Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1333: Which Lin Feng?

"Damn, my hard-earned money has been pitted like this!"

"Smash all the casinos! Never gamble again..."

"Gamble, gamble... Caused my wife to divorce me, and the'girl' hated me forever! Smashed all these **** casinos..."

"Comrades police! We report these casinos..."


Usually when the police are out of the police, gamblers will never take the initiative to report these underground casinos or come out to testify that the casino is involved in illegal gambling activities, and even take the initiative to help the casino conceal and prevaricate the police. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā

But today, the outrageous gamblers are eagerly approaching the police to expose these underground casinos, and because of the “chaos” on the scene, the dozens of underground casinos in Dunxu Town, all The gambling evidence was too late to be hidden and destroyed, and one was caught by the police.

"Gong Bureau, this time is really a bumper harvest! Twelve underground casinos in Dunxu Town have collected a total of more than 7.68 million gambling funds, as well as some other jewelry gold, etc., arresting the size of the casino. There are more than 180 bosses, more than 800 sets of gambling equipment, and more than 50 mahjong tables..."

When Gong Fangde, Chief of Police of Zhi'an City hurried over, he heard the report of the bumper harvest. In the previous small squabbles, every time the gambling behavior was a lot of wind and rain, almost the bosses of the casino were able to get news in advance to do the transfer work, and all they caught were small shrimps.

But this time, the record is really fruitful, almost the entire underground casino in Dunxu Town was exhausted.

"What's the matter? Xiao Zhou, why is the information so accurate this time? Can so many underground casino bosses be caught? And what's the matter with these villagers? When they come to catch gambling, aren't they still acting for those casino bosses? Is it the cover? How did it change today..."

Seeing the casino bosses being escorted trucks and trucks, and the gamblers and villagers filled with joy and indignation, Gong Fangde suddenly felt a little confused. After all, it is well known that Dunxu Town is a major gambling town in Zhi'an City. Even the police chief Gong Fangde has always felt a headache. Knowing this situation, there has been no cure. The fundamental reason is that the villagers are covering and helping the boss of the casino, making it almost impossible for the police to capture any substantive evidence and witnesses.

But today, police chief Gong Fangde was taken aback by the scene before him, especially the reversal of the attitude of these villagers one hundred and eighty degrees. It can be said that this is the key to the success of this arrest.

The underground casinos were smashed by the angry villagers, and the gaming tables and mahjong tables were all smashed. Gong Fangde really wanted to know what was going on.

"This...Gong Bureau, I am not very clear. We received an alarm call saying that there was an accident in the underground casino in Dunxu Town. Let us send some more people. At first I didn't believe it, but then we continued to take it. When some alarm calls were reached, the armed police forces were immediately transferred..."

Xiao Zhou, the operation team leader in charge of this capture operation, touched his head and said, “I didn’t know that so many big fish were actually lived this time. The whole operation went so smoothly. No one can think of it."

"There must be a reason, Xiao Zhou, you see that the attitudes of these villagers are obviously different from before. In the past, every time we organized people to go to the countryside to give villagers ideological education classes and conduct anti-gambling propaganda activities, they were not all instinctive. Is it conflicting? But today, look at it. These villagers definitely resisted and refused to gamble from the inside..."

For police chief Gong Fangde, the law and order in Zhi'an City has always been relatively good, but gambling is very unacceptable, and it is even slightly notorious throughout Fujian. In every meeting of the district police agency, Gong Fangde was often criticized by the leaders of the police agency by name because of the gambling problem in Zhi'an City.

However, this problem has not been cured for a long time. Almost every two months, Gong Fangde will carry out anti-gambling operations in the city. From various forms of publicity on the dangers of gambling, to the arrangement of a large number of police forces to encircle and suppress underground casinos, the results are very weak.

Only Gong Fangde, who has actually been engaged in gambling management, knows how difficult it is to make farmers in Dunxu Town recognize that gambling is harmful. Gong Fangde really wanted to know what was going on that made these gamblers and peasants who are stubborn and unrealistic.

"No! Be sure to ‘figure’ what’s going on..."

With the determination to break the casserole and ask the question to the end, Gong Fangdla lived in an "excited" villager and asked, "My fellow, what happened today? Why do the villagers in Dunxu Town hate uncharacteristically? Have you lost these underground casinos?"

"You... Are you Director Gong of the Municipal Public Security Bureau? Director Gong! We were so stupid in the past, we really believe that gambling can make you rich. You come to our villages and towns to catch gambling again and again, and we actually pay it back I hate you policemen, and now I know that you are really the public servants of the people, and those **** casino bosses are the blood-sucking pests...we misunderstood you..."

The fellow recognized Gong Fangde, and immediately said with a remorse. After all, in the past, when the police swept the casinos, they even took the farmers who participated in the gambling and detained them~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so the gamblers were very disgusted and disgusted with the police. But now, the concept has changed. Like this fellow, many gamblers understand that the police are doing gambling for their own good, and they all regret it.

"My fellow, these are what we should do. Our police are public servants of the people and serve the people. It's just, why did your ideas suddenly change? What happened today, you haven't said yet. !"

Hearing the words of confession from fellow villagers, Gong Fangde's heart was also warm, feeling that the pressure of staring at the leaders and the complaints of the people below were not in vain. However, what he most wants to ‘figure’ is who is responsible for all this happening today.

"Ah? Director Gong, I would like to thank Lin Feng, the son of Zhang Guizhu from Zhang's family in our town. He brought reporter Zhou to expose these **** casino scams. It turns out that the gaming tables and mahjong tables are all cheating and cheating. We are honest peasants who go to gambling, can we not lose money?” The fellow said with emotion.

"What? Lin Feng? Which Lin Feng? Is it the Lin Feng who got the perfect score?" Gong Fangde was familiar with Lin Feng's name and asked immediately.


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