Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1329: Big Break Casino (Part 1)

"Same as'flower'?"

"No! This is the same'Flower' Dashun, the biggest..."

"Isn't it? Such a coincidence? I didn't look at the cards, but got the biggest card!"

"Won! Won! Zhang Guizhu actually won Dafa brother, and the four were done by the same "flower" Dashun, this is simply!"

"It's too'fine' color! Who can think of it? Wouldn't Zhang Guizhu look at the cards early, knowing that he got the same'flower' straight?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible. After the dealer has dealt the cards, these two cards have not been moved. We stared at so many eyes! If she reads the cards, can we still know?"


Originally I thought it was a very boring and powerful bet against the disparity of power. The onlookers around them felt unsatisfied, but when Lin Mu showed her hole cards, the situation of Zhang Dafa's winning streak instantly reversed and was Mother Lin fought back, winning Zhang Dafa with an overwhelming advantage of sex. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

Everyone felt incredible. From the attitude that Lin Mu had always been confident, most people felt that Lin Mu must know his trump card. However, from the beginning to the end, Lin Mu's did not turn over the cards to see, which made all the gamblers present could not see the ‘door’.

Does Zhang Guizhu know how to gamble?

On the surface it looks like it won't, but in reality, it was able to draw a good hand and win all the cards. How could it be like not being able to gamble?

"Haha! Dashun and Zhang Dafa with the same'Hua', you lost! What the old lady said, today's luck is not against the sky, I caught the biggest deck of cards. You deserve to lose. I……"

Mother Lin didn't expect that she could actually catch such two hole cards to make up the same'flower'. Naturally, she opened the'flower' with joy, and pointed at Zhang Da and shouted, "I hope you will lose the game. Release my little brother. Besides, I have to pay 50,000 yuan in damages."

"Congratulations, Auntie! Auntie is really lucky!"

Although Zhou Yun didn't know how to play cards, she could still see the "flowers" with the four majors, and she also knew how difficult it is to get this hand. However, she wouldn’t simply think that this was Mother Lin’s luck. After congratulating Mother Lin, she turned her head to look at Lin Feng with a hippie smile, and blinked her eyes, meaning she was asking if Lin Feng was there. Ghost behind.

However, Lin Feng pretended that he didn't know anything, and smiled at Zhou Yun, indicating that it was not his business.

"It's definitely not that simple. Lin Feng dared to come to the casino so confidently, he must be prepared." Zhou Yun now dare not look down on Lin Feng anymore, although she doesn't know how Lin Feng made the move. Yes, but he firmly believes that Lin Feng must be'fuck' behind his back.

And the most unbelievable person on the scene right now is probably staring at Mother Lin's two hole cards.

"How is this possible? How is it possible that the ace of spades is in her hole card? Isn't her hole 4 and 7? Obviously I just got the ace of spades, which was replaced by me. Why did it appear in Zhang Guizhu's hole card? Li? She obviously didn't even look at the cards just now, let alone change cards..."

In the casino, Zhang Dafa, who was used to countless old tricks, couldn't figure out how the ace of spades got to Lin's hole card. He even began to wonder if he saw the ‘Flower’ by himself, and the hole card he was holding was not the ace of spades, but the 4 of spades. Did Lin's hole card captured by the camera make a complete mistake?

In any case, no matter how Zhang Dafa does not believe and is unwilling to admit defeat, so many gamblers are watching now, he is still riding a tiger, if he does not admit defeat, the credibility of him and his casino will be ruined.

Therefore, he could only gritted his teeth and ordered Ma Zai under his hand to say, "Come on! Go, Zhang Guiliang, bring it here..."

After a while, Zhang Guiliang, who was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, was stumbling over by two gangsters. As soon as he saw Mother Lin and others, he immediately shouted, "Sister, Xiaofeng, Qiuping, help Me! Save me..."


Seeing this picture of her little brother's'touching', Mother Lin immediately slapped him in front of him, hating the iron and swearing, "Why are you not good at learning, but you want to learn to gamble? How did my old lady tell you once Yes? If you dare to gamble again, the old lady chopped your hand. You can see what you are like now? The refrigerator and color TV in the house have been removed, and your baby is empty. You cry in your house, your wife is crying everywhere, calling someone to rescue you, you, you...Are you still a man? Why did our Zhang family get out of you, such an unbelievable youngest?"

"Sister! I'm sorry, I was wrong! I really know that I was wrong. I am a ghost, and I feel that it is useless to not make money. I don't want to rely on your help and help all my life. I also want it. Give Qiuping and my baby a better living environment. I blame myself for being so useless, even luck is not as good as others, gambling is all about losing money, this time it hurts you again..."

At this time, Zhang Guiliang still did not see that the casinos were all cheating, thinking that the loss was just because of bad luck. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng shook his head and said before, "Uncle, you will lose your gamble for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You will lose when you gamble for ten. You have not heard of these idioms. Have you ever seen anyone who made a fortune by gambling? ? Even if there are, they are all made up, the purpose is to attract you to send your hard-earned money to the lion's mouth of the casino. Every underground casino here is to eat people without spitting out bones."

Lin Feng said this to his brother-in-law Zhang Guiliang, and also to the gamblers around him. After all, Zhang Guiliang's lessons for the past are in front of him, making many gamblers who were just watching the excitement feel uncomfortable at this time, thinking of their wives and children.

If you lose money today and borrow a loan shark that you can't afford to repay, will you become Zhang Guiliang's land now? Almost every onlooker gambler is thinking this way in their hearts. They don’t have such rich relatives as Lin Feng’s family to help. I am afraid that the easiest way to solve the problem of owing usury is to sell the house and sell the land. , Or it's broken hands and feet.

Thinking of the serious consequences in this way, many villager gamblers who were dazzled by gambling and money suddenly came to their senses. However, after being sober, they have become addicted to playing card gambling, which has become a necessity in life. To make them immediately stop playing two games in this underground casino every day is simply depriving them of the only pleasure in life and the hope of getting rich.


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