Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1402: Panic spread

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! China has more than one billion people, but the aviation industry has only flourished in the past ten years, including the training of pilots lagging behind the United States There are many such developed countries.

Among the huge population of more than one billion people, the number of pilots is really pitiful. Finding a pilot from the vast crowd is almost the same as finding a needle in a haystack, and there are almost no people in a flight with more than 100 people. It's possible. This is not the same as a programmer. It is said that if a telegraph pole falls down in Zhongguancun and ten people are killed, nine of them are professional programmers and code farmers, and one is part-time.

Therefore, Director Zhu of the Air Traffic Control Bureau said that this probability is almost negligible, but no matter how small the chance is, it is still necessary to try it at the moment of life and death.

Besides, Gu Jiyang's lion roar technique was very useful, and the cabin that had been turbulent was quiet. But when everyone understood the content of Gu Jiyang's words, it caused more serious riots.

Because everyone was afraid of the panic caused by being overwhelmed, but now Gu Jiyang's remarks seem to be a death sentence. At an altitude of thousands of meters, the two professional captains have already died. It is almost impossible to find a professional pilot among the hundreds of people. The chance of surviving is almost zero.

"What to do? Lin Feng, this...is our plane really going to crash?"

Qin Yanran was also so scared that Pear Blossom was overwhelmed by the rain, and grasped Lin Feng's arm tightly, "I miss my mother, Lin Feng, we won't really die here? Tell me, we can still Live."

"Yan Ran, don't be afraid. As long as there is me, nothing will happen."

From the beginning of the explosion to the present, Lin Feng has not been idle. He is quickly using his spiritual sense and water control ability to repair some of the most critical parts of the plane. Otherwise, I am afraid that the explosion just now will cause the entire plane to be It has disintegrated after gliding in the air for so long.

After all, this is a whole plane, very large, and it is still moving at high speed in the altitude of several kilometers. Lin Feng is just a cultivator during the Qi training period. It is too difficult to repair key components with spiritual consciousness. Up.

So just now, Lin Feng didn't have the energy to do other things at all, but he also knew that Gu Jiyang and Zhong Lisong's acquired peak cultivation level would surely be able to handle other things.

"Yan Ran, don't worry. With Lin Feng, even if the entire plane is dead, we will be fine."

Different from Qin Yanran's panic, Xiao Nishang was rather indifferent, sitting in the position as if nothing had happened. When they were in the Tianchi secret realm, the space cracks they encountered were much more dangerous than this. Among other things, the feeling that Lin Feng took her to fly in the secret space made Xiao Nishang feel that even if the plane exploded, Lin Feng would surely be able to take her and Qin Yanran to the ground safely.

Therefore, Xiao Nishang's eyes and attention were fixed on the Gu Jiyang who had just walked over. Through his Lion Roar skill, he had confirmed that the other party was indeed a warrior, and he was also a warrior at the peak of the post-acquired later period.

"Crazy girl, your heart is really big. Where do I have such great abilities, if the explosion of the plane just now was a little bit bigger, we would all be dead. And... the situation now is not very good. The plane...has been out of control..."

Compared to Xiao Nishang's relaxed look, Lin Feng gave a wry smile and frowned.

"Then I don't care, Lin Feng, if you leave us alone to escape, Yanran and I will be ghosts and you won't let you go!" Xiao Nishang still said indifferently.

"What should I do then? Lin Feng, think of a way! Isn't that guy looking for someone who can fly a plane? You... can you?"

In Qin Yanran's eyes, she had become accustomed to Lin Feng's "omnipotent" attribute. However, when Qin Yanran cast his gaze on Lin Feng this time, Lin Feng shook his head and smiled: "Yanran, if the plane brakes, I might drive..."

The implication was that Lin Feng could no longer fly a plane. In fact, when Qin Yanran asked this question, it was not only Qin Yanran who was concerned about Lin Feng's answer, but also Gu Jiyang, who was shouting, distracted him. He also unconsciously expected Lin Feng to possess this special skill.

However, it is a pity that Lin Feng told the truth. He really can't fly a plane, and he has never read a book similar to aviation driving.

"That's right. The intelligence shows that this Lin Feng is a high school student. Apart from the innate realm in force, he has no records of other skills and certificates."

With a sigh, Gu Jiyang could only turn his gaze to the more turbulent crowd and shouted, "Don’t make a noise! ​​Does anyone know how to fly a plane? This is about the life and death of all of us! Even if it’s not a pilot. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Trainee pilots? Pilot trainees or... even anyone related to airplanes, stand up!"

Such a shout seemed to have a little effect. A man in a casual suit raised his hand weakly and shouted in a trembling voice: "That...I'm repairing airplanes, but... is it okay?"

"I...I also repair planes, can you... help?" Another colleague beside him also stood up and said.

Pilots are not easy to find, but there are two mechanics here, both of whom are employees of Southeast Airlines. This time, they flew to Beijing for a skill training. Who knew this happened.

"All right... come here, at least... you should understand these instruments..."

Seeing the two people standing up, Gu Jiyang was in tears. He immediately grabbed the two of them and hurried to the cabin. After such a long delay, at the speed of the crash, there were only two or three minutes left before the plane crashed. , Can only be regarded as a dead horse or a horse doctor.

But in this way, the passengers in the cabin were plunged into despair of death. Moreover, since the beginning of the explosion, some passengers have desperately turned on their mobile phones to call their loved ones farewell, or took pictures of the situation here and uploaded them to the Internet for help. Panic spread from the enclosed cabin to the entire Internet.

"Record the last moment of my life, you may soon be able to hear the news of the plane crash! 》

"I don't want to die yet, there are great gods! Come and save us! 》

"The plane is about to explode! But I'm still holding a pee, what should I do? The restroom is probably out of service. 》

"Come and save us, I don't want to die!" Please spread it out. There are pictures and the truth, and the country should not abandon us! 》


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