Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1359: I have to ask you

The high-ranking officials of the provincial inspection team who were still arrogant before were all dumbfounded. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā. Mobile terminal

This is the order of Vice Governor Zhou, never did it?

Never have dignity!

If you fail to comply, you may lose your position!

For these officials who have been in the civil service for so many years and finally managed to climb to this position, offending the chief secretary and being expelled from public office is simply a disaster.

"Now, it's time to organize an inspection of you! Whoever drank the water in it first, I will take credit when I go back, otherwise, you can do it yourself!"

Vice Governor Zhou said that the smell of the toilet was particularly meaningful, and even made people feel a sense of awe.

"I...I drink! Vice Governor Zhou, I have long admired your feat for a long time, and I have long wanted to follow suit..."

After a few seconds of consideration, it was Chief Wang who had the most opinion just now rushed forward quickly, bowed his head and took a big mouthful, closed his eyes and frowned and swallowed abruptly.

"Ah? The king has drunk it? No! If I don't go, I'm afraid I will be dismissed when I go back. If I can keep it, if I offend Vice Governor Zhou, I can't eat and walk around! Damn, isn't it a drink? It doesn’t have to be “urine”! What about it... I’m going to die..."

With Director Wang taking the lead, the other officials, despite their unwillingness in their hearts, had to rush into the bathroom and drank the water in the toilet. Even one by one was afraid of not being able to drink, and scrambled.


Seeing such a scene, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing, because only he knew that the officials really took the initiative to drink this time, and were the two of Zhou Nan and Huang Tao who were controlled by him with puppet charms. Totally different.

The Zhi'an City officials in the hall also burst into laughter.

However, after laughing, they suddenly became silent one by one. Because on the surface, these officials scrambling to drink toilet water are indeed ridiculous, but if you think about it carefully, you will be very ironic and deeply aware of such cruel official facts.

Is the current scene funny?

Is the current scene very exaggerated?

Where would anyone drink toilet water because of a word from someone else?

Think with your **** to know that normal people would definitely not do this. Even poor farmers who can't afford to eat would rather starve to death than eat food.

However, there is such a thing in this group of high-ranking officials who are full of food and clothing, and even advertised by the society and others.

I have to say it is extremely ironic!

This is the officialdom, this is the involuntary vanity fair.

And it's not just such things that happened today. From ancient times to the present in officialdom, things like comical exaggerations are really common. It’s no wonder that the officials of Zhi’an City laughed and became serious, and after a few serious thoughts, they felt a deep sorrow in their hearts, because they were also in such a fame and wealth market and couldn’t help themselves. ?

Even, when many people are thinking about it, if they were given such a ridiculous order, would they not hesitate to obey the order at the expense of their personal dignity? Or do you just stop working and keep your dignity?

They didn't dare to think about it. As long as they thought of this problem, they shuddered immediately, with a feeling of indescribable, a feeling of deep sadness.

"It's been the case in officialdom since ancient times, and that's enough to write about it."

Lin Feng, who has many memories of his predecessors, naturally has a better understanding. He shook his head with a sneer. Seeing these farce in the bathroom, he felt that today was almost the end of the day.


Lin Feng completely withdrew the effects of the two puppets, so Huang Tao and Zhou Nan in the bathroom completely restored their control of their mind and body at the same time.

"Evil... I... what the **** is going on with me? I actually drank these disgusting water in order to comply with some **** bet?..."

Deputy Mayor Huang Tao directly vomited again, and he didn't have time to say anything. The whole person was fainted by the stench from the inside and outside.

"Huang Tao! Huang Tao... You **** it, I don't know what demon is behind today, so I came to drink this sewage with you!"

Vice Governor Zhou Nan rushed to the sink quickly, gurgling his mouth over and over again, clasping his throat to wash out the sewage that he had just drunk in his stomach, but it was of no use at all, he immediately He shouted inside, "Director Wang! Chief Wang, what are you all doing? Don't hurry up and call an ambulance for me. I'm going to the hospital for gastric lavage!"

"Deputy Governor Zhou, I...we haven't drunk the water!" Chief Wang said with a pained expression on his face, pointing to the toilet.

"Who...who told you to drink it? Still rushing to drink it, are you sick!" Zhou Nan didn't react for a while, because he ordered it out of control.

"Deputy Governor Zhou, you obviously let us drink..."

Chief Wang almost fainted, said very innocently.

"Don't worry about it, hurry up and lift Huang Tao up! Call an ambulance, let's go to the hospital for gastric lavage..."


At this time, where did the Vice Governor Zhou Nan still have time to pursue Lin Feng and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the ambulance arrived, I couldn't wait for the car to go. The people in the lobby on the first floor looked at each other. After a long time, they couldn't help laughing and gossiping.

"Student Lin Feng, it is really thanks to you today. Tsk tsk... I didn't expect you to be a little devil! Just now so many officials from the province surrounded you, and they never said you. Also, how do you know Deputy Mayor Huang and Deputy Governor Zhou are really willing to drink the toilet water? I just vomited.” Secretary Xiao Liu Le asked Lin Feng haha.

"Secretary Liu, because I saw their heart of serving the people sincerely! They came to our Zhi'an City for inspection, maybe we have to investigate the water standard for the toilets in Zhi'an municipal fu office building!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, but Chen'Lu'ping grabbed Lin Feng's arm and pulled him upstairs.

"Hey...Aunt Ping! Where are you pulling me?" Lin Feng asked when Chen'Lu' Ping was grasped by a pair of gentle and powerful hands.

"Upstairs to my office, Lin Feng, regarding this investment, Aunt Ping really needs to ask you some questions." Chen'Lu' Ping said with a serious face.


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