Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1350: I'm here to invest!

"Lin Feng! It's Lin Feng, why did Lin Feng come?"

"By the way, I haven't seen the top scorer Lin Feng for many days!"

"Lin Feng and Mayor Chen's'female' are classmates. Couldn't it be that Mayor Chen was here to relieve him?"

"What is the solution! At this time, no one comes, unless someone can really bring 10 billion investment..."


Everyone saw that the person who walked in was Lin Feng, and their interest just disappeared instantly. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā,. They didn't think that the so-called "liar" would really be Lin Feng. Some people think that Lin Feng is here to relieve Chen'Lu'ping, but they don't think Lin Feng will bring the slightest help.

"Huang Tao, who is this person? Why do I look familiar?"

When Vice Governor Zhou Nan saw that a "liar" who had not imagined a suit and leather shoes came in, he also asked disappointedly. Although he usually reads news about Fujian province every day, he reads a lot, but he doesn't remember Lin Feng's appearance so clearly.

"Uncle Biao, this is our celebrity in Zhi'an City, Lin Feng who just got a perfect score in the college entrance examination." Huang Tao replied.

"No. 1 in the college entrance examination? Come to think of it. Speaking of which, the college entrance examination in Zhi'an City this year is really amazing. Even the governor of the city called for praise at the meeting a few days ago."

With that said, Zhou Nan remembered that there was indeed such a perfect scorer named Lin Feng, but he was confused, "Then what does Lin Feng come to the fu building?"

"He has a very good relationship with Chen Lu Ping's "female" children, and looks like a male and female friend. I guess he came to relieve Chen Lu Ping!" Huang Tao said, thinking of Chen's previous times. When Lu'ping was in crisis, it seemed that by chance she was Lin Feng's help, and she suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"What? He came to relieve Chen'Lu'ping? He is just a kid. What can he do? He really thought that the current college entrance examination champion is the ancient champion scholar?"

Hearing this, Zhou Nan couldn't help laughing.

However, at this time, Lin Feng had already walked into the lobby on the first floor and walked directly toward the mayor Chen Luping and secretary Xiao Liu. His spiritual sense consciously covered the entire first floor of the Zhengfu Building, and he naturally heard everyone's comments, as well as the hateful faces of Zhou Nan and Huang Tao.

"Huh! So Huang Tao and Zhou Nan. One of you is Aunt Ping’s deputy and the other is at Aunt Ping’s level. You are so cooperative to bully Aunt Ping. Let’s ask, Aunt Lian Ping is an official who has worked hard for the people. How many?"

Looking at Zhou Nan and Huang Tao from the corner of his eye, Lin Feng pretended not to know these things, and walked to Chen'Lu' Ping with a smile on his face and said, "Aunt Ping, I'm here!"

"Lin Feng, you... are you here? I didn't seem to ask you to come to the Zhengfu building today! What are you doing here?"

Hearing Lin Feng's unprovoked "I'm here", Chen'Lu'ping became somewhat inexplicable, and then asked, "Could it be that Yanran invited you here?"

"No! Aunt Ping, I'm here to invest in the tourism industry of Zhi'an." Lin Feng shook his head and said loudly on purpose.

Lin Feng's words made the people who were disappointed and unconcerned about his arrival instantly regain their energy.

"Investment? Just now, the little king was really ‘obscured’ by you, and Lin Feng came to govern the Fu building to relieve Mayor Chen."

"Tsk tusk... I heard that Heroic Restaurant is developing well, and it makes a lot of profits every month. However, how much money can this Lin Feng have? He also came to our Chi'an City to invest, which is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of millions at most ."

"Yeah! What's the use of him as a kid? If you want to invest, at least his parents or the company's legal person should come over?"


When Lin Feng said that he was here to invest, Chen'Lu'ping was also taken aback, and then her eyes became a little wet. She really didn't expect that when the situation was so severe, Lin Feng would still appear in front of her for the first time, really coming to relieve him.

However, Chen'Lu' Ping knew that this time she was in great trouble, and it could not be solved by mere tens of millions. She knows that Lin Feng is considered rich now, but she won't have much use for the money, and she can't ask for it.

Since then, Chen'Lu' Ping slightly choked and said softly, "Thank you, Lin Feng, Aunt Ping received your kindness. However, investment is a big deal. It is not a matter of hundreds of dollars, Aunt Ping herself I will find a way."

"Yes! Lin Feng, if you want to invest, you must at least have a company. You can't invest in cooperation with the government in your own name..." Secretary Xiao Liu also sighed.

"Haha! Cousin, did you hear that? This Lin Feng really came to invest, tsk tsk...Look at Chen'Lu' Ping nowadays has fallen to this point, she can't get the investment, let her 'My boyfriend is here to invest. If you dig a little deeper, is it a hot spot?"

Upon hearing that Lin Feng had really come to invest, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao couldn't help but smile.

"According to national regulations, civil servants and their relatives must avoid suspicion and cannot participate in related investments. However, this Lin Feng has not yet married Chen Luping’s daughter, so it is not a kinship relationship. However, if let The reporter's hype, the impact on Chen Luping is definitely not small." Vice Governor Zhou Nan said.

Facing so many people’s doubts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng smiled slightly, but deliberately took out the male bag containing all the official seals of Lin’s International Investment Company, and said to the secretary Xiao Liu, "Secretary Liu , I’m here to sign the investment contract on behalf of the company! Haven’t I already communicated with you on the phone? It’s agreed that at four o’clock this afternoon, I will come to the Zhengfu Building to sign the investment!"

"Did you talk to me on the phone? No! Lin Feng, when did you call me earlier..."

The secretary Xiao Liu didn't turn around a bit, but when she saw the words "Lin's International Investment Company" on the male bag, she immediately widened her eyes and shouted, "Lin Feng, you...you shouldn't be The CEO of the Lin Group, right? Oh my god! No, right? The liar who said that he would invest 10 billion in the tourism industry in Chi'an City was you?"

"What liar? Secretary Liu, why did I suddenly become a liar? Look, this is the official seal and related parts of our Lin's International Investment Company. If it is a fake replacement, how can I become a liar?"

Lin Feng pursed his mouth, then looked around, deliberately said loudly, "We are going to invest in the tourism industry of Zhi'an...10 billion yuan!"


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