Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 147: Arrogant Lu Hao

Lin Feng looked up to the basketball court, only to realize that it was not Xiao Nishang who was still playing, but that the people from the Second Middle School Lu Hao ran to the No. 1 Middle School to show off.

"Crazy man! Why did you come from the cafeteria? Have you already eaten it? By the way, you seem to have handed in your papers earlier. You are really a cow! Even Teacher Xu, you are crying..."

Lin Feng was looking at the situation on the basketball court from a distance, but the fat man Zhang Zhen happened to be going to the cafeteria to eat. He ran into Lin Feng at the school gate and gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"I have indeed eaten it, but...Fatty, what did you just say? Teacher Xu was so angry that I cried? It won't happen!"

Hearing that Teacher Xu was crying with anger, Lin Feng said helplessly, "I just handed in the paper ahead of time. Is it so serious? Besides, I really didn’t turn in the paper because I couldn’t do it. I take every question seriously. I really answered it. The accuracy rate should be ok. Anyway, it's all done, and there is nothing to check and revise the Chinese test papers. Why can't you hand in the papers in advance?"

"Just blow it! Madman, this time the Chinese test paper, I just heard everyone say... it is enough to be the most difficult Chinese test paper in our history. Can you finish it in less than an hour? What else? Accuracy? I found out! You are really boasting and addicted recently. According to your statement, are you really planning to enter the top ten of your grade?"

Fatty Zhang Zhen shook his head, obviously he didn't believe Lin Feng had this strength. Because since childhood, how about Lin Feng's performance, would Zhang Zhen still not understand? With Lin Feng's previous level of performance, this time the Chinese test paper can be taken at an average of eight or nine points.

"Fatty man, you are really right. This time I am in the top ten of the grade. I am still sure. I know that you don't believe me now, so let's wait for the day when the results come down!"

He patted the fat man Zhang Zhen's shoulder, Lin Feng said vowedly, then pointed to the basketball court and said, "Lu Hao from No. 2 Middle School is here again! How about our No. 1 middle school team? Why didn't you see the school? The basketball team is here to take revenge!"

"Come on! Take revenge! Now the grandsons of the basketball team, they all walk around when they see Lu Hao, they have no fighting spirit..."

Fatty Zhang Zhen shook his head and sighed, "If it weren't for Fat Master, I would not bear the fat of this body. I would lose weight a long time ago and then practice my skills. What is the second middle Lu Hao in front of Fat Master is a cloud. If I lose weight, I can abuse them with one hand and avenge my freshman year..."

"Haha! Fatty, you still say I'm bragging! Your own cowhide is not too small!"

Lin Feng laughed at Fat Zhang Zhen, and then found that there were more and more students from a middle school on the basketball court. Something seemed to be happening. Many students didn't even eat food and ran over.

"Crazy man, look at it... there seems to be something wrong on the basketball court. Let's go over and take a look, maybe! It's really those of the school basketball team, and they are not willing to challenge Lu Hao from the second high school... …Hey! Even though they don’t live up to it, we still have to cheer them on..."

Fatty Zhang Zhen also discovered the situation on the basketball court, and he went over to take a look with Lin Feng excitedly. Although he kept scolding the school basketball team for being unworthy, the sense of collective honor in his heart still eagerly hoped for the school team. Be able to fight a turnaround and get the place back.

"Yan Ran, it seems that our school team is here... Let's go over and cheer for them! I believe that with your school girl cheering, they will definitely work harder..."

Hong Fangfang is also a host who likes to join in the fun. Before lunch, he dragged Qin Yanran to the basketball court.

However, when everyone encircled the basketball court, there were only basketball players brought by Lu Hao from the Second Middle School. There was no shadow of the members of the lieutenant colonel team! As soon as the members of a lieutenant colonel saw Lu Hao coming, they smeared the soles of their feet. They didn’t know where to go and hid. Take the shame.

"Does your No. 1 middle school students only read dead books? You don't even know how to play basketball? Haha... such a wonderfully built basketball court for you to use, it is really ruined!"

When Lu Hao saw more and more No. 1 middle school students gathered, he became even more vigorous. In One Middle School, the only person he was afraid and jealous of was Zhu Haoguang, a black belt master pig in karate.

Therefore, even if Lu Hao came to a middle school to show off his prestige, he would stop at it. He didn't dare to be too presumptuous. Otherwise, Brother Zhu would not be able to make a living. .

But today, Lu Hao can just say whatever he wants, letting go to ridicule and ridicule the arrogant boys with good academic performance. Because he inquired that Brother Pig was seriously injured two days ago and broke his arm. He is now recuperating at home with plaster! He didn't come to school at all, and today was the last quality inspection exam for No. 1 Middle School. Lu Hao seized this opportunity and prepared to deal a severe blow to the morale and confidence of No.

Suddenly, all kinds of unpleasant and provocative words came out of Lu Hao's mouth. The students in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com No. 1 Middle School were angry, humiliated, and humiliated, but they were helpless unless one of them could beat on the court. Lu Hao.

"Lu Hao! This is too much for you! Our No. 1 high school basketball team is indeed inferior to your No. 2 high school. There is no suspense to lose to you. The basketball court has been used by you, what else do you want? If it sounds bad, please. Take it back yourself. If you do this again, I will ask the school leader to report the situation. From now on, you will never want to come in through the security room at the school gate..."

The school girl Qin Yanran who rushed over to hear these words really couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help but stand up and loudly reprimand and warn Lu Haodao.

"Report to the school leader? Humph! Qin Yanran, your No. 1 middle school is not only bad, but also bad! If you can't afford to lose, say it early! I can take my players right away. You think we are rare in your No. 1 middle school. Broken the stadium? As long as you say one thing on your behalf, you can’t afford to lose, you’re going to shame... Well! Let’s go right away!"

Seeing that Lieutenant Colonel Hua Qin Yanran, who he admired in his heart, was provoked, Lu Hao became even more excited, staring straight at her, paused, and immediately added using this as a bargaining chip, "Or... As long as you promise my girlfriend, you can do whatever you say, and I will take my people away immediately, and never come to the middle school again. How?"

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