Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1371: Wanmo

Xishu, a kind of rodent animal in ancient times, was recorded in Shan Hai Jing Dang. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā. . !

The treasure hunter in Tianshan is the bloodline of the beast that has the blood of Xishu, and it has all the abilities of the gods. However, these bloodlines are getting weaker and weaker. It was not until Lin Feng used the stagnant water to'excite' the bloodline power, which made the cuteness of the common treasure hunter more than ten times more powerful.

"I don't know too much, it seems that Mengmeng has any way to make other rats be like it..."

Lin Feng stared at the bottom. There were tens of thousands of rodents coming from layer to layer. There were all kinds of rats. Ordinary mountain rats, mice, moles, etc., all squeaked around, surrounded layer by layer with cuteness as their heart.

But Mengmeng stood there, like the King of Rats. The original look of cuteness became a bit more imposing.

"Ah! This little guy, I didn't expect to have the momentum to command the army!"

Lin Feng gave a startled suspicion, and stood aside, together with Li Yutong, wanted to see what the little guy wanted to do, and ‘make’ such a big movement.

"Lin Feng, I didn't expect Mengmeng to have such a great ability. So many mice, they all obey Mengmeng..." Li Yutong was also surprised.


Looking around, standing on a small mound, Mengmeng gave orders to all the rats. When those rats heard Mengmeng's command, they immediately worked together. When there was no, it started to spit out a band Come with black'color' and foul liquid.

"Still water? Lin Feng, why did Mengmeng suddenly spray so much stagnant water from the innermost side!"

Smelling this odor, Li Yutong immediately reacted, thinking that what Mengmeng vomited was the dead water of Lin Feng's 24 Dinghai God Pearls. However, Lin Feng made a careful distinction, but immediately shook his head and denied, "No! Sister Tongtong, this is not stagnant water, or...this is a variant of stagnant water, besides some of the characteristics of stagnant water, there are also Some of the traits added by the little guy himself, the stagnant water is even more powerful, it can be regarded as an evolved version of the stagnant water!"

"Ah? So what does Mengmeng spit out so much stagnant water for?"

As soon as Li Yutong finished speaking, he discovered that Mengmeng had already vomited, and there was a big pit in the ground, and there was black stagnant water inside.

"This little guy, shouldn't it... want these rats to drink the stagnant water it spit out? This is really disgusting..." Lin Feng frowned and said a little disgustingly.


Li Yutong also frowned, and then she realized that the little guy was proud to give orders to the rats.


Under the little guy's order, these rodents walked to the pool of stagnant water in an orderly manner, and then took a sip of the stagnant water inside. After one drink was finished, the next one immediately followed, very orderly and quickly.

"Lin Feng, it really is. But what's the use of Mengmeng letting them drink the dead water?" Li Yutong guessed, "Couldn't it, is this the little guy's method you said?"

"Guess so……"

Lin Feng also guessed it. Sure enough, half an hour later, when the last remaining bit of stagnant water was drunk, the little guy was energetic. After giving the order, ten thousand rodents immediately dispersed and went straight into the surface. Layers of slamming, squeaking sounds, one after another, under the amazement of Lin Feng and Li Yutong, those ordinary rats can really gnaw on those hard black iron ore like Mengmeng.

"Bite! Lin Feng, really bite... Now, you see, the black iron ore is almost divided into about one ton each. In this way, even the smallest crane and The crane can transport these black iron ore out."

Li Yutong said with a look of surprise, "Our plan is completely ready for development."

"I see. Sister Tongtong, it turned out to be like this. The reason why the little guy can gnaw these hard black iron ore is not because its teeth are really so sharp..."

Lin Feng, who saw the secret clearly, said with a smile.

"It's not that the teeth are sharp? Then how can it gnaw down the black iron ore?" Li Yutong asked strangely.

"In this world, it is not necessary that only sharp teeth can crush hard things. It can also be corroded by liquids..."

Lin Feng pointed to the drained pool and said to Li Yutong, "The stagnant water that the little guy vomited in it just now is the best weapon against the black iron mine. So, the little guy keeps all the rats in it. A sip of this stagnant water can give them all such capabilities."

"It turned out to be like this, Lin Feng, but the corrosive power of this stagnant water is so powerful, wouldn't it have an effect on these rodents? But I don't think these rodents seem to have anything at all?" Li Yutong said.

"This is the difference between the stagnant water of the little guy and my stagnant water. After the modification of the body of the little guy, it is estimated that some changes have taken place. The little guy can control what the stagnant water can corrode without harming other things. ."

Regarding this point, Lin Feng himself did not know the principle, it may be an important characteristic of the blood of the little guy, the rat and the animal!


This lasted about two hours~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the help of rodents around Wanzhitianmu Mountain, the plot of land planned by Li Yutong for road development has been completely The black iron ore was broken up into pieces, into individual pieces, which could be easily excavated and transported out.

"Okay! Sister Tongtong, look. Although you can't see any changes on the surface. But as long as the spiritual sense goes deep into the surface, you will find that all the mysterious iron ore has been divided into small pieces."

Mengmeng jumped back into Lin Feng's pocket, and the rats went back to their homes, and quickly disappeared in front of Lin Feng and Li Yutong.

"Well! In this way, it is not easy to arouse people's suspicion. We can say that the fracture of these ores caused by the changes in the earth's crust, and no one would guess that we did it behind the scenes. Moreover, our secret base in the future It can even be placed directly inside the Tianma Peak, and Mengmeng will order the rats to empty the inside..." Li Yutong nodded, and a big rock in his heart had completely fallen.

With the help of the little guy Mengmeng, it is not a problem at all to open up a secret base inside Tianma Peak in the future. And there is black iron outside as a cover, even some missiles can not enter, the hardness of the black iron ore can be imagined.


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