Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1346: Lin's International Investment Co., Ltd.

Such a huge investment!

Such a simple decision!

A company I've never heard of!

All of these can't help but make everyone feel distrustful of this "10 billion investment", and most of the officials here have received those businessmen who came to invest, knowing that when businessmen make every investment, They were all carefully planned for many inspections. How could it be like this Lin Group. Without even one inspection, they decided to invest 10 billion. [WWW.SuiMеng.lāMobile terminal

"Mayor Chen, I have to say a word here. Calls like this are often received in my office. Although many amounts are not so large, the basic routines are the same. Most of them are made by phone. In the name of investment, let us give them free land, and many of them are even used to cheat and drink..."

Seeing such a situation, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao stood up with a smile and said, "This Lin Group is not well-known in China. Maybe it is a messy leather company. It doesn't sound like it. Looks capable, Mayor Chen, I have always used you as a role model for my work, but I never thought that you would not even have the ability to discern such a simple fraudulent call."

"Yeah! How can a company invest 10 billion yuan in Zhi'an City so easily?"

"I don't look at what kind of conditions and environment our Chi'an City is like. There are really people who have invested 10 billion. Can they pay back?"

"And I think it's good to have 1 billion in these investments in Chi'an City. Where can we need as much as 10 billion?"

"Don't tell me, if there are really 10 billion investment, our economy in Chi'an will definitely be different immediately. Investment can drive consumption! There are also various taxes that will increase by at least five to ten times. Is the least..."

"Less daydreaming. I think, in fact, Mayor Chen also knows that this call must be a scam call, but now the TV station is still filming, so he must try to find some face."


Everyone was shocked by the 10 billion figure just now, but after thinking about it, they all felt that this was impossible. Even in the entire country, such a huge investment of 10 billion is not much. How can it be the turn of a county-level city like Zhi'an? If there are really 10 billion, you can go to other places with more development and investment potential.

"Mayor Chen, you can't do this. I understand your desire to invest in the development of tourism in Zhi'an City, but the method is not advisable. Finding the direction of investment should be those well-known in China. A powerful company, instead of trusting a fraudulent call at will..."

Vice Governor Zhou Nan pretended to be very big and said, "However, since you are ‘fascinated’ and do not understand, you might as well check the Lin’s Group by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. You will know what strength it is and how much registered capital it has."

"Yes! Mayor Chen, we can check the information of this Lin Group registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau..."

Secretary Xiao Liu is also eager to prove that this investment is true. If the registration information of the Lin Group can be found in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and it is proved to be a large company with tens of billions of assets, then everything is more credible. .

"Director Qin, please use the internal system of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to check the general situation of this Lin Group."

After hesitating for a while, Chen'Lu'ping still instructed Director Qin of the Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce.

"Okay, Mayor Chen."

Director Qin had never heard of the name of the Lin group, so he used the computer in the mayor's office to log in to the industrial and commercial internal system and began to search for the Lin group from registered companies nationwide.

Ding Ding...

After a search, Director Qin’s face was a bit unsightly, and the system popped up with a prompt that "cannot find the company information you are looking for."

"What's the matter? Director Qin, is this really a leather bag company?"

Deputy Mayor Huang Tao saw that Director Qin hadn't spoken for a long time, so he leaned forward to take a look, and couldn't help laughing, "Haha! Can't find it? Tsk tusk! The current liar is really unprofessional. A leather bag company doesn’t bother to register."

The so-called leather bag company is the kind of shell company that is specially registered to deceive people. In fact, it has no registered capital strength and office location. All company materials can be taken away in a leather package to cheat, so It was called the name of the bag company.

Ordinary scammers will register companies with names that sound relatively big, and then the registered capital may be tens of thousands of yuan, which is used to scam them.

At the beginning, everyone felt that this "Lin Group" must be a similar leather bag company, and the registered capital is estimated to not exceed 100,000.

However, using the internal system of the Administration for Industry and Commerce, I found that the company information registration system of the Administration for Industry and Commerce in China does not have the Lin Group.

"What? Without this company? Impossible! What did they tell me on the phone just now?" Secretary Xiao Liu rushed forward unwillingly, tapping the keyboard and typing in several similar names to check.

Lin's Co., Ltd...No!

Lin's Investment Group...No!

Lin's...he searched for several company names, but it doesn't look like a hotel or a hotel, there is no such thing as a powerful tourism investment company.

"Mayor Chen, look...it seems...that call is really a scam call. I am afraid that no investors will come to sign the contract in the afternoon. Even if someone comes, I am afraid it is a liar..."

There is no file record of a company in the Bureau of Industry and Commerce ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the most fundamental basis, and even this point can't be found. Then the investment of 10 billion yuan is even more glaring.

Secretary Xiao Liu was crying, and all the beautiful illusions that had just been received on the phone were shattered.

"Can't find company information? Looks like a liar."

Although she didn't want to admit it, Chen'Lu' Ping still had to sigh.

As a result, the few media reporters present immediately got excited, and felt that there was a news gimmick to write about. The mayor of a county-level city received a scam call from a scammer and believed the scammer. Isn't this news that people like to hear?

However, in the Jin Ou community, Li Yutong’s bedroom, Li Yutong, who had just called the municipal fu, turned around and said to Lin Feng, who was just getting up and washing up, “It’s all done! We are the CEO of Lin’s International Investment Co., Ltd. Lin Feng. Lin Dong, do you want me to find you a high-end suit? In the afternoon, you are going to sign a ten billion investment agreement with Zhi'an Municipal Fu on behalf of our company."


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