Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1361: Happy news

Later, when he returned home, Lin Feng had received all the materials prepared by Li Yutong about the development of the tourist attraction from the computer. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā!

The road is “traffic” developed, the first domestic construction group, and the top three construction groups in the world.

For the construction and development of tourist attractions, Li Yutong led the establishment of a brand-new construction tourism planning company and hired the most well-known scenic area planning experts in China.


In just one day, Li Yutong has already produced the entire planning book for the tourism development of Zhi'an City, and has basically adopted the most powerful configuration that can be found in China.

Of course, this is also Lin Feng's opinion, not to find any foreign team, try to find a domestic company, and ask for the benefit of the local people in Zhi'an as much as possible.

"Xiao Feng, you haven't been there for the whole day, where did you go?"

After dinner, Mother Lin still remembered the news that Mayor Chen Luping was questioned yesterday, and said a little angrily, "Mayor Chen treats you not badly. I think our family should help out yesterday. Do your best. Do you have to think about it and invest some money to help Mayor Chen?"

Lin Mu is a tofu-hearted person, and she is very gracious. Although she is more thrifty and stingy, she is very clear about what is right and what is wrong. After thinking about it all night last night, and thinking about it for another day today, Mother Lin planned to talk to her son Lin Feng about taking money to invest in tourism in Zhi'an City.

When Lin Feng heard his mother's request, he was happy, and said with a smile, "Mom! Do you need to wait for you? Today I went to the municipal fu building and signed an investment agreement with Aunt Ping."

"Well, Xiao Feng, mom didn't teach you to be a man for nothing. Mayor Chen made many sacrifices and contributions for our Zhi'an City. Now that we are rich, we can help a little bit! By the way, how much did you invest? Money? Don't be too stingy." Mother Lin boasted with a smile.

Lin Feng stretched out a finger and said, "This number!"

"One million? That's too little, right!" Mother Lin replied tentatively.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Ten million? That's OK! Investing 10 million is enough to build one or two factories." Lin Mu nodded.

But Lin Feng still shook his head.

"Isn't it? A hundred million?" Mother Lin opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Not one billion, but ten billion."

Just after Lin Feng finished speaking, Mother Lin slammed off the sofa and said with wide eyes, "Xiao Feng, are you right? Ten billion is invested in the tourism industry of Zhi'an City, this... …Isn’t this a waste of water? And, where did you get so much money! Isn’t our money all in stocks?"

"Mom, I have a lot of money now. I won't tell you how much. Anyway, ten billion can be easily taken out. Moreover, the money will only grow more and more in the future, as much as you want.' "Flowers" don't know how to "flower"." Lin Feng said with a grin.

"The'flowers' are endless and you can't'chaotic' the'flowers'! Ten billion, my God, how much money is this! My dad and I will spend a lifetime... No! It's a hundred lifetimes, and 10,000 lifetimes will not be earned. So much money!"

Fortunately, Mother Lin has been'excited' by Lin Feng several times. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will pass out again when I hear this number.

"Mom, Zhi'an City is our hometown. Would you like to see it be polluted by waste water from various factories? The green mountains and green waters are so rare now, I think we have the obligation to protect them, and make rational use of them. They no longer become the poor mountains and bad waters of the villagers, but the real golden mountains and silver mountains."

Checking the time, the provincial news broadcast at nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Feng smiled and turned on the TV in the living room and said, "Also, Mom, didn't you say that the deputy governor was very hateful yesterday? News for a while, I think ...I should be able to see today's news."

What happened in the Zhengfu building this afternoon has been filmed by reporters from the provincial TV station and newspapers and periodicals. Although these reporters were found by Zhou Nan, they would care about Zhou Nan’s face, but they were all real. All the news is recorded, there is no way to delete or not report without authorization.

Moreover, reporters from the Zhi'an TV station were all present at the time. Even if they did not report, the reporters from Zhi'an City would also report.

"That deputy governor? Speaking of the old lady being angry, huh! If you are touched by the old lady, you definitely have to press his bald head into the toilet to drink toilet water..."

Thinking of the bald-headed Vice Governor Zhou Nan's face yesterday, Mother Lin scolded angrily.

"Huh? Mom, how did you know he went to drink toilet water? Haha..."

Lin Feng couldn't help being happy again when he heard what his mother said.

"Huh? Drink toilet water? No way?"

Lin Mu also froze for a moment. At this time, the TV news started, and the headline was about what happened at the Zhi'an Municipal Fu Office Building this afternoon.

The news host seriously broadcasted the report "Advocating cleanliness and correcting, and paying attention to the people's pragmatism. Today, a delegation organized by the Provincial Party Committee came to Zhi'an City, northern Fujian Province, for an inspection. Vice Governor Zhou Nan played the leading role of party members and cadres and took the initiative to let go I set an example and helped Zhi’an Municipal Fu Building to clean the bathroom, and even...Finally, in order to check the cleanliness of the toilet, I even took the lead to drink the water in the toilet... At the same time, Wang Rang and Li of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department Deputy Director Bo and others also followed suit and set a good example for the majority of party members and cadres in Zhi'an City..."

If you just hear this news casually, you won't feel any problems. But when I listened carefully, combined with the lively news scene, I was a little bit ridiculous.

what? Put down your figure!

what? Lead by example!

what? The deputy governor cleans the toilet?

what? Drink the water in the toilet?

what? A lot of senior officials in the province are vying to drink toilet water?


Although the footage has been edited, it is still possible to see what is going on. No matter how it is covered up, the truth is exposed to the eyes of the people.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people in Fujian Province who were watching the news broadcast at this time all laughed together. This news is a bit too funny, right? The deputy governor went to drink toilet water, and was finally carried away by an ambulance. Isn't this a bit too much? Is it a show, a show, or a show?

"Hahaha...Drink him to death with a bald head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let him talk about our Mayor Chen..."

Mother Lin saw those scenes and looked at a serious news report. She laughed so much that her stomach hurts. She really complied with that sentence. The wicked will get a bad return.

"I heard my cousin in the municipal fu class say, what is their diligence and love for the people and lead by example! They obviously lost a bet with others..."

"The toilet water doesn't seem to be clean! Look at the corner of the bald vice governor's mouth, tut...what's the yellow'color'..."

"Oh! The officials who know how to behave and slap horses all day long really responded to those words, and the leaders called them to eat-shit, they would go without hesitation..."


The ordinary people of Zhi'an City were all irritated by the bald vice-governor yesterday, but in a blink of an eye, the next night’s provincial news network broadcast and saw such a pleasing news, they all happily bloomed.


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