, not to mention his mother’s mother’s family in Dunxu Town. Almost every household knows his name, and even all the parents of students in Dunxu Town take Lin Feng as his Use positive role models to'inspire' your children. Lin Feng was unintentionally, I am afraid he will become the "child of another family" that every parent in Dunxu Town will verbally tell their children from now on.

Zhang Dafa deliberately asked the horses to pass on the news so as to attract more onlookers from the villagers. In fact, there was only one purpose. He was afraid that Lin Feng's family would regret not admitting it after losing, so he wanted to make the scene as spectacular as possible. The better were people watching, and when Lin Feng lost, he couldn't even accept it.

Of course, Zhang Dafa thought it was Lin Feng who wanted to go back and refuse to admit it. He also had a hundred ways to deal with Lin Feng.

"Brother Dafa, are you here? How many are you going to play today?"

"Hurry up... Brother Dafa is here, please..."


Because this casino has half of Dafa's shares, the guys in the casino nodded and greeted when they saw Zhang Dafa.

"No! I'm not playing in the box today. It's rare for us to play Qu Xing from Dunxu Town. We will play in this hall and move the biggest gaming table over. Let everyone see how Qu Xing is feeling lucky!"

In order to achieve the effect that everyone knows this gambling game and as many people as possible watched, Zhang Dafa did not choose to do it in the private room.

"Good! Dafa brother, wait a moment, I will let the people at that table get out..."

The guy in the casino knew what Zhang Dafa meant, and immediately dispelled the game of the largest gaming table and moved that gaming table over.

In an instant, the gamblers at the other gaming tables in the casino almost all noticed the gambling game here, suspended their own hands one after another, and went to watch the excitement.

"Brother Dafa is going to make another move? Tsk tsk... It must be a win."

"In Dunxu Town, no one can win Dafa Brother's money."

"What about the champion Lang Quxing? Don't you know how to read? The book is "lost", and you still want to win? Dream!"


Most gamblers don't know how to study ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, especially those who drop out of junior high school to work. They are envious and jealous of Lin Feng, and they say sourly.

"Come on! The champion, you just said... your mother came to bet with me? I'll give you another chance. You can choose to bet with me. Don't say it after you lose." Zhang Dafa supported it with both hands. At the gaming table, he pretended to be aggressive and said.

"No! My mother can come here. I don't need me to deal with small shrimps like you."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, not at all frightened by the other's momentum. Instead, he patted his mother on the back and whispered, "Mom! You are responsible for drawing cards, and we will definitely win."

"In that case, there are two million chips here, and we each have one million chips. We play Texas-State-Poker-K. Whoever loses all these chips first will count as a loser. If I lose, I let your uncle go. One million chips plus fifty thousand yuan in compensation. If you lose, you must give five million yuan to redeem your brother-in-law, plus one million for this chip."


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