Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1355: Huang Tao apologizes

"Huh? Why did Lin Feng suddenly boast that Deputy Mayor Huang came? Obviously Deputy Mayor Huang had been embarrassed to make fun of him just now!"

"Could it be that Lin Feng is guilty of grievances? That's right, after all, he is the deputy mayor. No matter how Lin Feng can make a difference with the deputy mayor?"

"However, what did Lin Feng suddenly call Deputy Mayor Huang for? Is it really necessary to shake hands and make peace?"


When it was confirmed that Lin Feng had really invested 10 billion yuan, everyone felt that the Deputy Mayor Huang Tao would be embarrassed. Lin Feng would definitely take the opportunity to ridicule him and fight back. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā. . Pinshu

But who knows, in front of the mayor Chen Luping, Lin Feng praised Huang Tao, the deputy mayor, as an excellent public servant, which made everyone confused.

However, thinking carefully about Lin Feng's status and Huang Tao's status as deputy mayor, it is barely possible for people to understand Lin Feng's approach. Everyone thinks that perhaps Lin Feng didn't want to make a relationship with the deputy mayor Huang Tao, so he took the initiative to show good things.

"What? Classmate Lin Feng, where am I going, do I still need to report to you?"

However, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao didn't think so. When he was about to sneak away while people were not paying attention, he was yelled at by Lin Feng and said with a guilty conscience.

Especially seeing Lin Feng's wicked smile, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao shrank his neck, with a very ominous premonition in his heart.

"Of course no need! Deputy Mayor Huang is the leader of our Zhi'an City. I'm just an ordinary citizen. How dare I ask about the whereabouts of Deputy Mayor Huang!" Lin Feng said with the faint smirk still on his face. .

"Then what's the matter for you to stop me? If it's okay, my building will go to handle official business."

Since there was no chance to get rid of Chen'Lu', and staying here was only more embarrassing, Huang Tao decided to leave as soon as possible.

"Deputy Mayor Huang, why are you leaving in such a hurry? It seems that you still have something to do." Lin Feng took a step forward and said.

"What's the matter? You are signing an investment agreement with Mayor Chen, and it's none of my business." Huang Tao asked unclearly.

"Huh? I heard that Vice Mayor Huang has a very good memory of ‘sex’. Now it seems that it’s not the same thing! Why did you turn around and forget what you just said?"

Lin Feng said, pointing to the toilet on the first floor and said, "It's time for you to cash out your bet!"

"Bet? What bet? When did I bet with you?"

As soon as he saw Lin Feng pointing to the bathroom, Deputy Mayor Huang Tao suddenly changed his face, and immediately pretended not to know anything. The people present were also a little confused. For a while, I really didn't expect Huang Tao and Lin Feng to have any bets? Because they didn't take what Huang Tao said just now as the same thing.

But Lin Feng smiled more truthfully, and said seriously, "Hey! Deputy Mayor Huang, this is your fault. You just said it in front of so many people, if I really can With 10 billion yuan to invest, you can drink all the water in the toilet on this floor!"


When Lin Feng said this, everyone thought of it. The Deputy Mayor Huang Tao did indeed say that just now, and when he said this, he was extremely confident and arrogant, and he did not even consider the consequences.

"Haha! Let me tell you! Is Lin Feng's ‘sex’ style so easy to let others go?"

"It turned out to be the bet! There was a good show this time, but it was the water in the toilet! Deputy Mayor Huang estimated that he would definitely be wronged..."

"If you say it in front of so many of us, can you think about it?"

"What's the matter if you don't make mistakes? Is it possible to drink the water in the toilet? That's Deputy Mayor Huang, let alone him. Even our director will definitely make mistakes regardless of his face!"

"Yeah! It's a shame at best for you to lose your account now. But if you really drink the water in the toilet, you will really be ashamed for a lifetime. Don't even think of raising your head for the rest of your life."


All the onlookers who hadn't understood it all started to boil. Although many people are afraid to speak out, they can actually expect the Deputy Mayor Huang Tao to fulfill his bet to drink toilet water.

However, they all knew that as Huang Tao's deputy mayor, he would definitely not drink toilet water. And as long as he didn't want to, Lin Feng couldn't force others to go. After all, this was just a verbal bet that resembled a joke. Apart from these witnesses, it was unfounded.

"Pop! Mayor Chen, this classmate Lin Feng is really too funny, he really intends to let Vice Mayor Huang drink the water in the toilet?" Secretary Xiao Liu couldn't help but plop Laughed.

"This Lin Feng, haha! Xiao Liu, haven't you seen it yet? He is venting our anger! Just now Huang Tao'forced' us like this, and now Lin Feng is still treating him in his own way. Yeah!"

Chen'Lu'ping was moved in her heart, and she also praised Lin Feng's wit and spoof. However, in her opinion, Huang Tao would definitely not be able to travel and bet on drinking toilet water, but this would be enough to make Huang Tao lose face and take the initiative to subdue.

"Let me drink toilet water?"

Huang Tao was so angry that his entire face blushed, and he regretted how he couldn't control his mouth just now, so he said such a sentence? Now that the handle is in Lin Feng's hand, it is not good to fulfill the gambling contract, nor is it good to fail to fulfill the gambling contract.

"Uncle Cousin, what should I do now?" Huang Tao knew that he was at a disadvantage, so he asked his uncle Zhou Nan for help in a low voice.

"Huang Tao, don't you think that you have just spoken to your level Mayor Chen like that? It's very impolite? Don't you hurry up and apologize to Mayor Chen?" Jiang is worthy of being an old man. Zhou Nan has been in politics for so many years. To deal with this kind of thing, he immediately found a step for Huang Tao, meaning that it was worth the bet if Huang Tao went to apologize to Mayor Chen.

When Huang Tao heard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he was relieved. As long as he didn't drink the toilet water, let him apologize to Chen'Lu'ping. No big deal, he immediately went to Chen'Lu'ping and pretended to apologize. He said, "Mayor Chen, I'm really sorry, today I was too "excited" to control my emotions and offended you."

"Deputy Mayor Huang, it doesn't matter. But I hope you can work hard and conscientiously in the post of Deputy Mayor in the future!" Chen Lu'ping has the mayor’s bosom and demeanor, and of course he won’t be like a villain like Huang Tao She cares about it, and she also wants to end this farce as soon as possible, and doesn't want to make it too stiff, so she also gave Zhou Nan this face, which is regarded as letting off Huang Tao.

"Thank you Mayor Chen! Thank you Mayor Chen for the large number of adults..." Huang Tao heard Chen'Lu'ping say that it was okay, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief. After all, there was no need to drink toilet water.

However, what he didn't expect was that Chen'Lu'ping said that he would forget it, but Lin Feng didn't plan to do that. He sneered, looking at Huang Tao who was relieved at this time, and smiled, "Vice City Huang Long, your attitude that can be used to admit mistakes is very worthy of praise and praise! Now that the apology is over, should you focus your work on how to complete the bet just now?"


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