Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1348: Lin Feng, why are you here (on

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, in the office of the mayor of Zhi'an City, Chen'Lu'ping was still typing in front of the computer, and she never relaxed for a minute. ~~щww~suimеng~lā. .

"Mayor Chen, would you like to eat something? This box of lunch is almost cold, no matter how busy you are...you still have to eat!"

Since those people left early, Chen'Lu'ping has been working desperately in the office to make planning documents. The secretary Xiao Liu sees it and feels pain in her heart. At the same time, she feels so grateful and proud to have such a leader.

"I can't bear it, Xiao Liu, others laugh at us and look down upon us. When we can't refute, we can only prove ourselves with redoubled efforts."

On the computer screen, Chen'Lu'ping obtained information from domestic and even the world's top 500 companies from internal channels, and is beginning to screen the types of these companies one by one. He has to find some ideas that may be of interest to Zhi'an City. investment company.

"I know, Mayor Chen, we will definitely not be looked down upon by them. But..."

The secretary Xiao Liu has always followed Chen'Lu'ping as an example. After following her for so long, he felt that Mayor Chen has nothing to do. But this time, he did encounter an insurmountable mountain.

"But what? Xiao Liu, I know this time should be our most difficult one, but no matter how hard the battle is, we have to work hard for 120,000 points, and we have to win."

Originally, Chen'Lu' Ping didn't have much confidence and fighting spirit, but the stubborn Chen'Lu' Ping ignited the wits of fighting like this.

"No! Mayor Chen, I... I heard it when I just went to buy a meal. The few media reporters who came early were bought by Vice Mayor Huang. They are planning to write about some negative things that are not good for you. Report!" Secretary Xiao Liu gritted his teeth and said, "This is not what it means to be a rock!"

"Negative reports that are not conducive to me? What can they write? I am not afraid of shadows. Other people's mouths and pens, let them go with them. If there is something untrue, the newspapers will definitely not dare to publish it." Chen 'Lu' Ping said without any fear.

"It's all my fault, Mayor Chen. They want to use that fraudulent call as a chapter. They just want to use that to say that Mayor Chen you were scammed by a fraudulent call..."

The secretary, Xiao Liu, was about to cry when he said that, "It's all my fault! If I had hung up the liar's phone, there wouldn't be so many things."

"Don't blame you, Xiao Liu, I know that you also want to get some investment for our Zhi'an City as soon as possible. It's not a coincidence that the scam call is a bit of a coincidence. They actually take this matter as a chapter. That at least shows that they I can't find any other points on my body."

Chen'Lu'ping comforted the secretary Xiao Liu, "That's right! Director Gong of the Municipal Public Security Bureau greeted me just now that he would catch a liar in the municipal fu building in the afternoon. Is that the case?"

"Yes! Mayor Chen, Deputy Mayor Huang instructed that if the calling liar dares to come, Director Gong will be arrested and charged with a commercial fraud." Xiao Liu said, "Vice Huang The mayor is deliberately making a fuss, trying to make things big, for fear that others may not know that our mayor's office has received a fraudulent call."

"It's also a good thing to catch, besides, we didn't suffer at all. Where can we talk about being cheated? If they insist on writing this, we can't help it."

Chen'Lu'ping shook her head, and didn't intend to worry about it. He turned his attention back to the computer screen and began to screen and contact those multinational companies that might invest.

At this time, in the Zhengfu Building in Zhi'an City, more than a dozen plainclothes police officers were stationed quietly. They were all instructed by Director Gong and Deputy Mayor Huang to pretend to be ordinary political office workers lurking in Here, waiting for investment scammers to negotiate investment and capture them in one fell swoop.

"Director Gong, thank you for your hard work today. The scammers who called early are really hateful. Knowing that our Mayor Chen is anxious to attract investment, he deliberately lied about a 10 billion-day digital investment. At first glance, he knew it was a scammer. ."

Deputy Mayor Huang Tao said angrily to Director Gong of the Public Security Bureau in the office.

"Deputy Mayor Huang, don't worry, as long as the liar dares to come, we will definitely arrest them. Even Mayor Chen dares to lie, and he is so ambitious."

Although Director Gong is a good at solving crimes, he is very unfamiliar with the official methods. After learning about Mayor Chen's deception from Huang Taokou today, he fell into a trap that Huang Tao took advantage of.

"I know the abilities of Director Gong and your police officers. I have 100% confidence in your abilities. The liar said that he arrived at the Zhengfu Building at four o'clock. It is now three o'clock. It is estimated that he should be here soon. Director Gong, please let the policemen be more vigilant and don't let the scammers find out... I will ask Mayor Chen to come down and watch and catch those nasty scammers together..."

Huang Tao really can't wait now, especially to let Chen Luping see with his own eyes how these scammers who made fraudulent calls were caught.


Knocking on the'door' of the mayor's office, Huang Tao walked in with a grin and said, "Mayor Chen, Marco is four o'clock. The CEO of the Lin Group, an investment company that wants to invest 10 billion with you, The horse is coming! With such a big investment, do you really plan to go downstairs to receive it?"

"Deputy Mayor Huang, what do you mean? Haven't all been'figured out' all the time? This Lin group is just a scammer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When I heard Huang Tao's words, the secretary Xiao Liu was angry. Said bluntly.

"Xiao Liu, how do you talk? I'm talking to Mayor Chen, you a secretary, what do you ‘plug’ in?" Huang Tao glared at Xiao Liu and said.

Chen'Lu'ping didn't know that Huang Tao wanted to embarrass herself in public, but it didn't matter if she broke the jar now. In order to prevent Huang Tao from chattering about other reasons, she just got up from the desk. "It's really true that Deputy Mayor Lao Huang is so sad about this, okay! Let's go down and see, in a moment, what does this liar who invested 10 billion look like?"

"Mayor Chen deserves to be Mayor Chen. Director Gong has already set up the sky and the earth downstairs. As long as that nasty liar dares to come, he will definitely come back."

Seeing Chen'Lu' Ping got up and followed, Huang Tao's heart became more and more proud, as if he could sit on the throne of the mayor in the next second. He waited for the liar from Touro to be arrested. The news that the "mayor was deceived" was definitely confirmed.


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