Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1373: The crisis has escalated!

Rhubarb is a native dog that Lin Feng rescued from the edge of death with Shenshui a few months ago. It looks like a normal dog, but after drinking Lin Feng's Shenshui, it caused some abnormal changes. Those Tibetan mastiffs are much stronger, and they can be said to be the king of dogs. *WwW.suimeng.lā. . Pinshu

Moreover, Rhubarb has a very obvious appearance feature, which is a black ‘colored’ mole as big as a thumb on the corner of the right mouth. That’s why Lin Feng and Li Yutong determined that this dog's head image is very similar to Rhubarb.

"It really looks like a rhubarb! Lin Feng, but this mountain temple seems to be at least a hundred years old, and the idol is probably at least several decades old. It should not be possible to'make' it like a rhubarb..."

Li Yutong was also surprised, and then after careful observation, said.

"Well! It's definitely not a statue made in the shape of a rhubarb, but... this one can be a point for us to use."

Lin Feng smiled. The reason why he had to enter the temple to observe just now was to find something that could make him "pretend to be a **** and "get a ghost"." And now, the statue of the dog's head was clearly in line with his requirements.

After checking all the conditions on Tianmu Peak, the sky was about to dawn, and Lin Feng controlled the flying sword and flew back to the city with a trace of morning dew and Li Yutong.

However, all night long, the people in the five natural villages below Tianma Peak could not sleep well.

Because on this night, Tianmafeng made a strange noise again, and the rats in the village ran out of the village, and Tianmafeng also made waves of creaking noises, far away Even the village below the mountain can hear it.

There were also some rumbling vibrations and noises, which made the mountain people afraid to hide in their homes, or burn incense at the entrance of the village to pray for the mountain god's grandfather's forgiveness.

In Tianmu Village, a second son named Zhao Wei received 1,000 yuan from Deputy Mayor Huang Tao in order to encourage the old people in the village to protest at the gate. He didn't take any mountain **** grandfather seriously, and he knew that it was the movement ‘made’ by Deputy Mayor Huang Tao.

But tonight, when he came back from gambling in the middle of the night, he was shocked when he witnessed the rats in the fields running towards the mountains.

Not to mention the rumbling noises from Tianmu Peak that made him so scared that he almost rushed back to Tianmu Village, and then tremblingly called for the village chief to go and worship Grandpa Mountain God. Up.

"I'm a good boy! What's the matter, is it that Vice Mayor Huang sent someone to ‘make’ it?"

After returning to his home, Zhao Wei hurriedly hid in the bed, trembling slightly, then picked up his mobile phone and called the Deputy Mayor Huang Tao overnight.

"Deputy Mayor Huang, did you send someone to ‘make’ it at Tianmufeng again today?" Zhao Wei wanted to hear Huang Tao admit this.

But Huang Tao, who was drowsy, was awakened by the phone, and he kept cursing, "Zhao Wei, what the **** are you doing? Didn't you go to bed all night? What are you doing with noisy? Didn't the movement be "made" yesterday ?"

"But... But, Deputy Mayor Huang, we are now having strange things... The mice are all going to the mountains..."

When he heard that Huang Tao was not the cause of the trouble, Zhao Wei became even more frightened, and vaguely explained what he had just seen.

"What? There really is a strange phenomenon? Haha... That is really God's help! This time, I want to see, Chen'Lu'ping can't even move a scratch of Tianmufeng, she How to develop tourist attractions."

Huang Tao, who was awakened in the middle of the night and full of anger, was happy now, feeling that even the sky was helping him deal with Chen'Lu'ping.

Early in the morning, when the genius had just dawned, the old people from the five villages under the Tianmufeng Mountain immediately gathered together, urging the shops in the town to quickly deliver the newly made mountain **** statues.

"Grandpa Shanshen got angry again last night, and today everyone must give more Xiangvolcano."

"It must be because the new idol has not been delivered yet, so Grandpa Shanshen is upset!"

"I blame the municipal government for tourism development! We don't develop it now, and we are not living well..."


The mountain people also gathered together one by one and talked, almost all of them with dark circles under their eyes, breathless, everyone did not sleep well last night, or heard the movement of those mountains, they did not dare to sleep at all.

At this time, when the municipal fu building was in the works, Chen'Lu'ping didn't sleep well all night, worrying about this issue of tourism development. How can we get the'superstitious' common people to agree to the development of tourist areas?

When he arrived at the office, Chen'Lu'ping frowned. There were so many development plans on her desk, but now they are not available. Unable to deal with those mountain people, there is no way to proceed.

"It's not good! Mayor Chen, Vice Governor Zhou is here again... And, I found out, this time he came to our municipal office to inquire about crimes." Secretary Xiao Liu ran in breathlessly and reported.

"Master Xing asked the crime? Are you kidding me, Xiao Liu, what did we do wrong?" Chen'Lu'ping's troubles were not resolved, but Zhou Nan would kill the'door' again.

"I'm not too clear, but now Vice Governor Zhou is asking you to go down to see him! I took a glance, and he has a pile of report letters in his hand! It is said...It is said that it seems to be around the office with the mountain people yesterday. The things in front of the building are related." Secretary Xiao Liu said.

"What happened yesterday?"

Chen'Lu'ping suspiciously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ got up and walked downstairs, only to see Deputy Governor Zhou Nan and Deputy Mayor Huang Tao, and even the officials of the inspection group, all of them were proud. Waiting for her in the conference room on the first floor.

"Huh! Mayor Chen, you are really a big man. You have so many people waiting for you for so long."

Chen'Lu' went downstairs, and Vice Governor Zhou Nan didn't give a good face, and directly slapped a bunch of reports on the table in the conference room.

"Deputy Governor Zhou, what do you mean? You did not notify me in advance of the meeting, and even if there is a letter of reporting to report me, I should go through the formal procedures to let the provincial party committee send someone down instead of your inspection. The head of the regiment will come and ask the guilt directly!"

Facing Vice Governor Zhou Nan’s dismissal of the horse, Chen'Lu'ping was awe-inspiring. He directly picked up the report letter and opened it. It turned out that it was almost the same as the secretary Xiao Liu said. It was all villagers who reported and opposed tourism. The content of district construction and development. However, Chen'Lu'ping can easily see that although these are all handprinted on the real-name report letter, the content and handwriting are definitely not something that simple mountain folks can write.


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