Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1396: Crazy girl here

Gentle ‘kiss’, domineering ‘kiss’. <щww.suimeng.lā,.

The childish Lin Feng, the mature Lin Feng.

Luo Qingqing is now a bit "fascinated" and drunk, and she feels as if she is in a dream.

How come the little kid who has been following his **** suddenly grows so big? Moreover, he fell in love with him without warning and logically?

However, at this moment, Luo Qingqing's brain had completely crashed, and she couldn't think about any problems at all. She became more excited and nervous at any time, even a little overwhelmed.

It was the first time I was a flight attendant when I was 18 years old. I don't know how many flights have been flown, but no one has made Luo Qingqing feel so irritating and strange.

Similarly, for Lin Feng, this experience is unique. However, Lin Feng had similar thoughts on the first flight with Luo Qingqing. It was just that he was less courageous at the time. Now Lin Feng has the courage to practice his own ideas, even at an altitude of several thousand meters, he still moves forward without fear.

"Smelly boy, a lot of bad thoughts..."

Luo Qingqing's mouth resisted, but the body was still very honest.

"Sister Qingqing, as the flight attendant, according to the relevant regulations of our Southeast Airlines, should you serve the passengers wholeheartedly?" Lin Feng said deliberately and solemnly.

"Service? It's not such a service!" Luo Qingqing asked Lin Feng with a sideways glance.

"Of course I am the only one for such a service!"

Anyway, the ‘door’ of this bathroom was locked, and inside was the two-person world. Whatever they wanted to do, Lin Fengke was presumptuous. At the beginning, Luo Qingqing was still a little reserved, but later she was completely confused by Lin Feng's words and completely let go.

However, the two of them occupied the bathroom in this way, but it made some passengers who wanted the bathroom anxious. Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing had already occupied such a bathroom for almost ten minutes.

And what is even more anxious is that Ma Yaohui is about to blow up the plane in the bathroom. The longer time passes, the more anxious he becomes. What if Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing have been hiding inside to get off the plane!

"This kid is really a bit capable. I have been playing in it for so long?" Ma Yaohui waited a little impatiently, and even wanted to get up and knock on the'door' of the bathroom.

"Huh? Where's Lin Feng! Where did he go..."

The plane encountered an air current and swayed for a while. Xiao Nishang was woken up. When he turned his head and saw that Lin Feng was not visible, he asked strangely.

"Ah? Why did Lin Feng disappear? Nishang, did you see Lin Feng?" Qin Yanran also woke up, and asked vaguely.

"It's probably going to the toilet! I'm so thirsty, I asked Sister Qingqing for a Coke..."

When Xiao Nishang looked up to look for Luo Qingqing's figure, he found that several other flight attendants were there, but Luo Qingqing disappeared like Lin Feng.

"I also want a glass of orange juice, neon clothes, you help me call it!" Qin Yanran cleared her throat. She sat at the innermost part, so it was not easy to see the scene in the cabin.

"Yan Ran, Sister Qing Qing is not here either. Huh! The two of them don't know where to go to do bad things..."

Qin Yanran is relatively pure, but Xiao Nishang knows everything. When I see Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing disappear at the same time, I don't know what might be happening at this moment!

"What's bad? Nishang, you mean... Lin Feng and sister Qingqing are doing bad things together? What bad things!" Qin Yanran asked puzzledly.

"Yan Ran, you don't need to know. But, huh! Since I found out, I can't let them have fun!"

Xiao Nishang first recruited a flight attendant to bring a glass of Coke and orange juice, and slurped down the Coke by himself, and then handed the orange juice to Qin Yanran and said, "Yanran, you drink the orange juice first, I'll catch this pair of dogs." Women' come out."

After that, Xiao Nishang unfastened his seat belt and walked directly to the ‘door’ of the bathroom, and knocked.

"Oh! Not good... Lin Feng, we have been inside for too long. It will delay the passengers outside using the bathroom, and now even if we open the'door', we will inevitably have to go out together. So we will definitely...we will be found Is in..."

Luo Qingqing, who had forgotten about it, immediately became alert when she heard the knock on the'door', and quickly pushed away Lin Feng and said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? Sister Qingqing, have you forgotten? We are now cultivators...you wait, I will cast you an invisibility technique..."

With a swish, Lin Feng used an invisibility technique. Although Luo Qingqing's people were still in the bathroom, ordinary people couldn't see her.

"Sister Qingqing, don't be afraid of being discovered this time! You wait... after a while, I will open the'door' and go out, and then no matter what passenger is knocking on the'door' outside, I will delay him For a few seconds, talk to him and prevent him from entering the bathroom. This way you can just get out quickly while invisible and go back to your flight attendant rest area."

This trick was actually planned by Lin Feng before pulling Luo Qingqing in. However, Lin Feng counts for a thousand words, and it can't be said that the person knocking on the'door' outside will be the mad girl Xiao Nishang.

"Yeah! Lin Feng, I know. Anyway, I'm invisible, and others can't see me..." With this plan, Luo Qingqing was slightly relieved.

"Then I will open the'door'... Sister Qingqing, you have to seize the opportunity to go out..."

Lin Feng opened the ‘door’ handle, told Luo Qingqing, and opened the bathroom’s ‘door’ with a click.

"Huh! Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are here. I guess it is correct, you are doing bad things with Sister Qingqing in the bathroom, right..."

As soon as he opened the'door', Lin Feng saw the crazy girl Xiao Nishang and was taken aback.

But when Xiao Nishang said this, Lin Feng couldn't help but snickered. Fortunately, he was better at making sister Qingqing invisible beforehand. So when Lin Feng faced Xiao Nishang's questioning, he leaned his body righteously and said, "Crazy girl, what are you talking about! I'm alone in the bathroom and I have just had a diarrhea. What are you thinking about all day? Yourself? Unhealthy, do you think other people are unhealthy?"

"Huh? Why isn't Sister Qingqing inside?"

When Lin Feng said this, Xiao Nichang also took a look, and she found that there was only Lin Feng in the bathroom. He anticipated a mistake, but suddenly had an idea in his heart. Before Lin Feng came out, he pushed him and squeezed him forcibly. Go in, and close the door with a backhand, with a smirk on his face, "Lin Feng, auntie's milk', what's the matter with my unhealthy thinking? Since Sister Qingqing is not here, then I'll come..."


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