Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1380: Road can pass! (under)

"Appearance? Spell? Are you kidding me, Zhao Wei, I have given you money to instigate those old guys to refuse the development plan. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a Pinshu.com, how can you fool me?"

Accidentally, Deputy Mayor Huang told the truth, and immediately everyone looked over with contempt. Especially the mountain people of Tianmu Village, after careful association, they found that Zhao Wei had been inciting everyone's emotions against the tourism development plan in the past few days. It turned out that he took advantage of the deputy mayor Huang Tao. .

"Well, Zhao Wei! You are the one who I grew up watching when I was a child, and hurt the interests of the folks for such a small amount of money. See if I don't interrupt your'legs'..."

After the old village chief understood, he also angrily picked up the wooden stick and slapped towards Zhao Wei.

"Mayor Chen, I don’t care whether mountain gods appear or not. In short, your participation in such'superstitious' activities violates our organizational rules. Also, what if even those mountain people agree to your development plan? Well? Can you get through the mountain road of Grandma's Peak this day?"

From the beginning to the end, Vice Governor Zhou Nan didn't believe that there was such a thing as a mountain god, so he straightened his waist and confidently accused Chen Lu Ping.

But at this time, the rhubarb suddenly jumped out of the forest again. The mountain people saw rhubarb appear, and immediately fell down and bowed to worship, "Grandpa Mountain God is showing up again!"

"Haha! This is your mountain god? What demons and ghosts did I say! It's just a big yellow dog. It's really not wrong to say that you are stupid and'superstitious'."

Vice Governor Zhou Nan laughed at the sight of rhubarb.

Then, soon, he couldn't laugh, because the rhubarb was in front of his face, his legs stood upright like a human, and then he pointed at him with a dog's leg, and his mouth closed and made a human-like sound. "My people, this man's rudeness has blasphemed the god, and now the **** wants to punish him!"

The rhubarb had just finished speaking, and Zhou Nan, who was shocked, didn't know why his feet were slipping again, and he cracked and rolled to the bottom of the hill like he did in the mountains just now, hitting the rock there again firmly.

"Oh! Help... Help... Grandpa Mountain God, I was wrong! I was really wrong... I shouldn't believe that you will appear, I really know that I was wrong."

At this time, even if Zhou Nan insisted on his atheism, he still had to believe that there really was a mountain god.

But, even if he yells loudly now, and punishing him is the order of the mountain **** Dahuang, how can anyone dare to go to him at the risk of being blamed by the mountain god? Even his nephew Huang Tao, the deputy mayor, still dare not move, or say anything, for fear that the mountain **** Rhubarb will punish him.

"This official really doesn't know good or bad. Grandpa Mountain God can also be blasphemy?"

"No one is allowed to save him. Grandpa Mountain God will blame him if he saves him..."


Rhubarb once again disappeared in front of everyone with invisibility, and the mountain people's worship of the mountain **** has reached the peak. No one dared to save the vice-governor Zhou who was crying from below.

Lin Feng laughed and looked down and shouted, "How is it? Vice Governor Zhou, do you still think this is ‘superstition’?"

"No! No... Lin Feng, I'm sorry, I was really wrong! I was wrong! I really don't know the original mountain gods really exist!"

After saying several "really" on his face, Zhou Nan really regretted his death now. He estimated that the only one who could save him now was Lin Feng, so he pleadingly said to Lin Feng, "Little classmate Lin Feng, do your best to save me! Please..."

"What are you talking about? Vice Governor Zhou, I didn't hear it!" Lin Feng deliberately turned his ears and shouted loudly.

"I said I was wrong! I beg you to help me... I really can't hold my hands..." Zhou Nan was almost crying, his legs trembling constantly. Two hands tightly grasped this big rock.

"Okay! For your sincerity, I can barely be Lei Feng again."

Lin Feng smiled, and then threw him another rope down. Zhou Nan really took a lot of effort to climb such a dangerous hill twice in one day. After coming, he collapsed. On the ground, nothing can be said.

"Lin Feng, will you be a bit too much for the whole week as the vice governor?" Chen Luping asked with some worry when seeing Zhou Nan all over her body.

"Excessive? Haha! Aunt Ping, you have to believe me, even more is still behind! How clean and good do you think he is? This kind of corrupt official is not enough to fall from here and die more than ten times. ."

Lin Feng snorted coldly, then looked far away, and saw the narrow passage of the scenic spot not far away. Li Yutong had already rushed over with the construction team and various equipment and vehicles.

"Aunt Ping, look, our construction team is here. Today, let everyone see...Even the **** of the mountain is helping us, the spell of Tianmufeng is not working."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he led everyone down the mountain. Those villagers who could go home after offering sacrifices also followed them to the trail leading to the scenic spot to see the excitement.

One of the trails here is very narrow, and it can only accommodate a donkey cart. Ordinary travelers who want to travel in the mountains to see the scenery can only take the donkey cart driven by the local mountain people from here, which can be said to be true In the "Asses" too.

And what Lin Feng and the others want to do ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to build such a donkey cart trail along the cliff of the mountain road into a tourist avenue that can allow at least two buses to run side by side.

"Uncle Biao, if the dog was really a mountain **** just now, I am afraid...their path can really be repaired." Huang Tao was shocked when he saw Rhubarb talking just now. Now he is holding his cousin Zhou Nan, also standing in front of this construction section, ready to see what the result is.

"How could this be? Impossible! There must be weirdness. The big yellow dog just now has weirdness. I don't believe that there is really a mountain god. If there is a mountain god, the geology of Tianmafeng must be impossible to change this day. The underground rock structure here It is absolutely impossible to get through with their simple excavating equipment."

Zhou Nan, who is still in shock, still firmly believes that this mountain road is absolutely impossible to get through.

However, when Li Yutong obtained Lin Feng’s consent, he gave the foreman an order. The workers began to drill and dig. At the beginning they did encounter very hard rocks, but later when they found that every hard rock was naturally After the cut is done, you only need to dig them out one by one, and it is almost a natural mountain road.


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