Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1353: All dumbfounded

"Account? What...what account?"

Secretary Xiao Liu was taken aback and asked. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā!

"It's a supervisory account for investment funds! By the way, there are also investment contracts signed, right?" Lin Feng said naturally, "hasn't it been agreed?"

"Huh? Do you really want to sign?"

At this time, Secretary Xiao Liu really didn't know what to do. She could only look at the mayor Chen Luping like a plea for help. Chen'Lu'ping didn't know what kind of'medicine' Lin Feng could sell in the gourd. She thought about many possibilities, but it was impossible to think that Lin Feng would really invest 10 billion.

"Give Lin Feng the contract and account number!"

After a few seconds of thinking, Chen'Lu'ping still decided to believe in Lin Feng, and whether it was acting or other plans, she would fully cooperate with Lin Feng.

"Mayor Chen, but... but I didn't prepare this at all! Have we all been sure that this is a scam? So I...I didn't prepare any contracts and capital accounts!" Secretary Xiao Liu looked helplessly Said.

"I don't have an account? That's okay! Xiao Liu, didn't the company who was going to build a mineral water plant suddenly decided not to invest? You immediately change the contract and print it out, and then write the investment supervision account you prepared to give him Give it to Lin Feng to see how he'gets' 10 billion!"

At this time, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao came forward with an enthusiastic expression. Because he wanted to see when the scene between Lin Feng and Chen'Lu'ping would stop, he would expose them personally, leaving them completely faceless.

"Using the contract and account of the mineral water plant? Is this... okay?" Secretary Xiao Liu looked at the mayor Chen'Lu'ping again and asked for instructions.

"Let's do it!" Chen'Lu'ping nodded, so Xiao Liu hurriedly went to the mayor's office to print the contract and get the account number.

The political officials present felt a little unbearable to look directly at this place. They still thought that Lin Feng was acting, and they felt that it was Mayor Chen'Lu'ping that Lin Feng kept acting like this. Suddenly, the senses of Chen'Lu'ping were also quite different.

"Come on! At this time, even the foundation of the company has been revealed, what else is there to install? This is what Lin International Investment Company really wants to invest 10 billion, and the registered capital will only be Just a thousand dollars?"

"If you want to pretend, you won’t be able to pretend for long. Deputy Mayor Huang is probably biting this time. Mayor Chen will find it difficult to step down!"


In fact, the reason why the registered capital of Lin's International Investment Company is US$1,000 is entirely because it was entrusted by Li Yutong to register. It has just been registered. When the company is entrusted to register, the registered capital of US$1,000 is used. . If the company owner needs it, he can adjust the registered capital himself in the future.

"Aunt Ping, why do you agree to let Secretary Liu really "get" the contract for me?"

While waiting for secretary Xiao Liu's time, Lin Feng smiled and asked Chen Lu Pingdao.

And Chen'Lu'ping is now completely free of stress and tension, and she has a feeling of breaking the jar or being completely relieved. She smiled and looked at Lin Feng and said, "Because I believe in you, Lin Feng!"

"Trust me? Haha! Aunt Ping, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Lin Feng turned to look at the deputy mayor Huang Tao and the deputy governor Zhou Nan, and then asked a few steps, "Right! This deputy governor Zhou, if I remember correctly, you are in charge of the tourism of our Fujian province. Right?"

"Yes, so what? Young man, do you know how serious your behavior is today? It's a complete fraud. Don't think that you are our province's top scorer this year, and you can get away with it. I tell you, in this way To defraud the investment contract signed by Zhengfu in a false way, but you will go to jail!" Zhou Nan looked at Lin Feng viciously and said.

"Of course I know, but I haven't "made" any fraud!"

Lin Feng said with an innocent look, "Or, Vice Governor Zhou will also make a bet with me! If I can really spend 10 billion, you will completely delegate the autonomy of tourism investment in Zhi'an City. How about no intervention in the province and maximum policy support?"

It turned out that Lin Feng had such an idea. After all, even if Chen'Lu'ping is the mayor of Zhi'an City, it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand. After the industrial development policies in many fields exceed certain power limits, the provincial government must nod and approve. Lin Feng deliberately took advantage of the present, the ‘excited’ vice governor Zhou Nan promised to completely let Zhi’an develop freely.

"Huh! What's not to bet on? Young man, I don't know where your self-confidence comes from, let alone ten billion yuan, even ten billion yen or rubles, you can't get it."

It’s not that Zhou Nan never thought that this was a trap, but he was fearless at all, because he absolutely did not believe that Lin Feng could spend 10 billion yuan at a young age. This is a hard condition, and it is impossible. Fake it.

"Okay! Then we can make a decision, Vice Governor Zhou, there are so many testimonies here."

Having achieved his goal, Lin Feng waited for his secretary Xiao Liu to bring down the contract and account number.

Five minutes later, the secretary, Xiao Liu, ran down out of breath and handed a thick stack of contracts to Lin Feng. At the same time, he also attached an account for the supervision of public investment assets and provided Lin Feng with 10 billion yuan to invest. Call the amount.

"Lin Feng, take a look. Here is a one hundred and seven-page investment agreement and contract. Generally, I changed it after mentioning three levels of preferential policies based on the treatment and agreement of mineral water investment. There are 13 places in total. Sign and seal, in triplicate, you see if there are any problems, and this is a public account..."

The secretary, Xiao Liu, is conscientious, and he really does the contract meticulously. However, Lin Feng didn't take the time to read the contract. He directly took the account of the company and sent it to Li Yutong via WeChat. Then he took up the pen and official seal and signed and sealed the contracts.

"Huh! It's still acting, I want to see how long you can do it..." Huang Tao sneered from the side, Zhou Nan also shook his head and yawned.

But at this moment, the mobile phones of several officials watching the excitement on the first floor suddenly rang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One is the Director of the Finance Bureau and the other is the Governor of the People’s Bank of China. They should have been in their respective offices. The department's door handles official business, but it ran down to watch the excitement.

The two cell phones rang almost at the same time, and after answering the call, they also exclaimed at almost the same moment.

"Mayor Chen! Mayor Chen... 10 billion! 10 billion yuan! Our bank in Zhi'an suddenly sent a remittance of 10 billion to the public..." People’s Bank President Qiu almost shouted .

"Here! Really here... Mayor Chen! The 10 billion investment funds have really reached the public supervision account of our Finance Bureau! It is really 10 billion yuan!" Director Ye of the Finance Bureau is also very Cried not calmly.


Ten billion is really here! With the shouts of the two presidents and the director, everyone present was dumbfounded at this moment. No one would really have thought that Lin Feng really had 10 billion, and he really invested this 10 billion. The tourism industry in Zhi'an City is here.


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