Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1400: Death is coming


It really exploded!

At an altitude of several kilometers, even if it encounters some severe weather, the aircraft may face time and space risks and cause an air crash, not to mention the violent explosion of the aircraft. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā!

With the first explosion sound just now, everyone in the entire cabin became fearless.

"Ah! I don't want to die...I don't want to die..."

"It exploded! Damn, I didn't even buy insurance, what should I do? After I die...what about my wife and children!"

"The bomb that killed a thousand swords, I will fight him desperately..."

"Wife! I'm going to die..."


Everyone in the entire cabin was stunned. Although they were a little panic just now, they didn't really think there would be a bomb. But now, the real shaking and explosion of the plane made them feel the breath of death coming in a moment.

"It's crazy! It's crazy... there really was an explosion, Lin Feng, I...what shall we do?"

At the moment when the explosion sounded, Xiao Nishang was also shocked. She faced countless dangers, but never once was as helpless as she is now. At an altitude of several kilometers, how can an airplane that exploded and may explode at any time be able to survive?

"Where exactly caused the explosion!"

Lin Feng was also a little confused, because before the plane, in order to ensure his safety, he also checked every corner of the plane with his spiritual sense to see if there were any suspected explosives. At that time, Lin Feng was certain that he hadn't scanned any explosive objects. He didn't understand why an explosion actually happened now.

"It turned out to be here... it was in the sewage outlet of the plane. It turned out that the two substances, axc and cvb, can quickly synthesize an explosive gas kjg in an environment with methane gas. Some people use this. The way of synthesizing explosives in the airplane...just now there was only one other than me...Yes! It was the man who went crazy into the bathroom..."

Fortunately, Lin Feng's chemistry is not bad. When his spiritual sense swept the violent chemical reaction in the sewage pipe, he immediately used his control skills to ‘drain’ all the water.

Without water as a liquid, the horse was about to explode more violently, and it stopped immediately.

"Huh! Fortunately, I found out in time, otherwise the next round of explosion... the plane will not be completely blown up, it will disintegrate."

I was frightened for a while, when Lin Feng returned to the scene in the cabin before him, the crazy Ma Yaohui had already broken free of the security officer's control when it exploded, and ran towards the cockpit of the plane while running. Also shouted.

"You are all going to die! All of you are going to die... everyone die together! Hahaha... I'll fly you a plane..."

Hearing the explosion, Ma Yaohui was even more determined to die. Since he had a dream of flying a plane since he was a child, he had no scruples at this time. After he got rid of the security officer who controlled him, he immediately He rushed to the cockpit and wanted to touch the plane's control desk.

In the cockpit, due to the gasoline leak caused by the explosion just now and the airplane lost its balance, the captain was nervously contacting the headquarters to request an urgent landing. But at this moment, Ma Yaohui, who smashed into the cockpit's ‘door’, broke in. Apart from anything else, he picked up the fire engine and knocked the captain into a faint.

"Haha! I'll fly the plane... I want to fly the plane..."

Sitting in the captain's position, Ma Yaohui pressed it'chaosly'. The plane immediately shook more and fell to the ground. The previous stabilizing'manipulations' set by the captain were all controlled by him. Upset.

"Crazy man! Don't mess around, what are you doing... Go away..."

The deputy captain chased him, but was thrown over by the shaking of the plane.

"Don't make trouble! I'm flying a plane!"

Ma Yaohui looked back at the horrible deputy captain, then he kept on picking up the fire-fighter next to him and slamming it on the head of the deputy captain on the ground, immediately blurring his flesh and blood.

"Brother Zhong! I'm crazy, that lunatic went to the driver's cab, let's go and control him! Otherwise, the people of our plane will die..."

Gu Jiyang was still helping Zhong Lisong bandage his wounds, but at this time the two hurried to the cockpit. Although both of them temporarily sealed the martial artist's cultivation base, they are already breaking through their vitality and their strength is slowly recovering. They are more than enough to deal with an ordinary gambling ghost like Ma Yaohui.

"Don't catch me, I'm going to fly a plane for you! Anyway, we are going to die...Everyone, all are going to die!"

Ma Yaohui's current "Jing" **** is completely abnormal, falling into a hysterical pre-death madness.

"No! Brother Zhong, the captain and the deputy captain were stunned...now no one controls the plane at all!"

After Gu Jiyang subdued Ma Yaohui, he found that the two captains who were lying on the ground were in a severe coma and had blood on the ground.

"What? Brother Gu, I don't know how to fly a plane! Can you?" Zhong Lisong's face also sank.

"It's over! Isn't it... let everyone prepare for parachuting?" Gu Jiyang was also a little desperate.

"What's the matter? Ah! What happened to the two captains?"

As the flight attendant, Luo Qingqing was also afraid of running over. The plane was still shaking violently. She just comforted the passengers and ran to the cockpit when she saw that both captains seemed to hang up. She also screamed worriedly.

"Crew Chief Luo, the two of us are from the National Special Ministry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the two captains have been in a severe coma. Do you have any plans to deal with? Or... Passengers in China are ready to parachute and escape!" Gu Jiyang flashed his Dragon Team ID, then said quickly.

"Skydiving? Can't skydiving! Now the plane is out of control, and at this speed and altitude, the land below is still an ordinary land city. If you go down this way, you will definitely die..."

It was also the first time Luo Qingqing encountered such a situation, but she knew that during aviation training, if the current situation is not certain, the passengers must not be allowed to parachute.

"Then what to do? Does your airline have any solution?" Zhong Lisong also became nervous and asked. After all, even if the two of them are innate masters, it's useless to play martial arts at such a high altitude.

Death is coming, the cabin is full of fear, screams, shouts, regrets, and noise. With the weightlessness of the rapid falling of the plane, everyone’s mind seems to flash with a breath of death. It seems that the **** of death is'approaching' step by step, making people nowhere to escape.


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