Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1331: Big Break Casino (Part 2)

"Sister, you can't bet with them! There must be something wrong with their casino, otherwise I wouldn't lose so much money in one night. <щww.suimeng.lā..."

After suffering, Zhang Guiliang came to his senses. Seeing that his elder sister Zhang Guizhu had to bet with them, he hurriedly persuaded him.

"Zhang Guiliang, you can get it! You lose to us because your skills and luck are not good. At this point, your eldest sister is much better. You just got the same'flower' Dashun, do you understand?"

Zhang Dachang was afraid that Mother Lin would not continue gambling with him, so he immediately opened the electric mahjong table and said, "One game determines the outcome, two-player mahjong, whoever wins the game will win."

Pressing the'color' sub, Zhang Dafa has actually let the people under his control through the computer chip control, let the electric mahjong table give him an excellent pair of cards.

But who made his opponent be Zhang Guizhu, the gambling **** of the Lin family? Although she has no abilities, she has a son, Lin Feng, who is a cultivator.

"How can the electric mahjong table be able to change cards like this? Tsk tsk... These people just increase their IQ in order to gamble away!"

Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness is always paying attention to the internal structure of this electric mahjong table, and it turns out that every mahjong has magnets with different magnetic properties. This is equivalent to saying that it is a magnetic "sex" mark. Each card has a different magnetic "sex", so it can be accurately identified. Then through the remote control of the computer, the designated card types can be arranged through different magnetic ‘character’ marks.

To achieve this, you can be regarded as working in some scientific research universities, and the magnetic ‘sex’ recognition and classification technology can also be regarded as a scientific research achievement that has won the ground. It seems that Lin Feng saw a news about the network that a certain businessman had lost his home because of playing mahjong, and then dismantled all the automatic mahjong tables when he was angry, but finally got the information from the internal mechanism of the mahjong table. Inspired, invented a unique high-quality and efficient stone crushing machine.

"Oh! This big deal is really good at playing, and I want to give myself a four-happiness card..."

After using his spiritual sense to'figure' the cheating mechanism of mahjong, Lin Feng learned through calculations that Zhang Dafa's card type is a big four-hi card type, and only needs to'draw' another card to'draw' it. Four happiness. But Lin Mu's side is a bad card, and there is no possibility of winning.

However, now that Lin Feng has discovered this, he will naturally not let Zhang Dafa's'conspiracy' succeed. Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness can also easily change the magnetic properties of objects. Before mahjong was pushed, Lin Feng used his spiritual knowledge to calculate and changed the magnetic properties of some of his cards.

In this way, although Zhang Dafa's cheating procedures have not changed, the card types corresponding to the magnetic "sex" have been changed. However, Lin Feng deliberately spoofed, and did not change Zhang Dafa's four-happiness card type, and still left him such a good card type.


When the automatic mahjong machine handed out all the mahjong tiles, Zhang Dafa and Lin Mu started to draw cards respectively. The corners of Zhang Dafa’s mouth were slightly raised. When he opened the cards he had caught, it was indeed a big four. If the card type is one "", you can be fooled. And that one is also close at hand. You only need to ‘draw’ the cards for the first round of the game, and you can ‘draw’ your hand.

"I'm going! Dafa brother is lucky too, right?"

"Such a good card? God listened to it, right?"

"I have played mahjong for decades, and I have never caught such a good hand..."


The gamblers standing behind Zhang Dafa were shocked when they saw the deck of cards opened by Zhang Dafa. There are tens of millions of combinations of mahjong tiles, and the card type that can be used to draw and wait for a hand is called Tianting. This is already very difficult. Not to mention that Zhang Dafa's one-day draw is still a senior four-year-old Tingtian, but anyone who can play mahjong might dream of wanting such a deck of cards.

In addition, Zhang Dafa's "" card is still the "" card that listened to Tianhu's big four. The chance of this Hu card is a little bit bigger.

Those gamblers didn't dare to say aloud Zhang Dafa's specific card types, but they all exclaimed, and in their hearts they had already determined that Zhang Dafa should definitely win this time.

However, just after these gamblers standing behind Zhang Dafa exclaimed a few times, those gamblers standing behind Zhang Guizhu broke out even more surprised cries.

"Isn't it? Can this be caught too?"

"It's almost unnecessary..."

"Sister Guizhu won..."


Hearing the exclamation of these gamblers, those standing behind Zhang Dafa became unconvinced and shouted, "What good cards can you have on your side? No matter how good it is, there can be good cards from Dafa brother. This time, Brother Dafa is determined to win."

"Bah! Are you determined to win? Haha... Sister Guizhu won! It's Tianhu, you don't even have a chance to fight! Haha..."

The gamblers behind Zhang Guizhu exclaimed happily as if they had got such a good card.

"What? Tianhu? How is this possible? Dafa brother's is the fourth year of Xitian! He was so suffocated by Tianhu?"

"Impossible! Impossible! We don't believe it! Since it is Tianhu, let Zhang Guizhu push it down and take a look..."

The gamblers on Zhang Dafa's side were not convinced one by one, but when Zhang Guizhu smiled and put down the Tianhu card pattern, everyone had nothing to say.

"Tianhu of shishihu? This... is this too ridiculous? Brother Dafa's is the fourth year of Xitian! You are so choked to death by a shishihu?"

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how many gamblers have a ‘meat’ pain in their hearts. After all, it is simply a rare opportunity to get such a hand with a four-year-old hand. Many people have played cards for a lifetime, and I am afraid it is impossible to catch such a hand. Although Lin Mu's deck of cards is Tianhu, which is relatively rare, it does not have any special card type, just the most common ass.

However, Tianhu is Tianhu, and a deck of cards is drawn without playing cards or drawing cards. It is already a card type of Hu, which makes any opponent helpless. No matter how good the card count is, it loses.

"Impossible! You came out of the old man, Zhang Guizhu, I suspected that you had come out of the old one when you played De-Zhou-Pu-K just now. Otherwise, how could you get the same "flower" Dashun? This time it is Tianhu. Do you think that all of us are blind? This game of mahjong is not counted, and a round of Texas-State-Put-K is also invalid...Do you dare to make money in our casino? Come, give them all I grabbed..."

Zhang Dafa suddenly became angry and turned his face to deny. He directly greeted his Ma Tsai and surrounded Lin Feng and others.


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