Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1340: Mayor Chen desperately

"Investment? Haha! Huang Tao, it seems that you haven't been involved in attracting investment for many years. {щww{suimеng][lā}.. Is it so easy to get investment now? And it's a tourism industry in a remote country. Investment, look at how much investment Chen Luping has worked so hard for so many years! She is meticulous about her work, and she does not even give investors any cheapness. How many investors are willing to be so thankless Come and help her?"

As the vice governor of Fujian Province in charge of tourism, Zhou Nan knows all the ‘doors’ and ‘doors’ here too well.

"That's true. Tourism is different from industry. In terms of industry, as long as our government is willing to give preferential land to build factories, there will be countless factories willing to settle here. In addition, the labor force in Chi'an City is cheap, as long as this industrialized development The policy is issued, and there is no need for me to shout, there are a large number of chemical factories rushing to invest..."

Speaking of this, Huang Tao said with a smile, "The tourism industry is not so easy. It is simply a bottomless'hole' in terms of road construction. Apart from the country, which'private' enterprise is willing to throw money into it. ?"

"At this time, you have seen the idea. In fact, from a conscience, Chen Luping's vision is actually very good. She is optimistic about the tourism development resources of Zhi'an City. Actually, our Provincial Tourism Bureau has paid attention to it for a long time. In terms of tourism resources in Zhi'an City, Wuyi Mountain does not need to be less than Wuyi Mountain. It is ranked among the top five in the entire Fujian Province.

It's a pity...It's really poor! If this road is to be repaired, I don’t know how much it will cost. The key is... there is a section of road to Tianmu Peak. After geological exploration, it may not be possible to repair it with money. If this section of road cannot be made. The natural scenic spots in the back cannot be developed at all...All the previous efforts and investment are in vain! "

In fact, twenty years ago, Vice Governor Zhou Nan was the deputy mayor in charge of tourism in this Pingnan prefecture-level city. At that time, he valued the unique scenery and tourism resources of Zhi'an City. Unfortunately, after many inspections, Finally gave up this idea.

Even if it is now twenty years later, he is sitting in the position of vice governor, and he has invited experts many times to discuss the situation in Zhi'an City, but there is no practical economic plan.

"What's the problem with the section of Tianmafeng entering the mountain? Uncle Biao, how do you know so clearly?" Huang Tao asked strangely, even if he, the local deputy mayor of Zhian City, didn't know about it.

"Under the mountain road are all the hardest rock mines. Unless you use a lot of explosives to open the way, you can't get through. However, once a lot of explosives are used, there is a cliff next to it. According to that structure It can be seen that 100% of the entire mountain will be blown up and collapsed, and there is no need to talk about road construction. With the latest domestic and international road construction technology, it is difficult to not destroy the mountain. Under circumstances, repair this road."

Zhou Nan couldn't be more familiar with this point, and it is also the most critical point where the tourism industry in Zhi'an City has not been able to develop. As long as this problem is not resolved, any plan for vigorous development of the tourism industry is empty talk.

"Haha! It turned out to be like this. I said why every time I go to the section of road behind Tianmu Peak, only tractors can climb in. It turns out that this road cannot be repaired at all with the current technology. In this way, I have nothing to do. I'm worried, let alone one year. Give Chen Luping another five years, and she won't be able to play with any "flowers"."

After knowing this Xin Mi, Huang Tao was completely relieved, and he had begun to sketch in his mind that he would become the mayor of Zhi'an a year later.

"Don't worry! In this one-acre three-centred land in Fujian Province, my words are still useful. I have asked the secretary to speak out in the afternoon. Wait and see. It doesn't take a year at all. It only takes a few weeks or even In a few days, Chen Luping knew that no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to attract any investment. Hahaha..."


The two were embarrassed as ‘rapists’ and they should have fun in the clubhouse, thinking that Chen ‘Lu’ping had fallen into the trap they dug, and there was no way to save them.

At this time, Chen'Lu'ping, the mayor of Zhi'an City, was still immersed in the study, with piles of heavy materials on the desk, all about the tourism resources of Zhi'an City.

Although knowing that the military order issued this year is difficult to achieve, Chen Luping still worked tirelessly. After returning home without even eating dinner, he began to bury his head in front of the desk and collect a share of the tourism resources of Zhi'an City. The planning information is sorted out.

In addition, some plans for attracting investment have been drawn up and sent to the major tourism investment companies that I know. Chen Luping doesn’t know when he fell asleep and the computer is still on. , The piles of information on the table have only been turned over by less than half.


At about one o'clock in the morning, Qin Yanran, who was in the bathroom at night, saw that the light in her mother's room was still on, so she opened the'door' distressedly and came in.

"Mom, wake up... Go to the'bed' and go to sleep! You will catch a cold like this."

Seeing her mother fell asleep in front of the computer, Qin Yanran woke her up with red eyes, and shouted distressedly, "Mom, don't you be so tired?"

"Yan Ran! Why did I fall asleep? There are still so many things I haven't seen..."

Chen'Lu'ping, who woke up, looked at the pieces piled on the table, bit her lips and wanted to continue working, but Qin Yanran was forcibly pulled to the bed and said, "Mom, how good is the bed? it is good?"

"Mom can't sleep if I don't finish this." Although Chen'Lu'ping is already very tired, she thinks that there is not much time left, so she wants to race against time to complete these plans early and attract investment on a large scale. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If your mother can’t sleep, Yanran can coax you to sleep, just like you coaxed me when you were a kid, okay? No matter what the problem is, can't it just wait until tomorrow? Mom, you can't be exhausted..."

Qin Yanran's eyes were red and she was wearing cute white pajamas. She flicked her ponytail behind her head, muttering that she didn't care about anything, pulling Chen'Lu'ping on the bed.

"Well... Yanran, mother promised you to sleep in bed. You will wait until tomorrow for these things, OK?"

The'girl' is worthy of being called the little padded jacket of the mother. Seeing Yan Ran's behaving appearance, Chen'Lu'ping couldn't bear to refuse, so she also lay down in the'bed' obediently.

"My mother is so good, now it's my turn to tell my mother a story? There was a beautiful little princess, her name was Yanran..." Qin Yanran fell asleep very contentedly when she saw her mother lying on the'bed' Next to her, with a sweet and lovely voice, she learned how her mother told her stories when she was young.


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